Another Carnivore Thread


Wow, I missed a lot, caught up now :slight_smile:

@Fangs I meant it as someone wrote above: you’re not hungry, but you eat because you’re bored, stressed, etc. Or like barefootbob wrote, he ate past his signal and then felt bad. I guess I’m thinking too much of a good thing is a thing? Maybe I’m still baffled by the amount of meat you can eat? :joy: Thank you for taking the time and explaining carnivore for us slow kids in the back of the classroom.

And my response to weather? We have a continental climate, warm summers and cold winters, well, we used to :wink: I drove to work at 7:30 in the morning on the 21st of December and my car told me it was 13 degrees C… It has been a bit colder these past few days, though.


Yep, I don’t know about this forum but on reddit, spinach is the Holy Grail for ketoers, it seems. But surely simple ketoers have different ideas about that too.

I wasn’t clear, it seems. All carbs make me hungry, it doesn’t matter if it’s spinach or sugar though most fruits were always the worst. It doesn’t matter if it has fiber or not, big volume or little. It’s mostly about macros.
Sugar feels worse though, bigger shock to the system.
For me, at least.
Long term carnivores are quite different from me, obviously, the gut biome changes and whatnot, it’s time to read about those things again…
I am still used to eating vegetables and other carbs, I just function better with less. Pure carbs and apples feel especially bad even in small amounts. It’s individual on keto/low-carb, I don’t know about long term carnivore… But almost everything is individual, our sensitivity is different.

I am a bit curious what happens with someone who seemingly handles carbs very well on carnivore vs with someone else who never was good with carbs. Will they keep their individual limits to some extent despite the changes?
I mean. I was a high-carber and I didn’t feel crap all the time. Now I know I wasn’t really fine but I felt okay back then.
When I went low-carb (<80g net carbs), I realized I crossed some limit. I still have this limit. I feel fine below and I feel much worse above and I get carb poisoned if I overdo it. I would feel extremely awful on high-carb now and it can’t go away. But my limit stayed the same.
Other people feel just great eating tons of carbs. And some people need to go very low to feel okay. Lower is better for me as well but I still don’t suffer below my own limit. I feel about the same out and in ketosis, there are only subtle changes sometimes. And at a lower point, something happens again and it’s very noticeable just like my other limit.
It’s very late now and maybe I know way to little even to pose a valid question but I wonder how these individual things change on carnivore. It’s still very individual on keto, I know that much. I guess it’s individual on carnivore as well as almost everything but maybe our body changes in interesting ways…
And if a carnivore stops being a carnivore and get used to more carbs again if it’s possible for them, what happens with this limit? Or is there such a clear limit for others too? Ketoers often talk about that ketosis is extremely different for them. I have my two limits elsewhere (despite ketosis should be clearly different. It is, I just usually don’t feel it, it’s not noticeable in my case. fat adaptation was the huge thing for me, not ketosis).
Okay, I go to sleep now and try to avoid the forum for a while, I am still very addicted.

(Shane) #1004

Can someone define overeat for me?
For the last few months I was eating 3000-5000kcal per day and stalled weight wise. One day last week I ate over 6000kcal.
Did I overeat at any stage?


Exactly what zero carb eating gives a person. You kept eating some cause you could but you didn’t truly overeat. This is where my definition is different. If your body could eat it, take it in, swallow it and not puke it up cause it couldn’t stand it, then ya didn’t overeat truly.

You ate past a level of comfort for your physical stomach. Sure I get that. Your mind said don’t waste these few bites. You made that decision on that meal. Thing is you learned right? You learned to eat til full and stop. Which is what the plan is all about :slight_smile: One can only learn this if one eats to their fullness and learns where their natural level of eating should be. What zero carb eating teaches us.

You eat as much as you need to learn about what you truly need. With total abandon one will eat and eat and feel maybe badly and what does that give us? It gives us insight to learn from this statement of you can’t overeat on this plan. You learn on this plan.

That is how I come at this. Boy we must all be coming at it from different approaches and thinking LOL

I have eaten my tummy full to where I think omg how could I eat that much. I am ready to die here…did I think for one second I overate on carnivore. Nope. I ate as much as my tummy would hold. I went into a more uncomfortable state. Did I truly overeat in a bad sense of that word. Nope.

