Well I hit the free weights yesterday. Worked arms, shoulders, chest and abs.
I was ashamed at how weak I’ve become but it felt good. My arms and chest are fine and my shoulders are a little sore but my abs really sore but the are tight and that feels good.
Never been serious about body-building, til now ;)
That is excellent I am so encouraged because tomorrow is my day suppo
sedly to start and I know I’m going to feel pretty weak but I also know it feels great to get back into it!
I still haven’t done proper workouts yet (doing my full body workout on the same day? it’s my goal since long but it’s surprisingly hard especially when the idea of workout enters my mind at 2pm when I start cooking) but my body still feels the change I have muscle soreness and I normally don’t have it after my workouts. I am easing into it, I have neglected my back and chest exercise for ages… My biceps is as usual but I really, really push it now, I want to raise my weights to 2x10kg already!
I am sure it will be better now that we get colder days!!! Yay! I just had enough, apparently. I feel too hot even in 24 Celsius unless I am sitting motionless in the air of the A/C. I do anything or drink warm tea, it’s too much And the heat didn’t do any good to my ability to bring myself to do things.
But no excuse from now on We even get rain!!! It’s very, very needed.
Oh, yes, abs. I should train those too… It is not nice as my core is SUPER weak. I tried to train it every day at some point (of course I forgot many times…) as I have read it’s okay… And anyway, I get exhausted in NO time so it’s almost no strain at all… Not very motivating when I can’t do, like, anything… I will go back to my frequent tiny core workouts!
How about trying some baby-steps @Shinita? I know I actually overwhelm myself by “thinking” all or nothing. I had big ideas when I went to the gym, finally, this a.m. Did good although I only did the best I could from becoming weak from no lifting/pushing.
Any exercise, on purpose, is good imo and once I do “something”, it makes me want to do more. I also worked out on empty stomach but keto has made that possible for me as I eat my last meal & I eat just 2 meals now, brunch from 11-12, or one if I stay out doing errands of gym. I don’t eat if I am not hungry. So I’m getting a good “fast” in from 5pm until 11 a.m. or longer. What is that 19-20 hours without food? That I never dreamed I could do
Thomas is not keto all the time. In fact these days most of the time he is not. He routinely eats about 100 gr of carb/day… Just FYI. One reason for this is carbs help to build muscle… How? Well, they boost insulin levels, and insulin is pro-growth, and will open cells to more protein.
That said, the first year I did this, I do believe I gained some muscle on keto… a good bit. After my initial weight loss however, my strength seemed to stall so I added a bit more carbs … like a grapefruit every morning. I then got up to 15 chinups and 15 pullups… my maximum ever. To maximize your mTOR after working out, you will need to forego keto, but it will also help you synthesize more protein. I can give you a new area of research too. As a post menopausal woman you are going to struggle to put on muscle. That is because believe it or not estrogen is pro-muscle. Like testosterone it promotes protein synthesis. You may even consider some HRT if you are serious about growing some muscle.
Last winter I did not do keto because I wanted to focus on growing muscle, so I did things to promote some insulin after working out, which even included using a stevia sweetener with maltodextrin(gasp… I know). Long story short I did gain muscle, but I also gained at least 7 lbs of fat… I think because I was using coconut milk in my protein smoothie. On the bright side I think I still have 4 or maybe even 5 pounds of that muscle gain, so I’ll be learning right alongside you this year…
Although you already seem to know it, to gain muscle you have to tell your body you need it. This involves really pushing yourself with resistance training. Muscle is “metabolically expensive” and your body absolutely will not make it, if you don’t show it you need it. This is why astronauts lose muscle in space. However, this also involves using resistance training wisely so as not to injure yourself… which will put a damper on your ability to gain muscle. So, there is a balancing act here. When I get up to 15 reps of an exercise, I generally add 5 pounds, and then repeat until I get up to 15 reps again. Rinse and repeat until you are happy with the results.
The reality is that the older we get, the more easily we lose muscle and the more difficult it becomes to rebuild it. A recent study had two groups of people; the average age in both groups was 65. Both groups lifted weights 3x per week over a 6-month period. Group A. gained no muscle mass at all. Group B increased their protein intake with a protein shake and gained on average 3 lbs of muscle. The takeaway is to eat lots of protein.
Lifting with heavy weights is not necessary. As we get older, we are more susceptible to injury and do not recover as quickly as we once did. Nail down your form first before you lift any heavy weight. A personal trainer can help with this. A trap/hex bar is a great exercise as it engages about 90% of your skeletal muscles. There is a very effective program that is super simple, and does not take a lot of time, and you will see results with muscles that are not sore. (google 80/20 powerlifting).
