I feel miserable

(Carolina Starzynski) #1

Hey guys :slight_smile:
I have started to try fasting a week ago, and I really fail at it. I feel hungry, tired, moody, irritated, have a headache and all I can think about is when will I be able to eat again. There was one day though that I felt greater than ever, so that’s why I keep trying.
I don’t know, are there some people who can’t fast? Or is my mind playing tricks on me? What am I doing wrong?


(Joey) #2

@carolinastarz If you are feeling awful as you’ve described, then fasting at this point in time is not for you.

Not clear about a lot of other details (when you started keto, what your overall objectives are, how many meals/day you now comfortably eat, any other health issues, etc.?) but the bottom line is that fasting - either intermittent or extended - is not supposed to be making you feel so miserable.

You might try just skipping breakfast - eating a satisfying lunch and dinner - for a start if you really want to pursue fasting in one form or another. But for now, absent other information about your situation and your goals, I wouldn’t do anything that makes you feel that miserable.

If you’re still new to keto, much more important to get into the new eating habits/choices and stay VERY well-hydrated and VERY well salted - to maintain electrolytes. Being either dehydrated or lacking sodium and other essential electrolytes can easily produce many of those unpleasant symptoms you’ve cited.

Best wishes!

(Khara) #3

Are you consuming an electrolyte mix or even just salt?
How long have you been eating a ketogenic diet - are you fat adapted?
Are you at or close to ideal weight? People with little body fat often have difficulty fasting.

(Susan) #4


It says on your information that you only started Keto in July; so I think it is just too soon for you to try fasting for you if you are struggling with it.

I think all you should worry about is eating 20 grams or less of carbs a day, getting enough proteins, healthy fats, eating enough calories, and keeping your water and electrolytes up. Maybe doing two meals a day like at noonish and suppertime will be okay, called IF (Intermitant Fasting) and then later on, maybe in 2 months or maybe longer, then you can try to do a 24 hour fast, and if that goes well, a bit longer. Fasting is great, and does have a lot of benefits, but since you are new to Keto, I would definitely wait! If you do, then it will be much easier when you are fat adapted =).

(Carolina Starzynski) #5

Hey Joey! Thanks for the answer…

I’ve been on keto only for a month, and as I was feeling way less hungry, I decided to skip breakfast, and that’s how it’s came out. Before that I was having only breakfast, lunch and dinner, sometimes with nuts/ a boiled egg in the afternoon.

But you are right, it may be too soon. I’ll probably late a little longer. I work late and when I come home I have little energy to cook/eat a satisfying dinner. Maybe I should try skipping dinner instead?

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

(Carolina Starzynski) #6

@KBG I consume just salt, and since I’ve been on the diet I’ve tried to raise the salt, the problem is I don’t like it very much. I may be lacking sodium??

About my weight… I’ve been on keto for a month, I was with 80kg and now I am with 73kg. My ideal weight is 64kg so I’m about half way through… I wouldn’t say I have little body fat though…

(Carolina Starzynski) #7

Thank you @Momof5!

I am indeed very new to keto diet, maybe I should wait. The IF is what I’ve been trying, but since I start my activities at 7am, at 10am I’m feeling miserable as I described! I’ve considered trying to skip supper instead…

(Susan) #8

For now you could just try to have a big breakfast (maybe bacon and eggs) and lunch and see if you can skip supper or have a light supper if you still need it.

When I started I watched a video on youtube about trying to do 12 hours from supper to breakfast to start, to give your body a 12 hour period of no eating at all, so a 12:12 IF to start, maybe that would be a good starting point, then you could lengthen it over time as your body becomes fat adjusted.

There is no need to be hungry on Keto, especially when we like to think of it as a lifestyle change, just not a diet that you are on to lose weight. Keto has so many health benefits for us, even after we have lost the weight and are in maintenance =).

(Joey) #9

@carolinastarz When it comes to salt, if you “don’t like it very much” then perhaps your head might be taking charge (instead of your underlying natural cravings/taste buds)?

Much like eating fat to satiety in order to discover when enough fat is enough, consuming salt to satiety is similar. Your body does a pretty good job of telling you (through your taste buds!) when enough salt is enough - although it’s pretty darn hard to consume too much (since, with a normal functioning kidney you’ll excrete any excess, especially if you’re not overdoing it in the first place).

But if you’re starting out on keto, which by all accounts increases your need for water and electrolytes (i.e., salt and related elements), and you still “don’t like it much” it sounds like your mind might be getting in the way of what your body is desiring.

