I track a lot. My numbers are all over the place.
I never could do 700 kcal deficits without being really active (well maybe after a super overeating carby day but that doesn’t count and doesn’t even happen anymore)… I eat a lot, I can’t help it. Since I first tried out carnivore, I tend to have small meals here and there (and after a big enough lunch I usually have a tiny dinner… a really big enough lunch results in no dinner, that’s the best but rarely happens. I just can’t eat enough for it on my proper carnivore-ish).
I know nothing like this. I must eat little enough calories as I want to lose fat. Counting doesn’t matter, just the deficit, though. I almost always count, had to before carnivore-ish as I had to check my carbs. I disliked that I couldn’t avoid tracking for a day on keto I need breaks from it, I am tracking since several years but not all the time. lost nothing since, just gained. I mean, I lost a bit but gained back on off times and I had a quick stress gain too.
Not everyone loses fat automatically on keto, not even when trying to eat as little as possible (it’s only a good attitude for people like me - and I had to stop it on days when satiation was too quick. and I do the opposite on OMAD), I never did.
Tracking helps, gives me information. It doesn’t help losing fat though, well not me I track dutifully. Even if it’s 4100 kcal on carnivore (I need to go below 1800 in less active times for a very slow fat-loss)… That was a fun day, I kinda avoid too fatty staple items since…
(Yep, one benefit of tracking is to get funny numbers like 5g/kg protein for LBM and stuff. And I see when I do a record. My lunch was 46% fat yesterday… Well that’s why I did my best to eat the fattiest comfortably possible dinner. I dislike wasting precious protein.)
I would do whatever my body tells me - unless I am aware I eat way too little on my normal days. But I almost never eat too little. And when I do, my body automatically triggers a high-cal day but I hate being so desperately hungry so I like to take steps before that happens.
It matters how much fat you have to gain fuel from it. My 40lbs just isn’t enough to go super low with my calories BUT it’s a moot point as my body is against any deficit so it’s a big fight to get a tiny one… Sometimes… And not to do 1000-2000 kcal surplus too often… (And this is avoiding added fat and plant carbs.)
36 hours isn’t sooo long so I wouldn’t add extra food just for that if my body would feel fine.
OMAD is actually a needed thing to me. I eat way too much without, no matter what. (Almost no matter what but I won’t force myself onto some woe I hate.) Not every day but in average. I can’t often do TMAD anyway. If I have 2 meals, I probably have 4-5 meals nowadays. Too small meals do that to me.
I have small eating windows now (3-4 hours) but I just can’t do OMAD, apparently. I will try harder as it’s so great when it happens…
My activity is slow with all the rain and my aching sprained ankle, I just can’t afford 2 meals. And they cause various problems like going off carnivore(-ish)… Food boredom is a smaller problem on OMAD. As food boredom almost always triggers eating sweet desserts (as I can’t stomach anything else very low-carb. well not that very as I only have xylitol now but good enough for me in desperate times), I really want to avoid it.