Ok, first of all, I did my workout this a.m. “before” I broke my fast It went very well, although I was really puffin, and feeling weak after being away from any kind of gym work basically since I began packing to move, and then just didn’t do much, not even my walks once I was settled in.
I took pics of the machines I used, and did one 3 sets with barbells, just to see if I could lift the 10 lb each, and I made it to 8 and started to wobble and give out, knew when to quit ;_ I also did more weight on the machines, heavy enough so I could do either 6 or 8 reps.
I took pics so I can remember the machines I used, but will adjust weight to what I can barely do the last one. I didn’t want to literally “fail” because I was worried I might drop the weights and make a racket like some do.
I was so done in though I didn’t even go in for a swim or jaccuzzi, but I know I’ll gain back strength. I hope to do my walks in between full body workouts. I just like doing full-body and I know some don’t recommend that, but I kinda like that sort of routine If I get real sore I’ll take 2 days off in between, just to make sure I am healing in between.
I’ll get the weights into my app saturday (due to workout then, hoping it’s not super crowded, usually not “as” on weekends )
Hi Dude, interesting read, and thank you for sharing it all. A couple of things, other than my age, I am up against is I’m a T2 diabetic, no meds for that, brought my A1c’s back into safer numbers just with keto. So, I have to keep my carbs low.
I hadn’t talked about this lately here, but I can actually eat popcorn now, as I tried it once early on in my keto journey, spiked my blood sugar up pretty high, scared me. But I tried it again (3.5 years into keto) with no significant change in my blood sugar ( went up to 110 is all). I tested more than once to make sure, and frankly, I was surprised, but happy I can have a snack like that when I want to.
The other thing is that I can’t handle HRT because it ramps up debilitating migraines that force me to lie down and wait them out. I have maybe 2 bad ones a year now, but won’t take a chance on trying HRT because not having migraines, only rarely, is something I only dreamed of growing up.
I do like Thomas and he teaches some interesting things, seems very knowledgeable, and there’s plenty of people that don’t always practice what they preach, including myself
I’m not sure what mTOR is?? but would like to know;) How do I apply your direction to “show my body I need it”? I have resistance bands, and pretty much think that’s the only kind of resistance workout I know at this point:thinking:
Also, I can’t forego my low-carb diet because I’m pretty sure “gaining more muscle” would be worth my high blood sugar coming back. I don’t think diabetes can be cured by Keto, although I do wonder if Insulin Resistance is curable with the right diet.
Your post really made me think a lot, and I don’t know how I feel about the info I’ve gotten that things like vegetables and fruits are not essentials foods for humans, I’m undecided now that I heard what you had to say So you’re saying they are essential to build muscle?
Glad you joined the thread, I’m always open to learning, but sometimes for me it’s just about being my own guinea pig because everyone has differences, one size of anything never fits all, denise
Hi FF, I do understand my limits at this age. I notice a lot of things slowing down, so my goal is really just to do the best with what I have left Right now, I managed to get my protein numbers up and my fat macros are very good as well, they finally got to a higher percent than my protein.
I am feeling you are right about not trying to lift too much weight at the gym. I really shaped up after just working out at my previous gym for about 3 years. I really just wanted to add more muscle so I wouldn’t look so thin, but maybe I will just stay with my normal workouts.
I definitely listen to my body as i do not want an injury, and done very well avoiding that so far I think if I just stay consistent with my uphill hiking walks, and all the gym has to offer, I will do just fine. I so just barely have the start of some bone-loss, so I upped some supplements that are good for that, and think of different weight-bearing exercise I can do. I feel stronger already with the few walks/hikes I’ve done lately, and now back at the gym after today thanks much, denise
Edit: forgot to mention I will look into the trap/hex bar, what that is exactly, and also the program you mentioned, the 80/20 powerlifting.
Popcorn is an OK snack, but I only recommend it if you add the butter after making it. Pre-buttered popcorn has been shown to have fairly highly oxidized cholesterol.
Well then, by all means don’t do it.
I am not inferring Thomas doesn’t do what he preaches. I absolutely believe he does. On his most recent videos, he says he’s been eating 100 gr of carbs in the form of vegees and fruits. He is not presently keto, and says that. But if you want to lose weight, he will definitely recommend keto to you. The dude is presently probably sub 10% body fat though, so doesn’t need keto.
mTOR stands for mammelian target of rapamyacin. It is a chemical our bodies make which is pro-growth… including muscle growth. I intermittent fast on my workout days to suppress it until after working out and breaking my fast. I then want to spike it to maximize muscle growth. I do resistance training 3 days per week.