As opposed to trying to “consume just salt,” I would suggest sprinkling salt on as many food items as you can without taking the joy out of eating them. I found freshly-crushed sea salt on my salads and veggies makes the flavors pop like never before. And of course I’m chugging that keo-aide (homemade gaterade without the sugar), and still finding I love the salty taste.

Just be careful not to “under-do” the salt out of your “better judgment” telling you not to consume it. That’s the same struggle many of us have with upping our saturated animal fat… we have those little voices stuffed into our heads repeating all that fictitious science that never was based on truth and facts.

Only you, however, can decide what your body really enjoys - so listen carefully to whatever that is and weigh that input most heavily in your choices when deciding what to put in your mouth. However, if you’re like most everyone else, when you switch to keto, you need more H2O and more salt (sodium chloride) and other associated electrolytes.

(Marianne) #10

Hi Carolina

Don’t sweat it for now. How long have you been on keto? I don’t particularly enjoy fasting, just because I enjoy eating so much, but I do a 48-hour fast once a week. I could do (and have done) a 72-hour, but I just don’t want to - at least not now.

I would say if it is difficult and you don’t enjoy it right now, don’t. If you start and it just gets to be too much of a bummer, break it and eat your next meal. Maybe try to get down to OMAD comfortably and then see how it goes, or wait until you are sufficiently fat adapted where your body isn’t rebelling against not having food for a semi-sustained period. Fasting is great; I just don’t believe in forcing it or doing it to your own detriment (physically or emotionally).

(Susan) #11

This is ketoaide an electrolyte drink you can make yourself as well, that Joey was talking about =).

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #12

The KetoAide is pretty good. I add about 0.25ml of peppermint extract to mine :slight_smile:

(Khara) #13

This is how intermittent fasting came about for me as well. It was a natural progression and that seems healthy and logical to me. It sounds like you are on your way to being ready for it. Lots of great advice above. Definitely though, a lack of enough salt and electrolytes will make you feel crappy and lethargic. I like the keto-aide recipe as well. Once I got the recipe down it became a regular and easy thing to add to my days. If you are wanting something warm, I really like beef broth (bouillon) to drink which is nice and salty. Keep in mind your body is still adapting. My understanding is it isn’t just a switch from not fat adapted to being fat adapted, it’s a progression and your body will get better at it with time. Good luck!

(Khara) #14

Peppermint extract… interesting. What flavor of magnesium citrate are you using that goes well with this? We have only flavored stuff here. Grape, cherry, lemon. I’m thinking lemon, it’s the mildest.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #15

I like salt but not drinking it. So if you don’t really like salt you probably won’t like ketoaid. But no fear, as suggested salt your food as heavy as you can. It also helps to use salt while you cook instead of just on the surface of the food on your plate. They used to tell people not to salt while cooking when you try to limit sodium. Whenever I feel off I take about 3g. of the Pink Salt Rocks they sell for grinders. Just wash them down like pills with a big glass of water. It gets you feeling better in minutes. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Susan) #16

I haven’t been able to find the magnesium citrate here I take some in pill form daily though and eat my Pink Himalyan salt.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #17

I’ve always loved salt. Since starting keto 15 months ago I have had one severe headache. It came out of nowhere. Might have been sinus related as one eye turned really red. I started craving salt big time. Ate salt like candy. Sent hubby out for potato chips. After the salt fest I felt much better and slept the headache off. I’m menopausal, but from day one of my first period, needed salt to get through. I am 61 and have normal blood pressure so i don’t worry about salt at all. I believe we need more than most people get. Salt has been demonized for years. For me, at least, my body sends clues when I need more.

(Susan) #18

When I started Keto I was always trying to avoid salt as I thought it was bad for us, now I make sure I am eating enough, hehe.

(Carolina Starzynski) #19

Thank you all for the great tips!

I think I expressed myself wrong when I said I didn’t like salt very much. I don’t like to put a lot of it in my food, because I can taste less their natural taste. I am a huge fan of vegetables and I just love how they taste… bitter, sweet, like dirt :yum:

But on the other hand I think I could totally drink salt. I will try to make myself the recipe posted here and will bring news about how it helped with the IF :blush:

(April Harkness) #20

Just like @Momof5 said, start at 12:12. Great advice. Slow and steady. This is how I started. Just 12 hours. I am now Omad but it took a little over a year to get to this point. Ok, a year and 1 month. No reason to push it.