Do you know all your triggers?

(Mother of Puppies ) #1

Ive observed some behaviors/ foods that have led to a stumble. This, in the context of ten days of eating almost pure carnivore (most frequently, brisket sprinkled with olive oil and salt).

The triggers have been pretty surprising to me, but I’m very grateful to have discovered them.

  • Eating too little chicken, olive oil and salt - I had a couple bites on the way to work one day and it left me VERY desirous of some Doritos
  • Berries, outside the context of a meal
  • Sweet Fat bombs, outside the context of a meal

Fortunately, I get back on the wagon immediately with some salty beef.

I had made sweet fat bombs to help my mom avoid sugar, but I need to avoid them, as well as berries and Keto desserts, for my own sanity.

What are your triggers? (Whether it’s an emotional state, a food or whatever)

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #4

A party buffet
Not enough keto variety and overdoing it on the meat for many days in a row.

(Mother of Puppies ) #5


That’s a thing?

The answer sounds obvious, but what do you do?

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #6

Obviously not for everyone. Plenty of people are living the carnivore lifestyle. But I find that if I’m not balanced on getting veggies along with my fat and protein, I tend to crave sweets and carbs more. If I have a mostly meat day here and there, it’s no biggie. If I do it for 7 days straight, that’s when I tend to fall off the wagon. Lately, I’ve been eating mostly meat for breakfast and lunch and having all my carbs in the form of a vegetarian dinner and it’s tasty and keeping me on track. But I’m still working it all out.

(Troy) #7


(Khara) #8

Celebrations, family gatherings, family staying with us for several days, stress.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #9

I don’t have any eating binge problems. If I eat carbs it’s always been a choice for social reasons. Not pressured, just something I chose to do. I don’t eat treats or deserts except on rare occasion anymore. I have completely rethought the role of food since I started eating KETO and have a healthy relationship with it.

My triggers are people who push my buttons. But it isn’t a food binge or off plan eating it causes. It’s through the roof cortisol for a while, adrenaline the whole amped up not thinking clear reaction. I can feel it for several days. Fortunately it isn’t a common occurrence. I think that’s probably as bad as going out for a 4000 calorie burger fries and shake combo would be for me. Recently I gained five lbs. in a week eating the same way I had been eating while still loosing weight before. :cowboy_hat_face:


Dehydration. I get extremely peckish when dehydrated when all that’s needed is water with some salt.
Stress. Makes me really peckish. Difficult to avoid in my line of work but it’s pretty interesting to see my little ‘cortisol belly’ after the stretch of paramedic shifts. Back to normal as soon as I have few days off without any change in diet.
Anything sweet, regardless of carb content - recovering ‘carboholic’, can’t have a sniff of anything or I’ll fall off the wagon.

(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #11

Dairy (which I’m mildly allergic to)
Fat bombs
Lack of sleep
Eating out in restaurants
Oh, and did I mention stress?

Because of my history and my PTSD, I tend to stress about everything, no matter how small. If I’m stressed about something I don’t sleep well, which causes more stress. I’m trying to restrict myself to a carnivore diet for a bit to get it under control, but I have intense cravings for my fat bombs (which I can easily make in about 15 minutes). I do a lot to mediate the stress, relaxation techniques, meditation, herbal supplements, consistent routines, etc, but it’s never completely gone.


Stressful situations
Emotional…anniversaries of the deaths of my parents and my brother. - and their birthdays, etc.
Family gatherings/celebrations

Recently, after completing a 7 day fast, I can say that there may be some victories over these triggers. I’m much more calm now, so the stressful situations aren’t getting to me the way they used to.
I was fasting over the time period that covered the first anniversary of my brother’s death and his birthday. No eating whatsoever.
Birthday celebration with the youngest son…fasted, and just had coffee. No food, no cake, no cheesecake, NADA.
So all in all, becoming more comfortable and confident in the social situations. Those around me find it way to difficult to argue with the results.