I agree you don’t want high blood sugar to come back, but a blood sugar of 110 or 120 after eating is considered relatively healthy, so long as it drops back down… I eat meals 2x/day, and 1 time a day on workout days.
Well, technically T2 can. T2 simply means you cannot control your blood sugar. And for many people keto cures this. However, if you no longer have the ability to make much insulin, you may consider yourself uncured. Keto will def not cure T1, but yes, it can cure T2 in people who still have the ability to make significant amounts of insulin.
Yes, it is definitely curable.
No, not essential, but helpful, because again insulin is pro-growth. I haven’t tested my sugars after my meals, but when doing keto I still had some ketones when eating a meal with cruciferous vegetables. Yes, my ketones were lower, but I still had some measurable levels, and even lost fat while eating them in my meals. So, I ate asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, kale, and brussel sprouts almost exclusively - besides my entrees that is. I stayed away from grains like corn, and starchy root vegetables, and really most all other vegetables including legumes, which is what I would advise you to do. I seasoned my vegetables mostly with grass-fed butter and Herbamayer. I don’t know your stage of T2, but I believe many diabetics can handle my keto meal. Being that you are able to handle popcorn, I suspect this meal would be fine. Maybe you should try it, and see what your blood sugar does.
I should push myself though, I am a lazy hedonist, I never do too much when it comes to exercise so no worry about it. If it’s about my core/abs, as I barely can do anything, it’s always just a very very quick little thing. I just need to do it very often, maybe I get some results that way.
I have tried out my stationary bike again. I still can’t do it, my injured foot is still aching. I strained some tendon around my knee too but that has healed weeks ago. But my foot These things can last so long. Oh well, so no cycling/running yet. Not even jumping, that is painful too. Good thing lifting doesn’t involve any!
It’s when I feel strongest and have my workout, usually I had longer fasts on high-carb myself (as I lowered carbs, my fasting abilities deteriorated, it’s worst on carnivore… maybe I can get it back one day… part of it must be mental, it’s very very hard, practically impossible for me to wait until hunger so I eat too early. it was quite bad a week ago, now I can wait until 2-3pm except a few liquid calories… but it’s still too early. I am never hungry and I don’t like that)., okay, rarely, normally I just had a smallish eating window so 18-20 hour is still almost business as usual. But I normally had 16-18 hours, 20 isn’t special but not an every day occurence on any diet of mine. But it’s a normal TMAD, it suits me.
Doing OMAD was a bit odd for me as I skipped a day on high-carb occasionally (without trying, it was easier not eating for a day than eating. I had this once when there was a small party in the office if I can’t eat, I can’t eat. rare but powerful) but almost never ate only once a day I think… It’s often my aim but it’s hard, at least without much carbs. It’s trivial with carbs when I do want to do it. Oh well, a good TMAD is good enough, I just need too tiny meals then (at least a tiny one and a modest one) and I have difficulties with that. Maybe when I will get lean meat again! That is nicely satiating despite being quite low-cal. I need that. OMAD would be great as I could afford the (modestly) fatty meat I like with all the other things I cling to. But I do like eating twice. It’s difficult. And I want to come back fat fast days as it’s the only case I can afford really fatty stuff (I love those too). Actually, it’s a big fattier than my ideal (90% fat, it’s still lovely, it’s tiny food so it rarely gets truly too much) but feels good nested between lean (as lean as I can do, at least) days. It has many benefits anyway. Like, lowering my protein intake (let’s get back to the topic, sorry I got carried away) and while most of you probably don’t need it, I am sure I do. OR if I don’t, at least I can afford a really protein rich day afterwards? So I get a break from minimizing both fat and protein all the time (so much. I won’t turn either off completely every week). It’s tiresome for years without result… I don’t always do it strong, usually not, just whatever I can still (semi-)comfortably do but it’s still tiresome.
We have a COOL day. No rain yet but it is supposed to come soon. Superb.
Yes and it’s a great thing as elderly people, possible with health problems that goes unwell with big weights can just use smaller weights with more reps and it brings the same result, a YT coach I trust said.
I need my bigger (for me) weights as I get super bored with big reps 6-12, I can do that much. But I am quite healthy and not even old yet.
For which exercise/muscle group? I am always interested in other people’s numbers
Yes, be careful! So many people hurt themselves while working out, surely most can be avoided if one is careful.