I am laughing here cause we all are defining it so differently :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


if you are eating zero carb, no you did not overeat at any time.

just eat the meat :wink: that is all this plan is about.

we don’t count calories. even tho I know some plug in their meats to ‘see what’ the calorie amt. might be cause they are curious.

you are eating as you need to eat. always follow your hunger. zero carb means just eat as you need. Your bigger eating will eventually back off as it does for most people. You are doing your own individual journey. Keep the faith and keep on trucking :slight_smile:

(Shane) #1007

I am carnivore. What if I had hemochromatosis where too much iron (the bulk of my food is beef) can lead to life-threatening conditions?
The second question was rhetorical and I know the answer, by my definition, was maybe I did.
I really want to know what others think overeating is.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #1008

For me I define over eating as not feeling like doing anything afterwards because your zonked out. I don’t think eating should make you feel like you need to lay there till the discomfort passes. I think eating should energize you. That’s me, I don’t like forced down time or a post meal energy crash. If I’m satisfied and still comfortable that’s optimal for me. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #1009

I just looked this up for S & G, that’s the equivalent of 5 1/2 lbs of boneless ribeye!



I personally don’t know. I never researched any of this so I can’t give you an educated answer on it. Someone on ZIOH probably could :slight_smile: I know I don’t have info on this.

Overeating to me, ON A carnivore menu does not exist.

Overeating as a word in the weight loss world has negative association tied to it. Bad ones. You ate more than your share. You ate more than your allowed calories you bad person. You should be punished for eating too much, no food for you til tomorrow cause you overate already early in the day. You should not overeat you piggy you…this is my association with it and more to me. Overeating is a bad thing when we chat in weight loss forums on it. There is nothing good said about overeating on a ‘diet chat forum’ that I ever found :slight_smile:

Now one can fill their belly full of meat and feel uncomfortable? Sure.
If on carnivore plan did you overeat? Hell no ya didn’t LOL
Carnivore is allowed to eat all they can. Did we push into uncomfortable, yea the belly is full but we did nothing negative at all.

We did no harm to our body from that food we did eat. Is our belly too full cause we crammed in a few more bites, yea, —but did we overeat and do true harm according to our plan we follow? Nope. Does our meat harm us ever? Nope.

I never zonk out on zero carb. Never. I can eat so much and while I might feel uncomfortable and don’t wanna do jumping jacks for fear my meat might come back up doing that LOL I sure am not zonking out. I can easily do things very full. I don’t zonk out like a carb loaded meal would kill me. That would make me very tired. Carb slug. I don’t get meat sluggy feelings ever from my food intake.

So I never experience zonk out or any ‘bad’ from eating til very full on zero carb. Now that could be cause of my long time on plan. Everyone will vary in their journey, where they are at in their timeline eating carnivore so…my experience now might not be anothers. I get that.

(Shane) #1011

Yep, that’s one thing I would think of as overeating. I do workouts or, say, mowing the lawn before I eat because I know I won’t want to or be able to work as hard after eating.

I had a kilo of fatty meat, 4 eggs and 900g of sour cream. I expected to feel bad afterwards, but didn’t. I haven’t had any dairy since.
A couple of weeks ago I was on the road and then my boat. I had 600g of sour cream and maybe 300-400g of hard cheese and had a terrible night and ended going home the next day after it was safe to travel :poop:

(Shane) #1012

You gave an answer in your first reply.
My point would be that no one can give good advise with zero knowledge of the circumstances. I’m sure if I looked I could find a number of reason not eat much meat. Actually a member of my household has high iron levels and has to be careful not to eat too much red meat. She eats a lot of ham and pork with added cream and some stuff from the spice rack.

(Shane) #1013

A bit more info about my 3000-5000kcal per day and stalling.
@barefootbob, list of benefits near the start of this thread have been similar here. Of note is being leaner. Even though I was probably eating more than I needed to, particularly to lose weight, I became noticeably, to me, leaner, put on muscle and dropped a couple of clothes sizes while staying the same weight.
After the 6000kcal day I dropped to around 3000kcal or a bit less per day eating just beef and eggs. Ran out of beef yesterday and had bacon and eggs and pork later. Weight loss has restarted and I dropped another kg bringing total loss so far to 46kg. I still want to lose more, but I think I’ve passed the point of big losses and I’ve entered the second phase where I work on getting leaner and add more muscle. I could see a difference in leanness after that 1kg, as well as a tightening of some loose skin.
All I have to do is lose another 14kg total while adding 5-10kg of muscle to get back where I started before I put on 60kg and lost muscle.
That’s going to be a fun challenge for a lazy bloke in his 60’s with a lifetime of injuries. I know it will require a lot of quality protein on a stricter carnivore diet.


yes I did. A correct answer to your question posted from basic carnivore guidelines. :slight_smile:

Had you stated it that way the first time you would have gotten a different answer. It is up to the poster to give all the info needed in their post. They leave out vital info then that is one them.

