Progress   Maintenance

APRIL 2021 Maintenance Check-In (11)
MARCH 2021 Maintenance Check-In (9)
Feb. 2021 Maintenance Check-In (14)
DEC 2020 Maintenance Check-In (20)
Nov. 2020 Maintenance Check-In (11)
OCT. 2020 Weight Maintenance Check In (19)
SEPT. 2020 Weight Maintenance Check In (14)
July 2020 Weight Maintenance Check In (7)
Date night, dress still fits, wagyu steak reward! (6)
May 2020 Weight Maintenance Check In (11)
Are you STILL doing that keto thing? ( 2 ) (30)
April 2020 Weight Maintenance Check In (9)
2 years Keto....isolation ready (7)
First weeks of maintenance (20)
Feb. 2020 Maintenance Check In (15)
How much time do you devote to your “keto commitments”? (9)
January 2020 Weight Maintenance Check In ( 2 ) (21)
DECEMBER 2019 Weight Maintenance Check In (11)
November 2019 Weight Maintenance Check In (10)
I gained fat by eating too much fat (taking myself out of maintenance :( ) ( 2 3 4 5 ) (94)
Reintroducing dairy after elimination ( 2 ) (21)
What if "Eating to Satiety" ain't enough to reach prudent caloric targets? ( 2 ) (33)
My Wife Challenged Me About My Goal Weight ( 2 ) (32)
Binge or listening to my body? ( 2 3 4 5 ) (82)
Size 2 pants! (14)
OCTOBER 2019 Weight Maintenance Check In ( 2 3 ) (44)
Ideal Weight and Hungry (10)
SEPT. 2019 Weight Maintenance Check In (6)
Emotional eating/boredom strategies (15)
AUGUST 2019 Weight Maintenance Check in (20)