Struggling with Food Obsession

(JGL) #21

This is all beautiful advice and I just want to underscore and echo all of that with literally the tiniest addition that there SO many ways to do excellent low carb curries. They are one of my weekly go to meal preps now. The cauliflower rice or (shiraki rice noodle) swap is a great one. Don’t feel like curries are something you necessarily need to phase out or associate with intrinsically carby! I can send you some of my favorite recipes if you want. But Bob said the really important stuff that needed to be said. I’m just here to say Yaaaassss Curries.

(Arlene) #22

When it comes to giving myself permission to eat when I am hungry, I ask myself “am I hungry” several times every day. Eventually I really AM hungry, so I eat. The important thing is to honor my agreement with myself to eat if I am indeed hungry. If I don’t honor this agreement, I head for that mental trap of feeling deprived. After so many years of feeling the negative emotions with dieting and deprivation, I have a real mental block in this area. This is probably why scheduled fasts mess with my head. I don’t have high blood sugar issues. Eating ketogenic foods keep my blood sugar steady all the time. Hopefully your blood sugar issues will clear up soon.


this should be okay to eat. I mean, there are some versions of peanut butter that has only about 5~7grams of net carb per 100grams.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #25

Happy Birthday!

(Rob) #26

NO - It’s not the PB (though it is for many - eating PB makes me hungry)… surely it is the SANDWICH (bread)… :sandwich::sandwich::sandwich::gun:


That’s why I censored the sandwich. Because I mean only peanut butter and green tea.


First of all I want to say - great job! If you are struggling with it, that means you already on the way of changing your view and your mentality about the food.
As others mentioned, some people are more addictive to carbs, then others, especially if it was part of your everyday food for many years and even generations!
When i was starting Keto, I was struggling about the bread, as in my country we eat bread with every smallest dish, with eggs, soup and even fruits sometimes! And I thought it will be a disaster for me, as I loved it SO MUCH. And without eating bread I felt hungry even after meal.
What helped me in that case - step by step reducing the amount. Yes, it took some time to overcome both psychological and physiological addiction. I was trying not to buy it at all to avoid temptation (played on my laziness to go to shop for buying specifically it). I couldn;t find with what to replace it at the beginning. And then I’ve started to eat vegetables (right ones) each time I was ready to quit. I think around 2 month I worked just on it, not going deeper and you know what? I did it!
So from my advises:

  • Give it time - work just on your addiction before going into full Keto

  • Replace - find the right product, which you can eat each time you tempted.

  • Be strong;) Yes, I know, to say this to person who struggles, it’s kind of kidding. But trust me, you are stronger than you think! You just have to trick you body and your brain. It is possible.
    Eat tasty - Find your favourite products among Keto list and just eat it! Enjoy it! Keto diet allows to eat so many deliciouses, why not to play on it?

I wish you luck and I am sure - you can do it!!!

(Bunny) #29

Why I drink raw steak juice (grass fed of course):

”…If the buffer removed by critical acid should be ammonia from glutamine we have a situation where the ingestion of raw meat or meat juices would be the only known prompt remedy. The meat itself is acid in reaction, the juices containing the basic salts and most of the glutamine.

This probably explains the fact discovered 60 years ago that dogs fed meats without its juices died much quicker than if fed nothing. They will get acidosis from simple starvation but an aggravated acidosis if fed this kind of meat. In fact they soon stop eating such meat but the harm has been done, they have lost more of their alkaline reserves, and will die sooner than the dogs that received none of the acidic meat.

The general use of meat extracts for convolescent patients arose from these dog experiments but the extracts as commonly furnished have been cooked and super-cooked in autoclaves, so their only value is in more rugged constituents such as potassium salts and creatinine. The real essential principle that could be there is gone, the glutamine?

The University of Wisconsin proved 40 years ago that Hogs required 50 percent more feed if it had been cooked. Since then, no Hog feeder in his senses has been cooking his feed. But we realize that the science of animal feeding is about 40 years in advanced of our practice of human nutrition. …” - Dr. Royal Lee, Conversations in Nutrition - Volume One

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(mags) #30

I don’t really know why but I’m scared of making curries because they seem a bit carby. I’d be really grateful if you could share some recipes. Thanks


Very inspiring! It sounds very much like me - I will remember this advice as those carbs and sugar in my system are screaming out. I am definitely addicted and I want it to stop! Thank you, @Lovethyself

(Miss E) #32

Thank you for replying to this. I wasn’t long into my keto journey when I wrote that and after several stumbles off the wagon I often find myself in the same frame of mind with that early carb withdrawl struggle. I needed to be reminded of my own words.

(Rose ) #33

I found that cold turkey was the only way as even a tiny bit of sugar or starch and it gives me uncontrollable cravings.
I would suggest finding some keto snacks that you absolutely love and allow yourself as much as you like in the transition period. Cheese, nuts, hard boiled eggs, ham, pate etc. Then every time a craving for carbs hits allow yourself to gorge on those. Just to help you over the initial humps of physical addiction. I find that the physical addiction goes after a few days and then it’s much easier to control cravings.
Good luck!