Every individual has their own set of ‘whatevers’ in life. If you don’t mention them how can one ever make an informed reply back? Can’t happen. Trick questions leaving out info won’t work LOL


This has been on my mind. And like any thinking gravity it is attracting more particles of information.

On immune mediated arthritis:

Yes, Mikhaila Peterson - acknowledgement.

I have a faint recollection that the scientist Gabor Edosi (sp) spoke of immune mediated arthritis in his lower back that originated from bacterial toxin in his gut that produced antigens in his blood stream leading to the arthritis. That was reversed when he stopped providing that gut biome bug the wheat based nutrition it needed to thrive. I think that was from an interview on the Fat Emperor podcast with Ivor Cummins.

On rebuilding cartilage:
One of the Doctors on The Low Carb MD podcast mentioned a talk with Prof Ben Bikman in which the Professor talks about the ability to regrow some cartilage in physically worn down joints by creating a low insulin and low glucose (low oxidative stress) environment for the joints to heal. I haven’t heard Ben Bikman ever mention this. It was in reference to the unexpected joint pain relief over and above weight loss benefits for low carb ketogenic eaters. I wonder how that approach would combine with bone broth as an amino acid (glycine) source plus vitamin C, and pentosan polysulphate sodium administration?

Has anyone come across these two data points, or have links?

(Daisy) #1016

To me, overeating is eating past my comfort level. Eating so that I feel sick/uncomfortable/sluggish after.

I have multiple eating disorders, binge eating being the biggest one. I know carnivore is supposed to “cure” that, and maybe with enough time it would, but I have other battling disordered eating that interferes with that. I love @Fangs, I truly do, but unfortunately life and carnivore isn’t as simple black and white for some people as it is for you. I wish it was. I want to have food freedom. I listen to the ketogenic girl podcast and her story is so similar to mine. Keto and then carnivore easily gave her everything her heart desired, including food freedom. I desire that so much. But it’s not that easy for me. I have multiple food demons that battle in this “not quite right” head of mine. I’m trying to work through them. I’m trying to find my food freedom. But I’m not there yet. My only request for you is that you remember that it may not be as simple for some as it is for others and that we’re all fighting our unique battles.

For instance, taking your advice, I tried the eating so much meat that I couldn’t possibly eat another bite. I was eating over 2 lbs a day. It didn’t feel right, my waistline was expanding, and that (now that I’m thinking hard about it) was the beginning of my digestive issues. Now. Was it the 2+ lbs of meat or was it that it was the store bought discount meat? I don’t know. What I know is when I stopped both, the digestive issues went away and I started feeling better. I haven’t had the courage to try either again yet. I’m trying to figure out what works for my body. I’m just not there yet. But when I hear you say over and over that it’s impossible to overeat on carnivore, it does frustrate me a little, because just because you may not be able to overeat, doesn’t mean others can’t. Some of us are still pretty broken. But I do appreciate your candidness and your willingness to help everyone!


That would be the very definition of overeating, yes. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Oh, this is about emotional eating disorders and for some, true medical diagnosis situations. Ok. I understand that. Something that alters the physical body, thru brain or science, to make one overeat.

Thing is you are forcing down a ton of meat to satisfy some psychological situation with yourself. Eating disorders. That is your demon and a path you need to walk. I know about it.

That isn’t a normal body response, in that a person not having eating disorders just eats as much as they want, til they are full, stops when full and done. Rinse and repeat.

Fighting eating disorders and emotions linked with food is an added weight some must bear. Some have to bear medical situations that mess up carnivore. They have to find their own way thru it.

