What Did You Keto Today? The Trilogy!

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #2945

Love Jalapenos, but they either need to be pickled, or cooked :wink:

(traci simpson) #2946

I deep fried some when I was cooking my chicken thighs in my fry daddy!

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #2947

Sounds tasty, and also something that could be added to almost any plate to kick it up a notch or two :slight_smile: LOVE spicy food… but allergic to red chili pepper…

(Full Metal KETO AF) #2948

That is odd, because green chilies turn red when left on the plant long enough…:face_with_monocle:


(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #2949

True, but I don’t think its the color I’m allergic too :slight_smile: I can eat Red Bell peppers too, but I’m not a huge fan of the taste of them.

(Diane) #2950

Here you go:

(Doug) #2952

This is a worthy concept. Many times I’ve cooked sliced Jalapeños in a skillet or pan, in meat juices or bacon fat or butter or just about anything. It really tones down their heat - I’d say there’s a 70-90% reduction, and it introduces some new flavors (carmelization?). I was stunned the first time, by how good it was.

(Little Miss Scare-All) #2953

These cookies are spin-in-a-really-jazzy-circle good. 4 ingredients. Sugar free. 3g total carbs per cookie. Debating whether to bring some over to my mom for a surprise. She did birth me, and she is pretty darn awesome… ok she deserves some healthier cookie alternatives.

(traci simpson) #2954

ScRambled eggs cheese bacon avocado on cauliflower thins (Flatbread)

(Doug) #2955

Traci :exclamation::exclamation:


Well, been training some folks for the past few weeks, as well as all day today, and decided to have a meal. (Was thinking OMAD) so I got a Rotisserie Chicken, added some Pepperoni and Pickles.


As stated above, I was thinking OMAD for today… until I walked in the door at home to be presented with all this. :flushed: … Pickles, Olives, Pepperoni, Cauli-Egg Salad, Steak, Mushrooms, fried Radishes, and some Zucchini/Squash/Egg Plant mix with Rao’s Sauce. … I only ate half the Steak, and none of the Cauli-Egg Salad, which the Pups very much appreciated. (If there’s any good time to start a Fast, it’s now!) Might just be to Saturday, since I hate Fasting on weekends.

(Karen) #2958

Dinner on the hoof.

I drive by Buffalo every day (Bison)
Today I decided to take a little picture of these incredible animals.

(Kristen Ann) #2959

It’s a marmot!

(Full Metal KETO AF) #2960

@kaclp I thought ground hog!

(Karen) #2961

Curried chicken soup

(Karen) #2962

Guinea pig?


(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #2963

Bison are SO cool :slightly_smiling_face:
Here’s a pic I took a couple years ago. We actually have this one printed on a 20 x 30 aluminum print :slightly_smiling_face:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #2964

@Keto6468 @kaclp @OldDoug At least we all agree it’s some variety of rodent steak. :joy::joy::grin::cowboy_hat_face:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #2965

Beef Tenderloin and Cauliflower

No time for sousvide today, I didn’t start it earlier. Cooked traditional in a grill pan rare. Buttered Cauliflower and Jalapeño and Mediterranean Marinaded Olives. Little A1 on the side.
