
Running This is for runners and everything about running on keto. From sprinters to ultra marathoners, discuss how keto helps or hinders your running. Calisthenics Calisthenics is a generic description for Body weight exercises. Bicycling This forum is for riders, join us on Strava ( club 2KetoDudes ) Swimming This forum is for discussions about swimming. Ask Coach Allan Coach Allan Misner, personal fitness coach and host of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, answers your questions about keto and fitness, especially for those over 40 years old. Weightlifting building muscles not just for aestheticism, Building muscles and then using them is a great sink for glucose and insulin. Beginning How to get started ... you won't expect it but you will probably, suddenly, one day, want to exercise.
About the Exercise forum [Exercise] (6)
Soreness after PT [Exercise] (3)
Resistance Bands progress surprising ( 2 3 ) [Weightlifting] (40)
Gaining muscle mass for dummies... (need it broken down a bit) ( 2 ) [Weightlifting] (32)
Going back to the Gym ( 2 3 ) [Weightlifting] (50)
How to build muscle? ( 2 3 4 5 ) [Weightlifting] (95)
Berry, Norowitz and Feldman on LMHR podcast [Exercise] (19)
How can I ENJOY exercise? ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 ) [Beginning] (127)
Preferences to tracking (apps, devices, etc.)? ( 2 3 4 ) [Weightlifting] (72)
Question for Those who Add Carbs to Ride or Run ( 2 ) [Exercise] (23)
Need help with Fitbit Charge 5 :grimacing: [Exercise] (7)
VR apps and games for fitness [Exercise] (7)
Struggling to keep my body moving :pensive: [Exercise] (14)
Adding back fruit ('targeted keto') + honey ( 2 ) [Weightlifting] (36)
Exercise in the morning and higher blood sugar [Exercise] (18)
Headed for gym, and need some input [Weightlifting] (13)
Bicycles... Let's See them...N+1.. (Pictures only) ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ) [Bicycling] (207)
Beginner Here...Help [Beginning] (11)
What happens when one twin does twice the workout of another (40 mins versus 20 mins/workout)? [Weightlifting] (20)
72 hours between weight-training? ( 2 ) [Weightlifting] (26)
Shoulder ache, need feedback [Weightlifting] (11)
Cycling Again, [Bicycling] (5)
Increasing weight, stuck in same weights going on 2 years ( 2 3 ) [Weightlifting] (51)
Keto Adapted [Ask Coach Allan] (3)
Do I have to exercise in order to completely lose belly fat? ( 2 ) [Exercise] (30)
Summer 2023 exercise journal & and yack thread ( 2 ) [Exercise] (27)
Massage Gun [Running] (15)
Interpretting DEXA Results - Stronger but somehow with less muscle? ( 2 ) [Weightlifting] (28)
Who here rides an electric bicycle? [Bicycling] (4)
Lactic acid build up on keto? [Exercise] (9)