I skip as many days as I need, sometimes it’s more than 2 days But it’s only when I do something I am not used to (restarting, maybe a new exercise that puts a different strain on my body. But my original goal of 3 full body workout a week… I just can’t do that, I need more regeneration. At least when I still did my complete full body workout at once (well I am at home and my focus isn’t so great so it still was quite a few hours but I did it on the same day! I haven’t done that since ages. it seems easy but it doesn’t mean I can do it by my own will). I still think I need to get used to my workouts and then 3 a week should be possible… But 2 isn’t that bad if it isn’t.
Oh poor you!!! I think I had a migraine once in my life. It was utterly awful (and I had really bad toothache a few times in my life. I can’t compare the two though, very different things). I just wanted to survive somehow… I appreciate I only had frequent normal headaches growing up (they are less frequent now, yay! I hate taking a pill every week. I may be very bad with pain but I got used to enduring a normal headache for several hours before taking a painkiller so I only take one when it’s very bad and stubborn). They were bad but I still could function with them, being busy even helped…
No one should have migraines ever (but I think this about so many things…)
Carbs for muscle gain… Considering my track record and experiences, I personally try to stick to carnivore(-ish) and let’s see what happens. When I inevitably eat more carbs, at least I should do my workouts, both mitigate the problems and maybe helping muscle gain?
I personally try to minimize my calories too but considering how bad I am at it, it shouldn’t interfere with muscle gain either… But building better habits is my immediate goal, not muscle gain so I keep this for now. When I won’t needlessly overeat unless I keep myself back, I may focus on muscle gain, now I just want to go back doing proper workouts.
I had times when I wondered if gaining muscle first would be the way but I am way too fat and anyway, keeping myself back from eating too much is a must for optimal muscle gain too. We just need some surplus, not a huge one… I am looking forward to a mostly carnivore winter, hopefully it will finally bring some very good changes so I won’t need to focus on my food so very much (and usually in vain).
Others obviously have different goals, different bodies, different desires and eating abilities and a different level of self control too. So they need a very different approach, I am aware mine isn’t usual (minimizing everything but carbs - but trying to stick to carnivore as much as I can so it’s still quite low-carb).
I won’t get back vegs but fruits? They are the number one culprit (by far) I can’t stick to carnivore(-ish as it’s not completely pure but it’s best for me) for long… Maybe I will have a time when I eat them after my workout… Sometimes I eat some during my walks especially in winter, it seems a nice time for it and anyway, I encounter fruit during my walks very often…
Just wanted to say that phrase caught my interest, and I think I get it. Somewhat like too little food energy tells your body food is scarce and it should reduce metabolism, the opposite would be heavy lifting telling your body it will be in danger if it doesn’t get stronger, which in some metabolic way promotes muscle increase. Even if I’ve got that wrong, I like the idea!
Good luck, Denise.
One thing I realize this can play mind-games with me. My first thought is usually,
“I’m going to go for a walk”, or “I’m going to do some stretches” or “I’m going to the gym”. It’s always something like that Shanita. But then I start making excuses for not doing anything.
What I’m saying is, if I stop the “thinking” process and start getting dressed to go outside. Once I am up and out of my chair, maybe away from the computer, I start just going on auto-pilot. I can’t let my negative brain rule over me on these things that are good for me.
I wish you the best in overcoming the obstacles that get in your way. Try to make a short list of things you “can” do, and try to keep away from all the things you “cannot do”. I think if we think too much the list of the “cannot do’s” will continue to grow.
I am only improving my activities, it’s been too easy for me to listen to the negatives, but this last bout of being “down” lets call it, has really affected the strength I had gained, and know I can gain it again (at least I hope I can). denise
PS Take all those things you know about, and put them into action, even in the simplest little, baby-step ways.
I won’t be doing the popcorn, I don’t believe I will, but I have to stand firm on not buying it again, I finished the box, not all in one sitting I feel so good when I don’t have any snacks after dinner, so that’s my goal now.
Curable? I would love to read more about that @scaperdude. Maybe from Ben Bikman?? Maybe Insulin Resistance isn’t an actual disease, but it can cause disease?
Thank you for all your input here by the way, and I want to add that I am truly happy, for the time being anyway on my foods, which I only add spinach, some seeds and nuts which are the carbs I am eating now. But your info is good in case I want to add a bit more variety in the future, denise
If you enjoy the walks and hiking, have a look at rucking. It’s basically a weighted backpack. I do it once a week, and it is truly amazing. It helps with so many things. Being in nature, a cardio workout, strength and endurance depending on intensity, can also be a zone 2 workout. It also helps with balance and stability as well. I do it early in the morning when the sun is coming up. Start slowly, and as you become better, you can lengthen the time of the workout or add weights or steeper terrain. I no longer do this in a fasted state. I fuel for the workout. I tend to be empirical by nature, but I think there is something about being outside when the sun is coming up.
