Haven't fallen off the low carb horse but have temporarily gone non-keto (eating small amounts of chickpeas). Before this, my blood sugars had suddenly gone WAY up

(Ellenor Bjornsdottir) #21

i don’t even need an answer at this point

i’m just

i’m wasting your time with this thread

and i need to stop




Then no one should mind if we just lock it and move on to ither topics.

closed #23

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #24

My intention wasn’t to make you leave or not post. I was just telling you why. We don’t have an auto censor, we have humans. I’m working in the parameters of the forum, that’s all. It’s not personal. I was just handling a particular word.

You are here asking questions and that’s what the forum is for. You haven’t caused a problem for doing that. Using blur to cuss someone out is not acceptable, so avoid that in the future. Not because of the cuss words, but because we ask members to keep it civil.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #25

Because you are a person able to do this all by yourself.

You are asking good questions about keto, and that’s great. That’s what this place is here for. Community support.