Seem to be stuck


Ok, Chrono is saying that I’m burning 2324 calories a day and that I should only eat 1326 a day to lose weight. Which I haven’t been doing I’m averaging around 2000. If I’m understanding what you are saying is I’m better off to eat 2400 and fast for 48 hrs instead of dropping my calories for the day. I’m doing omad if that matters. But if I skip a day do I need to worry about going over my calories a day? While fasting, also, I’m guessing the longer you can go the more fat adapted you are, is that right

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So you were 188, and you lost 40lb in 3 months.
Holy cow! You have done very well, and should be pleased with yourself, despite not losing for the last 6 weeks or so.

It sounds like you are tracking your macros well, so changing them up a bit, should be quite straight forward for you. Try dropping your fat to somewhere near your protein. You might want to do it in steps, over a couple of weeks, so you don’t get too hungry. At the same time, it wouldn’t hurt to drop your carbs to 15 or 16 for a while, and see what happens.

This will mean that your carbs are around 16 and your fat & protein are roughly the same (fat maybe a few % higher). You should see some changes. I wouldn’t adjust your calories too much for now, unless you feel you can quite easily. It’s difficult to eat much less that 1100 - 1200 a day on a regular basis.

To make these changes, you can try changing some of the meats you eat, to a less fatty cut (oh my God, that’s going to open a can of worms on this forum!). You may find, that’s all you need to do. Or, if you eat fat bombs or lots of cream, just tone it down a bit.

I wish you well.

(Mark Rhodes) #27

But it doesn’t keep getting better and better and will still give itself over to glucose first. Then afterward will shift back into burning fats easily.

Better discussion of fat adaptation can be found here: How do you 'feel' fat adapted?

(Candy Lind) #28

It will pull from your fat cells only for a time, then sets up The Berlin Wall to save you from starvation. Insulin Resistance is the culprit. It blocks your fat cells from releasing energy, it requires you to eat more and more, it completely whacks your hormones & metabolism. You have to eat enough to overcome IR and get to the captive fat cells. It’s a constant readjustment act to keep your body guessing about what you’re going to have for available fuel.

If you’re still having carb cravings, look up some recipes early and make sure you have plenty of choices available that are keto friendly. I may (no, I DO) over-eat on special occasions these days, but it’s always on keto foods. There were SEVEN desserts on the dessert bar last Christmas (I had keto cookie dough). There were two non-keto pies at a big family birthday BBQ last Sunday (I stuck to brisket, turkey, & guacamole). The list goes on. I’ve never been tempted beyond my ability to abstain. It’s really nice to have control over my pie-hole again.

(Candy Lind) #29

I agree with what was said about your being so close to goal weight. If you’re stressing about a number, ask yourself - “How do I feel?” “How do I look?” (BE OBJECTIVE!) Could it be that your body is happy & content where you are?

If you’re really concerned about more subcutaneous body fat, it might be that EF will be your answer. Many people here on this forum use EF for the last few pounds, and then to maintain, and they KCKO in between.

(Wendy) #30

True but I am just, and I was sharing my experience for these last 10-20 pounds.
I am hoping to get leaner I just don’t care about the scale number anymore.