Keto Chat

Interresting. Is there a research that link saturated fat to heart problems? (10)
Was the forum gone/ offline for a week...? ( 2 ) (28)
GLP-1 / recent coverage re: withdrawal (6)
Fat Burn Zone (2)
Main Stream News Today (7)
Cetogene vegan (7)
Sleep issues 3 weeks into Keto (14)
Seeking a PCP (Dr) in southeastern CT ( 2 ) (22)
Antihistamines interfering with ketosis and weight loss (7)
Newby - diuretic effect of keto adaptation? (7)
Firm stools (6)
Most People Are Hesitant to Comment on Weight Loss (20)
They really like allulose ( 2 ) (28)
Egg yolks too thick (5)
Keto Pizza? (17)
CNN does a personal perspective piece on CGMs ( 2 3 ) (45)
Holland & Barrets hair regrowth tables (18)
Never thirsty (12)
In Ketosis eating 150 grams of Carbs a day (17)
Blood Pressure has cranked up (13)
Ketones higher then glucose ( 2 ) (26)
Prescription Medication causing issues with Ketosis? (9)
Question about seed/ vegetable oils (4)
Newbie question, how to get enough fat? (18)
Is high fat required? ( 2 ) (26)
Keto Under fire Again (18)
Psoriasis and Carnivore WOE (4)
US obesity rates drop for 1st time in a decade, study shows (11)
Salt Containing Dextrose (5)
Konjac/ Glucomannan recipe best practices? (1)