This is how I see it truly. Carnivore allows all the darn meat and seafood on each and every day you eat. How can one overeat on that if the guidelines are eat all the hell you want? No. I will never see that part as overeating. The body will shut down your food intake at some point, but your mind is then taking control and making your body ingest more foods. Your body is asking for no extra food, your psyche is making it ingest food. These are different thoughts for me.

BUT now throw in a possible eating disorder and other situations that are food related and are messing with a person, sure I get that, and that is to be handled by that person. Finding what works for them. Everyone has to bob and weave thru life navigating their situations.

If you physically only want to eat a 1 lb. steak and feel full and happy and want no more truly…then your head says eat another 1 lb. steak to throw your body out of whack, gut disturbance comes into play and force feed yourself beyond any reasonable level, then you have a situation to be handled. An eating disorder situation. It would then be smart obviously to seek help for this disorder or whatever path you deem fit. Correct/control/deal/heal from this eating disorder in any way thru professional help maybe and then the carnivore plan becomes more of a physical body situation again. As in the body only wants 1 lb. of steak per day, your head then allows that to happen if one can heal from an eating disorder in some fashion. We don’t force down another 1 lb. steak from an eating disorder mentality and override the physical bodies requests.

So your body is not asking you to overeat and force food. Your mind is in control of your body thru an eating disorder. Your physical body will not allow you to overeat. But your mind will allow that to happen and our minds are obviously a very big part of us.

Some of us are still broken. I so understand that. I never like to say this ever from me but I did some binge/purge. Long ago. In fact when I started this behavior I also realized I needed a plan that I could eat with abandon, and a plan that could allow me more food freedom long term. I have it in my past but I also know it can and does surface every now and then. Sad but true. It easy by a long shot :slight_smile: We all have broken levels in us. Everyone’s walk will be very different. Everyone will need help in different ways thru our lives.

Yes I absolutely agree one can force feed overeat and wreck their body on any menu plan they choose to eat. I do understand one can severely cause physical upset in their bodies from forcing food and not having a comfortable relationship with food.

But the disorder is causing the overeating to this level. Not the carnivore plan. Maybe not a Keto plan. Not any plan a person is choosing to support their eating style but the shadowy problem that is lurking behind. An eating disorder. Maybe a real medical situation and more. I absolutely understand that.

I am wishing you nothing but the best. I mean we are all walking thru troubles. But a lot of us are at different stages in our journeys. Most we can do is chat out situations and hope we can find some advice and more to help ourselves best we can or to veer toward a path to give us support.

I can concede on how I typed out what I said. I should type one can not overeat on a carnivore plan if they have no outstanding medical or psychological situations that could definitely alter their bodies normal eating levels. I get it. How I type it out might seem so black and white when I say it that way. I can change up how I say it LOL


I haven’t read all the replies here, apparently things get busy when I’m away.

Anyway, it’s kind of funny the varying takes on the meaning of overeating.
It’s like watching a catholic and an evangelical argue over differing interpretations of the same text. :laughing:


oh my goodness…your brain made you do it ya know. The carnivore plan did not make you overeat ya know…your own brain said you couldn’t waste that food and eat it up…haha

your body was telling you to stop. what the carnivore plan does for a person. now you gotta deal with the other part that made ya eat those last bites.

so your brain said overeat. the tummy said don’t do it-----HEE HEE

ok I am coming at this from a different point of view literally from ya’ll. I get that now HA HA A different angle of thought on it. It is all cool. Ya’ll overeat all you want :slight_smile: You got me laughing here bob!!

Sorry guys if my angle of approach wasn’t melding with how others were viewing this. Just different approach to what we were discussing.


I actually have put on a few pounds. Going to clean it back up a bit as have been having wine in the evenings since I’ve been out for Christmas.
Have also been having trouble with my shoulders. I injured them both at different times years ago (one was a partial rotator tear). I’m not sure if I got overzealous working out, I ramped up daily pushups too quickly, if it could still be some oxylate related issues in the previously injured joints, or if I have a deficiency or other issue. I wouldn’t think it’s arthritis because this is about the most anti-inflammatory way of eating imaginable but I suppose it could be. I hope not because if I’ve got arthritis eating carnivore then I’m f’d on that front.

Anyway, cutting the wine to see if that drops the few lbs and to see if that helps with the shoulders. If that doesn’t do it I’ll cut the decaf coffee out too as that will be that last plant toxin.
On the oxylate front, any idea how long dumping can go on?