Good info, I’ll think about it. It can only be “so steep” for my walks as I am in a residential area, but I get a very, good workout. I’d like to eventually do some actual hikes if I can meet up with others to go with. Probably the gym will be a great place to meet hikers! I’ve met several people already, at my first visit when signing up including getting to work out that day, plus yesterday I met two dudes my age So I’ll start talking about doing that and see if anyone knows a group, etc.
It’s been in the 3 digits heat-wise here, again:grimacing: and at midnight it was still 70 degrees lastnight. But early mornings, up until I’d say 10 a.m. it’s just right for my neighborhood hikes I’m resting today, except I have to take the time to stock up on groceries this a.m. I’m pretty acclimated now, but when it hits 90, I really need to get indoors
Oh I don’t make excuses (very often). I just realize I forgot to exercise and I am upset but what can I do…? Sigh. Walks are easier as I theoretically can just do it. Not in summer as it’s too hot during the day.
Yep, that’s good. Sadly, I am a different person in the morning. Going out can take hours sometimes and then it’s way too hot in summer.
I need to think hard about that… I don’t feel I can do m,uch. Theoretically I can do a lot but my track record is bad. I am not negative, oh no, I am optimistic and if I think about what is realistic, I end up with something too nice than won’t come true. It could! But don’t. I shouldn’t plan too much as even I get very disappointed if I fail epically…
Yep, I will think about this. And I am sure the cooler weather will help. I like moving, I need it too… It’s not a huge thing to do it, be it walking or lifting. I can’t cycle or running yet, my poor foot
I still didn’t do my chest presses, only use the barbell with its shoulder exercise weight. 17.5 kg, yep, even skipping several months, it’s way too light to me and I got bored after 16 reps. I will go back to my 2x12kg barbells But when I use the right weights, it’s hard to put them down alone… And while my SO is willing to help, it’s quite hard to find a time when I am ready and he is around for a while. He tends to be super bored so joins me We use the same weights for most exercises, sometimes he can’t use mine, I don’t think it’s about strength but he is uncomfortable with the exercise in question, I have such exercises, my elbow doesn’t like it or I almost hit myself or something.
It sounds good but my mind doesn’t work that way I just suddenly wants to be zillion times better, only because my current one is so bad… But I do appreciate any improvement! Like actually doin g my back exercise yesterday, after who knows how long! And today some chest presses even with a too light weight… So I am displeased with it, I should have do 2x12kg immediately but it was time for lunch and I can’t exercise after eating… And I wanted to do biceps and triceps and shoulders I let myself down so much BUT I still did much better than before this week… And hot weather truly damages me in various ways. I did a bit more lifting, I ate quite well… Even started to learn Italian, finally. It’s something! Not much but something. With my track record, it’s something I should appreciate!
And this thread helps so thank you for that. I probably wrote that before but I am really glad I can be here.
Never heard about it, I will check it out! I like hiking and did none in summer, obviously, it’s too hot. But weather will be perfect very soon…! I quite lack cardio especially now that I can’t cycle. That’s mostly not cardio either but sometimes it is
Oh I wish It’s more like for dawn and I can appreciate it’s not even more… But hot summer is basically ended now I could air the house in the not so early morning! It was really hard on me. And my tolerance dropped a few days ago so it is high time to get some cooler air! Weekend still will be too hot and I can go out in the morning. I need my walks and I didn’t have them this week.
I’ve gotten clear to the gym and walked back out and went home. I have to be pretty down to do that, but I’ll do it. If my mind and body don’t feel good, I’m going home Gotta go pilfer for food now, gads, how did I wait til Saturday, probably worst crowds this a.m. Wish me luck!!
I experienced many times that I just need to sit down/put on my shoes/grabbing whatever and things happened easily (the sit down was with studying as a kid :D). It’s not always like that but surprisingly often. Sometimes my mind isn’t my ally at all… It’s good some part of the same mind knows that… But it still can be difficult.
Today I barely was even home but anyway, I have a pretty serious (but not really troublesome) muscle soreness. I will get to used to my workout very quickly as always I know, it’s just for the beginning when I am rusty and it’s not bad, I just need more rest so I feel excited and motivated, not miserable because of it I can’t wait to do my next workout, probably on Monday! Now I want to train my legs too and it’s rare from me so I appreciate it. But I didn’t do it yet so just tentatively…