Red Meat causes Diabetes say Harvard

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #62

I know. Far from being deadly, saturated fat has helped improve my health. Going carnivore seems to be helping my health even more than keto. (Again, as you say, that’s a very individual thing. Some do better on keto; others of us, on carnivore.)

But I love the “keto is going to kill you” argument, because it’s usually accompanied by “and it’s an unsustainable diet, anyway.” So is it going to kill me before or after I return to eating all those carbs, lol! :rofl::rofl: And in my case, a big Nope to both arguments.


(Brian) #63

Yeah… I like that! :smiley:

I find it kinda odd that when I look at pictures of me 10 years ago and pictures, now, I see what looks like a much healthier person now. When I see my former friends who have doubled down on veganism after being away from them for probably 6 or 7 years now, many of them look so old and frail.

Interestingly, we ran into one of those vegan couples in the grocery store a few weeks ago, they did look frail. And the woman was even confiding to my wife that she was worried about what to supplement in her diet to try to get what she’s missing. It’s sad, they are just not open to any idea beyond vegan being the ultimate diet, mostly because “Ellen White said so”. And for them, there just is no other argument. Maybe one day their eyes will open, in more ways than one. I was once there and so very thankful not to be anymore. (Pass the steak! :smiley: )


YUP! Heard all those same bullet points on Mike Mutzel’s podcast this afternoon. Hilarious that the Nurses health study was a source, I thought everybody universally agreed that thing was the epitome of a joke. Unless that’s only us?

(Bob M) #65

I think it’s only people like us, who take the time to do some research. I see these Harvard-type epidemiological studies on Reddit’s Science community, and it’s always amazing to me the number of people who simply believe this stuff is true.

(Geoffrey) #66

Same here. I would have said that we are all going to die but at least when I go I’ll be pain free and feeling good and not racked with pain and miserable from eating the toxic crap in the SAD.

(Brian) #67

I had an older friend, many years ago, when I was just young enough to be entering the work force. He had a saying that seems to have relevance…

“Whatever you say is right, even if you don’t say anything, you’re still right.”

Looking back, that was a very nice way of putting the “middle finger salute”. LOL!!

In all seriousness, I don’t bother saying a whole lot either, unless confronted specifically about how I eat. I figure if someone wants to know, it’ll come up in conversation. If they just wanna preach to me about their veganism, well… “Whatever you say is right, even if you don’t say anything, you’re still right.”

Fortunately, most of my encounters with those pushing the vegan lifestyle are people that have been there long term and their health if falling apart. And even some of them will NOT, under any circumstances, even consider that there could be something wrong with their vegan mindset. Now if that door cracks open even a little bit, we’ll talk. Otherwise, I don’t have a lot to say.

(Brian) #68

Speaking of the "Red Meat causes Diabetes, I enjoyed this video. It starts out with something similar (not sure if it was a real study or not) about “Drinking Water causes Cirrhosis of the Liver” and uses the same messed up logic to get there.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #69

It struck me that the headline could just as easily have read, “Diabetes Causes Harvard, Says Red Meat.” It would be just as likely to be true, lol! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

(Central Florida Bob ) #70

It’s absolutely a correlation. Everybody who has cirrhosis has consumed water. It’s just as solid a result as Harvard’s red meat study.