So, there’s a trail ultra here in my “backyard” on June 7, 2025 and I’m definitely going all in on this race. Please note I have no intentions of winning, I’m not seasoned enough and not built like a runner. I simply want to see how far I can go in 24 hours.
A bit about me, I’m 43.5 years old, 5’11" 207 lbs with a small spare tire and decent muscle mass. I was diagnosed Type 2 in May and immediately attempted a ridiculous fasting and keto adaptation regimen and failed. So then I resorted to Ozempic and I absolutely hate the way I feel on it so I’ve decided to dive back into keto. I ran 189 miles this fall, not as much as I wanted but that’s mostly because I wasn’t consistent and didn’t follow a training plan.
What makes this interesting as I’m recently back on Keto after a failed attempt earlier in the year. And although I’m not “untrained” by any means, my running hasn’t been consistent enough lately to see improvements in my 5k times. Which is fine, because now I have a goal and will hunker down to get those miles in consistently moving forward.
I went out today and ran a 5k (see image below), logged a 12:14 mile pace which is considerably slower than I’m used to, but I’m not terribly worried as this was my first “carbless” run and the wind was blowing around 25 mph. My plan is to keep slugging along at Zone 2 for January and February tom hopefully become fat adapted while I slowly build my base. Then in March, I will throw in some speed and hill workouts to prep for the race.
As to fueling strategies for the race, I have no idea how I will handle that yet, but then again I have 22.5 weeks/ 158 days until race day so there’s plenty of time to test methods out during my long runs each weekend. Anyhow, I’ll probably keep posting here with updates so y’all can follow along if you’re interested.