What Did You Keto Today? The Trilogy!

(Keto Travels) #984

Forgot to make the salmon, but this is not bad anyway: zucchini with sheep’s cheese, Parmesan and mixed herbs from balcony, berry pancake (well, scramble more like) and some 99% chocolate.


Yep, sounds like a plan indeed! :smile: I have done them with just cheese and some light seasoning, and they were still quite good. … I think the sauce and pepperoni just sells the Pizza taste more, but I also think it’s pretty much unlimited as to what you can put on them.

(Keto Travels) #986

Yep, they were delicious! :heart_eyes:

('Jackie P') #987

A Greek salad in the UK is usually, tomato, cucumber, black olives, feta cheese, oregano, olive oil and lemon dressing! Don’t usually see anchovies, but I would certainly be up for a few!

(Full Metal KETO AF) #988

@CrackerJax That’s why I called it an improvisation! No lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers or Feta…but it still had some elements of a Greek salad. That’s my story and I am sticking to it!

Actually I am just eating vegetables from my small garden mostly and not buying much in the store for a while! :slightly_smiling_face: I had to do something with the 3 gallons or so of sauerkraut filling my fridge which is all fermented and pickled vegetables, meat and dairy with a small hoard of Asian condiments mostly. I going to be up to my neck in tomatoes soon from my bush that’s turning into a tree, 6’ or taller now! Zucchini is finally getting bigger and peppers are coming soon. Happy camper here! :cowboy_hat_face:

('Jackie P') #989

Sounds like an idealic existence to me! I’m not very green fingered, and have a walled garden not particularly suitable for growing veg. But usually have a few hanging baskets of tomatoes! Perfect for a Greek salad!
Your salad looks amazing, as usual!:yum:

(Jane) #990

Fried up 2 slices of bacon and crumbled. Diced some onion and celery and grated some sharp cheese and mixed with shelled peas.

Added a tablespoon of bacon grease to some of my homemade mayo and seasoned with salt, pepper and a bit of erithrytol.

Mixed well and refrigerated to meld flavors.


Well, sort of had a clash of meal prep this morning, while I was fooling with some ideas, and the Wife was making some breakfast foods. … Basically trying to do way too much at once, but some survived.

Here’s what I ended up eating… Bacon, Eggs and trying to Pork Scrapple from where I get our 1/4 lb. Hotdogs. (Except there wasn’t any carb data, since the sales person, Amanda, said her father makes it.

Also had one of the things I’ve been wanting to try, and then made this morning. Name? (1/4 lb. Keto-Dogs? Fathead Hotdog?) Don’t know, but it’s basically a dough-wrapped 1/4 pounder, with Ham and Cheese added and baked into a nice wrapped Puppy! :yum: … It was good indeed, but after some trial and error I did indeed learn some things, which I’ll add to my Recipe Thread so not to write a book.

While the wife was cooking and I making stuff, I made her a Ham/Cheese Keto Hot-Pocket, which she loved! :smile: Has already ordered one for tomorrow nights dinner! :smile: Told her if she’s good… :wink:

She was actually already eating it, when I told her I needed a pic! She was dipping it in her Eggs. :+1:

(Diane) #992

Looking forward to your fathead “puppies in a blanket” recipe adventure, when you have time to type it up!



Yesterday morning I was fasting, but all I wanted to do was go down the street to the diner to stuff my face with eggs, sausage and waffles. Made it through to today and made a beeline for my own kitchen to make…eggs, bacon ends (no sausage in the house), and waffles with strawberries. Stuffing my face as I type.


Those waffles look chocolate-y and delicious with the strawberries :strawberry:

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #995

Haven’t made this in a while and was craving lasagna


That looks so yummy, I miss tomato based sauces…darn allergies!

(Full Metal KETO AF) #997

White Lasagna anyone? :cowboy_hat_face:

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #998

My thoughts exactly @David_Stilley :smiley:

@BeStill maybe combine this sauce recipe with the lasagna bake recipe I made and you’ll have a wonderful white lasagna bake :smiley:


Thank you, definitely saving those recipes!


Thanks… Just finished posting, and yep, that name works too. :slight_smile: Think I will be trying Calzones next. :yum:

(Jane) #1001

Tried a deviled egg recipe from my new cookbook. Was pretty good!

They have bacon, sour cream, onion, Dijon and jalapeños. The topped with cheese and baked until the cheese melts.

I also found some pickled eggs in the fridge that had been in there a while. Still good and there were 4 left . I decided to make egg salad out of them so chopped up the eggs and some of the onion and just added some of my homemade mayo and some salt. Nice and tangy from the pickle juice.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #1002

Cold Plate

Taking the day off from cooking for Father’s Day. Cold Rotisserie Chicken, Avocado, Peperoncinni, Homemade Dill Chips, Ginger Carrot Sauerkraut, Jalapeño Stuffed Olives, and some Harissa Avocado Oil Mayo that I discovered is breaking because I don’t eat mayo much now that sandwiches are off the menu. :confused:


(Jill Carpenter aka space coast spinster) #1003

I was told to stick this here:

It’s eggs florentine with cheese sauce.
2 small portobello caps, oven roasted will garlic oil salt and pepper. Topped with fresh wilted spinach, 2 poached eggs, and the cheese sauce is heavy cream and shredded extra sharp cheddar.
Oh, and side of Publix low sodium bacon (because it has no sugar in it).

Left over cheese sauce to be blended with roasted cauliflower from Last night for soup tomorrow. :grin: