Progress   Fell off the horse

Carb Binge after Wine (18)
Back at it..... finally (19)
So, Covid happened (3)
Ran keto for a month or so. Quarantine has kicked my butt! (7)
Mental tricks and tips for getting back on keto? (15)
Totally fell off the Keto Wagon and got run over (8)
Took a 4 mo break from keto over the fall season, how long to get back in to fat adaption? (11)
Stuck in Keto ( 2 ) (24)
Fallen so hard not able to get back (17)
Thinking of stopping Keto ( 2 3 ) (59)
New medication // mad carb cravings // keto struggle (15)
Eating with other people ( 2 ) (22)
Ketosis and cheating (7)
Sugar Cravings - just need some support (10)
Fell off and struggling to get up (18)
Do you know all your triggers? (10)
Back on the wagon; fasting is my friend (3)
KETO may work (6)
Fallen off the wagon, trying to get back again (9)
Anyone go through some tough weeks? Need tips (19)
What's A Year And A Half? (14)
Do you *keep* falling off the horse? This may help (6)
I am THEEEE WORST KETONIAN (trigger warning) ( 2 3 ) (54)
Haven't fallen off the low carb horse but have temporarily gone non-keto (eating small amounts of chickpeas). Before this, my blood sugars had suddenly gone WAY up ( 2 ) (25)
Back- after 5 months of hell ( 2 ) (22)
Off the rails for 1 1/2 weeks! (4)
Pasta and Pain - help (18)
March Madness (16)
A year long slide (12)
Low-carb high-protein slip-up. Ate carbs this weekend (6)