Show me the Science   Show me the garbage

About the Show me the garbage category (2)
Ultra-processed foods? Sure, why not! (6)
Artificial sweeteners: not so good :roll_eyes: (19)
A glass of water to cure cravings (14)
Ultra-processed meat kills! [Well, sorta' kinda' - maybe not so much...] ( 2 ) (24)
Statistical fun fact! (15)
Seriously?Intermittent fasting?!?! ( 2 3 ) (43)
Eat sugar. Get ugly (4)
Man, I can't stand these kinds of studies (14)
Science done poorly - a delightful romp :test_tube: ( 2 3 ) (44)
Keto = Starvation. Tissue is going to burn off (7)
I didn't realise Walter Willett was so into veganism/vegetarianism, and also made so much money from the same (19)
To Become a Famous Scientist, Just Use This One Weird Trick (6)
Red Meat causes Diabetes say Harvard ( 2 3 4 ) (69)
Low-carb diets can *increase* your risk of mortality by up to 38%, a new study finds ( 2 ) (31)
Not such a thinly veiled attack on meat eaters: 12% of population consuming half of all the daily beef consumption in US (18)
Ozempic for 6 yr olds (7)
Erythritol increases thrombosis risk? ( 2 ) (37)
Cancer cured with lucky medallion (6)
Didn't Even Watch the Video (13)
The whole thing is complete garbage, but they did allow 14 servings of full fat dairy (7)
Egg yolks- bad for fatty liver ( 2 ) (28)
Keto-like’ diet may be associated with a higher risk of heart disease, according to new research (13)
Little known diabetes symptom can indicate T2 (not the Sarah Connor hunter...) ( 2 ) (23)
What position do you sleep in for optimal health? ( 2 3 ) (49)
Processed food Study (4)
New Study, Just out on Wednesday (10)
An Epic Study on Artificial Sweeteners ( 2 ) (31)
The ASCVD risk estimator overestimates risk of heart disease by ... a lot (7)
David Diamond's latest, this time about RR (relative risk) versus AR (absolute risk) for drugs for heart disease (9)