Another Carnivore Thread

(Scott) #1420

I had the same type of encounter once after I lost all of my excess weight (53 pounds). I was in a car as they were too. All we could see is each others faces. “man, you have lost a lot of weight”


I lost about 20 pounds when my very round face suddenly slimmed down. It was pretty quick but I didn’t notice. Then I saw an old photo and I was quite surprised. People who didn’t see me every day noticed my fat-loss way earlier, nothing unusual about it.
My belly was my fattist part of mine and it changed little this far, not a very unusual thing I assume. Oh well. I am not that heavy so I don’t worry but it will be healthier to lose the fat there…

I expect some slow loss now. After several years, it will be odd but nice.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #1422

This is the worst fat you can carry, it’s an indication of insulin resistance and fatty deposits on vital organs.

(Daisy) #1423

When I restarted carnivore 4 weeks ago, I made a deal with myself that I would not step on a scale or take a measurement for a MINIMUM of 30 days. 30 days will be this Wednesday. I’m going to take some measurements, but I think I’ll push the scale another 30.


So I have heard. I really don’t worry about insulin resistance but the other thing doesn’t sound good. Hopefully I will lose fat at some point, it’s not like I don’t put in effort but it took a long time to find and being able to do a diet where I don’t eat too much. I am okay now, I should add exercise too. I usually have some but the weather and my life problems, mood made me very inactive lately. I typically eat the least (or I am able to do it) when I move the least, in January and in February, eaten amounts and my activity has little correlation but these months have a significant effect on both. And on my mood. I prefer much sunshine (the afternoon hours are important), no fog and not too warm weather. I actually need it to feel okay and not having very antihedonistic, destructive tendencies like not going out, ruining my energy level even more.
Or something, I rather not analyze myself now, that would be depressing.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #1425

@Shinita Check out this. Watch the video.

(Daisy) #1426

I will pretty much only go in the carnivore thread for now. I’m not stable enough for anything else yet, it can be a little triggering.


I tried but I just couldn’t. I never was a video watching person if it’s about such information, I like to read texts without reading the same things multiple times, the first minutes very quite boring… Maybe I get it, it’s good not to be obese! :smiley: Yep, I actually knew that and I am thankful I am far from that. And I got some probably interesting information, I honestly know nothing about insulin levels and I’d like to keep that, food and nutrition is too much already, the best thing for me would be to forget about everything and just live for a long while. But I might be remember the simple repeated info I’ve heard.
Thanks though, really but I almost never was able to watch a single video about this topic and very rarely attempted it. I can watch tiny ones about cholesterol with pictures or something. Very charismatic ones may help too, I watched something about protein and its effect on insulin on different diets, I understood that one and it was fun.


Are you sure David? Belly fat can be subcutaneous fat and visceral fat in combination. The omentum which is a large sheet of tissue in the abdomen surrounding the major abdominal organs is partly biological, architecturally structural but also functionally part of the immune system. The omentum can be filled with accumulated fat resulting in a protruding belly. But the fat accumulation could be part of local energy supply to a very active or inflammed gut. It is active adipose tissue differing from subcutaneous fat storage.

The function of the omentum and internal abdominal fat is well explained by Gabor Erdosi in his interviews with Ivor Cummins.

Sometimes shifting belly ‘fat’ requires reducing inflammation in the gut.


that is super cool to do KD! I love that attitude. Give the plan a chance to work well for your body, give the time needed for our mindsets to change without the ever ‘must must lose lbs instantly’ attitude we all carry. You know I am waiting for that final report of your journey…can’t wait, anxious for ya :slight_smile:


This carnivore won’t go down too easily when it comes to mistruths about our plan and those never willing to cross a threshold of personal tweaked use as a be all, end all, for them, to never bothering learning the truth of the plan in general guidelines and what it entails and the whys behind it all, science, baby, science :slight_smile: …for all people and with long term benefits for all. :slight_smile: all I am saying and I am gonna say it :slight_smile:


@FrankoBear That is interesting about the inflammation/belly fat connection. I hadn’t seen any info on that, thank you.


Dirty carnivore today but it will be better tomorrow.

I love eggs again :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Today I ate lunch with my SO at half past 3, without hunger. I was full after about 300 kcal (probably for the first time in my life, not counting when I was a tiny baby, my appetite was super tiny too, my weight stayed way below normal for long. but then I overdid it. stupid carbs)… It’s just worse and worse - well no, I got hungry later. But it was good I ate as I went away (fresh air - fog and darkness but still - and some walking! and singing. I became a mezzo in the choir, we only had sopranos and altos until now) and I came back very late, I was already hungry.
But next week I will try not eating before choir, I rather bring some eggs with me or cheese or something. It’s not nice to be hungry for 2 hours even if it’s my subtle one.

Ham is awesome, chuck is so yesterday now (at least the too lean stuff I have now but I mix it with ham fat), I made some smoked ham lard and ate the crunchy little bits (they surely have some name in English as well…). I eat a tad fattier now. Well no, 1.6:1 instead of 1:1 (just a bit vague guess as I ate little meat today). I didn’t even really try…
The mutton stew is slowly defrosting in the fridge, about 3 proper days will come though I am very much into eggs now. The one minute scrambled eggs are so great, maybe I shouldn’t fry everything until they becomes quite brown all the time…
I don’t like coffee now, I just have some troublesome momentum regarding drinking it but I will try to drink something else. It should be warm and I rarely want tea nowadays. Some egg milk thing then, maybe.


Bone broth?


Thanks, I almost never drank it in my life and it’s in the soup category so it didn’t cross my mind… I need to wait 2 weeks for that (and it still will be more like meat soup as I couldn’t get proper bones for this purpose. one must be super quick, the farm is popular) but I will remember this as a nice option :slight_smile: Egg milk is soup category too, it’s hard to find close to zero calorie warm drinks… I will have my tea and slightly warmed water for most of my day then. I make my tea collection bigger. I even have some leftover Lapacho. It’s subtle and I’ve read everywhere that people drink it as medicine. I drink it for its taste but nice effects are welcome. But I prefer tea leaves.
I definitely keep some of my fav plants. Like tea. Never seemed to cause any harm.

(Daisy) #1435

I had a 1.75 lb chuck roast split into 2 meals (6 am and 11 am) with some added beef fat to the second. Not hungry this evening.
My anxiety this evening is off the charts. I haven’t had it this bad in a long, long time. My chest hurts, it’s so bad. I’m super edgy and trying hard not to snap at my family (failing miserably)
I’m very curious to know what caused it. I took 2 goldenseal root pills with my 6 am meal. But I wouldn’t think that would do it. I didn’t get sick after my morning half, but did after the second, so I may need to cut back on the added fat a bit.


@Ketodaisy I’m so sorry you are having those anxiety issues, grrr! I’ve never tried goldenseal but some supplements will make me all edgy. I hope you can find a way to relax, hon. {{hugs}}


yea I dropped supps. I did get edgy and more on them. I don’t do well with ‘supps’ of any kinda. But I got that personality of not ever wanting to be a pill taker of any kind LOL

hope you feel a lot better!!

(Daisy) #1438

I don’t like to take any pills either, my husband is always on me that I should just take immodium, but I refuse to take meds. I’m more willing to do natural remedies, like the clay or charcoal or natural supplements. But they’re not helping either, so I’m gonna try au natural again and just hope to adapt soon


Daisy. Did you see @Fangs post in another thread where she advised another person to try other sources of protein and eliminate beef (as a test)?

Has that been covered in this thread?

Hat tip to @barefootbob letting us explore these subtopics in his thread.