Which Gurus do You Rely on and Which do You Consider are Simply Cashing in or worse are Pushing Snake Oil?


This came from another post’s discussion of experts as well as a conversation I had with a friend where we had a disagreement over an expert that I thought tended to advocate whatever was popular.

Note, there are two thoughts here, some experts are well meaning and you agree. Some are well meaning but you may not agree and some you do not agree and do not believe they have anyone’s best interests. My question is not only about food but also longevity, sleep, exercise and other things having to do with overall health.

I trust Jason Fung, Peter Attia (although I do not always agree with him), Thomas Seyfried and Dom D’Agostino. I have always thought Jimmy Moore understood Keto well although it has been a long while since I listened to his podcasts.

Edit I am shocked to hear he is in jail as mentioned below.

I have been listening to the Longevity by Design podcasts although they had some experts that I do not agree with but overall I really enjoy them


Ben Bikman. Dom D’Agostino. Sean OMara. Gabor Erdosi.

:expressionless: Jimmy went to jail for messing with a minor.


Omg. I had no idea about Jimmy. How awful. I guess I should do more research into people’s backgrounds

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #4

Thomas Seyfried is brilliant, and Lustig I like too. Recently discovered Dr William Davis. Very good in his field I thought.

(Edith) #5

One of the podcasts I enjoy is “The Model Health Show” with Shawn Stevenson.


He doesn’t necessarily promote keto or carnivore but his show covers a whole range of health topics including sleep, exercise, brain health, etc. It is quite informative and I like his style.

(Bob M) #6

For me Peter Attia said so many things that were filled with cognitive dissonance that I gave up listening to him. And this idea that we should drive LDL to or toward zero is simply wrong in my opinion.

I like Dom D’Agostino, until he begins hating on things like carnivore, for reasons not clear to me. I still listen to the Metabolic Link podcast though.

I like Ben Bikman. I like The Metabolic Mind with Dr. Bret Sher.

I used to love Dr. Georgia Ede, but I found a few references of hers in her book I’m not sure about. Still think the book is useful.

I thought Chris Palmer was great, but he seems to be railing against keto. Multiple times, he excoriates keto people in this podcast:

And on another podcast, he was discussing a mouse study about alcohol and its effect (bad in the study) based on keto and basically attacking keto folks about drinking. 1) it’s a mouse study; 2) it’s a mouse study; 3) it’s a mouse study; 4) have you seen 1-3?; 5) I drink 1-2 drinks a week and sometimes it’s like I’ve had no alcohol at all and other times it hits much harder. No idea why.

I mean one of the reasons he went down the path he did because one of his patients tried keto and got tremendous mental benefits. Yet, now he’s phrasing everything as if keto people are psychotic defenders of keto to the point of being ridiculous. He could simply rephrase things and stop complaining.

So, I can’t tell if I want to continue to listen to Dr. Palmer.

(Chuck) #7

None I have learned to do my own research and listen to my body.

(Robin) #8

Chuck, we are the same. I’m embarrassed to admit I don’t watch podcasts or read the research. I was lucky to find out about keto and then even luckier to find this forum… where good people are happy to do the work for me. Otherwise, I just learn from my own experience.

(Geoffrey) #9

Low Carb Down Under has been a good resource for me. I also follow many of the mainstays on utube such as Dr’s Berry, Chaffee and Baker. I have recently been listening to Ben Bikman and Max German and find them to be very informative.

(Ethan) #10

For me, Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Mark Hyman. I think those 2 put me in the top 5% - 10% of the eating public and that’s as deep as I want to go.


He’s about 3 blocks away from here! I actually met him at a Chili’s a couple years ago, what was weird is my wife after that said she got a “Real creepy vibe” from him. Guess so huh?

(Alec) #12

Enjoy listening to and agree with most points: Ken Berry, Shawn Baker, Eric Westman, Low Carb Down Under, Public Health Collaboration, Ben Bikman, Paul Mason, Robert Lustig

Mostly agree but have got bored with: Anthony Chaffee, Jason Fung, Laura Spath, Ivor Cummins, Dr Boz, Carnivore Quest, Sten Ekberg, Harry Serpanos,

Do not enjoy listening to, but agree with most points: Bart Kay, Edward Goeke, Steak and Butter Gal

Listened to for a while, but gave up as I learned more about them: Berg, Saladino, Diet Doctor,

Think is just completely wrong on most things, and do not like listening to: Attia,

(KM) #13

I still think Taubes and Nina Teicholz (sp?) are doing well with collecting and presenting info. Unfortunately it seems like most of it is behind a paywall.


Wow really? What a shame about Dr Palmer. His interview with Dr Berry was really good. Why would he trash Keto when he stated so strongly that 80% of the patients in our nation’s mental hospitals could easily be discharged in just a few weeks of a Keto diet, and that he was discouraged that they all didn’t adopt the ketogenic diet as a norm. Ugh How sad to hear he’s talking this way now. I have only read his book and listened to Berry interview him. I guess I should listen to some of his podcasts now to see for myself.

Although I will admit I come across some really radical people in our community, (not here I mean the Keto community in general.) I often cringe thinking they give us a bad name. But then I feel that way about my Christianity too. :rofl: I guess every subset of people have their crazies and the world just loves to pick those few out and try to make them the headshot of the whole group when it couldn’t be further from the truth.

Quick, someone sweep Dr Palmer into the broom closet before too many people notice. :rofl:

(KM) #15

I feel like it’s a huge mistake to push your personal product during a discussion that is theoretically scientific. It makes it feel like an infomercial, and the potential conflict of interest becomes so obvious, even if the person is actually just filling a niche with a useful product, that I wind up dismissing whatever they have to say.

(Alec) #16

Which product is Ekberg pushing? I haven’t listened to him for a while, but he was not a product pusher when I was listening to him…

(KM) #17

For all I know this stuff is just great, and I realize he has to get the word out somehow, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when he ties his lecture in with his cure.

(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #18

The names Phinney and Volek haven’t been mentioned here, perhaps because they are researchers, not influencers. I like to listen to their lectures and interviews, because they do primary research in the field. Dr. Bernstein and Dr. Richard Feinman (“the other”) are other researchers who are worth listening to.

I used to read the Hyperlipid blog by Petro Dobromilskij (who always goes by “Peter”), a British veterinary anaesthesiologist, who writes about research into human nutrition. Many of his topics are too abstruse for me, so I haven’t checked his blog in quite a while. I don’t know if he’s even still writing it.

(Alec) #19

Of course the other 2 names not mentioned thus far are Richard Morris and Carl Franklin… now I used to listen to the Dudes religiously, but they are now off doing more important things…. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

(Alec) #20

Blimey!!! Reminds me of Mercola!! :joy::joy::joy: