
Calisthenics Calisthenics is a generic description for Body weight exercises. Running This is for runners and everything about running on keto. From sprinters to ultra marathoners, discuss how keto helps or hinders your running. Bicycling This forum is for riders, join us on Strava ( club 2KetoDudes ) Swimming This forum is for discussions about swimming. Ask Coach Allan Coach Allan Misner, personal fitness coach and host of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, answers your questions about keto and fitness, especially for those over 40 years old. Weightlifting building muscles not just for aestheticism, Building muscles and then using them is a great sink for glucose and insulin. Beginning How to get started ... you won't expect it but you will probably, suddenly, one day, want to exercise.
About the Exercise forum [Exercise] (6)
Food and Exercise [Exercise] (1)
Training for an Ultra on Keto! [Running] (9)
10k PB running on fat [Running] (14)
How to build muscle? ( 2 3 4 5 ) [Weightlifting] (95)
Never been serious about body-building, til now ;) ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 ) [Weightlifting] (134)
Ketone levels and exercise ( 2 ) [Exercise] (24)
Gaining muscle mass for dummies... (need it broken down a bit) ( 2 3 4 ) [Weightlifting] (67)
Rejoined the gym in my new town [Exercise] (11)
How can I ENJOY exercise? ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 ) [Beginning] (137)
First fasted half marathon! YEAH! [Running] (14)
Soreness after PT [Exercise] (3)
Resistance Bands progress surprising ( 2 3 ) [Weightlifting] (40)
Going back to the Gym ( 2 3 ) [Weightlifting] (50)
Berry, Norowitz and Feldman on LMHR podcast [Exercise] (19)
Preferences to tracking (apps, devices, etc.)? ( 2 3 4 ) [Weightlifting] (71)
Question for Those who Add Carbs to Ride or Run ( 2 ) [Exercise] (23)
Need help with Fitbit Charge 5 :grimacing: [Exercise] (7)
VR apps and games for fitness [Exercise] (7)
Struggling to keep my body moving :pensive: [Exercise] (14)
Adding back fruit ('targeted keto') + honey ( 2 ) [Weightlifting] (36)
Exercise in the morning and higher blood sugar [Exercise] (18)
Headed for gym, and need some input [Weightlifting] (13)
Bicycles... Let's See them...N+1.. (Pictures only) ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ) [Bicycling] (207)
Beginner Here...Help [Beginning] (11)
What happens when one twin does twice the workout of another (40 mins versus 20 mins/workout)? [Weightlifting] (20)
72 hours between weight-training? ( 2 ) [Weightlifting] (26)
Shoulder ache, need feedback [Weightlifting] (11)
Cycling Again, [Bicycling] (5)
Increasing weight, stuck in same weights going on 2 years ( 2 3 ) [Weightlifting] (51)