Newer fasting information has shown eating in the morning and fasting later has produced better results, especially for females. Not sure why. I will try and find the study.
I met Dr. Attia at an event in Austin, TX. I spoke with him for about 20 minutes or so. On a variety of topics. Some of which he has changed his mind on. I met Dr. Fung at a Starbucks in Toronto. I spoke with him primarily about long-term fasting and different eating protocols, both in the short term and the longer term.
The internet is the wild west. Listener beware. 6 or 7 years ago, Ben Greenfield had on a doctor that was doing some crazy stuff. I did a basic search of the doctor on the podcast and found out that he had lost his medical license in California and in Washington and was dealing with a number of law suits.
In the US, doctors can sell anything they want and can push questionable health products all in the pursuit of riches. I have no issue with this as long as there is proper science to back it up. Other countries are more restrictive as to what doctors can do.
There has been no “News” on Diet Doctor since December 2023. Has that resource done it’s time? Any news on Dr. Eenfeldt? The were hiring in February 2024: looking for an AI Engineer. Did the robots take over! It looks like they shifted the effort into a new launch based on food satiety:
To me food satiety is a spin on nutritional density (what a minefield that is) with my old mate, Australian engineer, Marty Kendall. He comes at things from a Type 1 diabetes treatment point of view and engineering thinking. I think some of his physiology and biochemistry needs polishing. But I like the way he thinks.
Satiety, and it’s evil twin Cravings (would be good characters in a novel or a film script), are key elements in human interaction with food. It’s an interesting path to look down and it’s progressing, leaving ketogenic eating as an obscure methodology buried in the foundations, like a mafia built skyscraper.
I used to use Diet Doctor and subscribed to the podcast.
This takes me across to a satiety doctor who I find interesting Dr. Ted Naiman who advocates for protein satiety.
They are an interesting bunch. But they do not come to the ketogenic way of eating down my path, as they are all skinny dudes looking for different effects. It’s good to hear and read what they think, however. Then apply a personal context to see if it is applicable to one’s own existence.
I love Dr. Lustig, but he is not a weight loss guru per se. However, the vast majority of Americans would lose weight if they did what he says. I believe Dr Attia’s heart is in the right place, but damn he harps on apoB, and I just believe he is barking up the wrong tree. I see it much like harping on LDL - really not much difference. apoB is not the criminal… I believe the SAD glycates the apoB, and then the victim has glycated LDL which will easily become oxidized, and the person is on their way to atherosclerosis after years of this. But rather than harping on apoB, he needs to harp on keeping sugar down… way down. Then the apoB won’t become glycated, and then oxidized, and then contributory to atheroscelerosis.
I like most of the keto contributors, but keto seems to be falling from grace a bit, and I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s just the public’s tendency to eventually move on to the next craze. I wholeheartedly believe in the keto/low carb lifestyle, and have fully embraced it, and plan to live it the rest of my life. I believe it is especially important to health once we get past 50 years old.
I am not actually much on calorie restriction. I believe in eating whole foods until I am satiated. I believe this is the body telling me I have the nutrients I need. I have never counted a day’s calories in my life, and when doing keto I actually try not to reduce my calories. I am not saying calories are irrelevant, but I believe insulin is the much more important factor in weight control.
I have used IF, but not for calorie restriction… for effects of stimulating stem cells, and suppressing mTOR until after working out.
Please. I would love to see it. Since I have stopped eating at 5 I have lost a bunch of weight and no longer have cravings in the evenings
I hope DietDoctor will still be around. I never did much with their information but I love some of their recipes. I noticed about a year ago that some of their functions became subscriber only. If you want the nutrition information or want to double the recipe you used to be able to do that but not any more without a subscription
(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?)
He is an endocrinologist by training, but was the director of a paediatric weight loss clinic at the University of California at San Francisco.