What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

(Karen) #1567

It turns out a turkey has lots and lots of skin. We carved it up to save for leftovers, but not the skin. I ate lots of skin. I hope I’m not in trouble

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #1568

Breakfast Dinner
Cheesy Omelette, pork belly & bacon.

(Running from stupidity) #1569

Your eggs, having been gently bathed in 63 degree water for 45 minutes in order to optimise the creaminess of the yolk, are then paired with four rashers of locally-sourced bacon, cooked to perfection in heritage cast iron and rendered bacon fat. Then pink Himalayan salt and freshly ground pepper are drifted over the dish to finish it to perfection.

(Running from stupidity) #1570

Here we see the eggs being cooked. It’s in colour because, at that point, some random idiot in this apartment hadn’t changed a setting on the camera that makes it shoot only in JPG and not RAW as well. I don’t want to name names, but…

That was the first run for the Anova, and it went pretty well. (You can see my main sous vide in the background.) It’s a circulating one, though, unlike the Breville, and it really pushes the water around (thus the eggs are in a sub-optimal container to protect them.)

Heated the water pretty quickly, held it to temp accurately. Took far longer than it should have to get setup in terms of the WIFI, but once that was done it was smooth sailing. Android app is good.

I’d say the yolks were pretty perfect (see there at the front in the above pic? Good. Now imagine that’s really nice deep yellow) in that they were beautifully creamy, but the whites weren’t really set enough. I could blanche the eggs in boiling water for a minute before sous viding, but that might be getting a bit OTT. I might try them at 64C or for an hour to see how that goes later in the week.

Oh, and I made Hollandaise in the HotMixPro (the saucepan handle points at it), but I completely forgot to use it, which was super annoying, as I’d been wanting THAT for two days. Oh well, on the steak tonight after reheating it in the sous vide, I guess.


I’ve been really wanting one of these since I discovered they had Wi-Fi, but I’ll probably end up waiting till our current one dies.

(Karen) #1572

Everything just went sideways. Must be the romaine!


(Running from stupidity) #1573

I can’t really see the point of remotely controlling it - it seems like a case of “we can add BT now, then wait for a year and then add WIFI!”

“What benefit do those things bring?”

“Selling points!”

I like my WIFI-connected lightbulb in bedside lamp, because I can switch it on using my phone before I get in there, so it’s not all dark and so on. Lots of things are useful to be able to control remotely. But I can’t see how this really helps a sous vide in any meaningful way. It’s not like I’m leaving stuff in there so I can start it cooking hours later from work. That seems like sickness waiting to happen.

OTOH, it was only $130 delivered, and I’ve probably totally missed the use-case for it :slight_smile:

(Running from stupidity) #1574

Or … the Russians.

But probably the Romaine.

Which might also have been the Russians.


Two words: Lazy Keto. :wink:

Honestly, if you spend more time setting up the wi-fi than the sous vide, how lazy have you been? :grinning:

Actually, this model probably wouldn’t present the same challenge our current one does, because it has the slanted face. See, our sous vide has a flat control panel and my poor, short wife can’t even see the top of it! She always has to get me or our Son to set it up for her. :grin:

I suppose there is definitely an ulterior motive for this purchase. :laughing:

(Running from stupidity) #1576

I would have LIKED to have been lazier, certainly :slight_smile:

OK, I can see where your wife would benefit from the phone control. But I doubt that was part of the original design decision. HOWEVER, it seems like a good reason to buy one :slight_smile:


Looks like they’re $99 on Amazon currently. If you love your wife, you’ll buy it RIGHT NOW.


But what if it goes on sale this weekend?! :wink:

(Running from stupidity) #1578

I thought $99 WAS on sale :slight_smile:

(Running from stupidity) #1579

Yeah, camelcamelcamel says it’s the lowest price ever for it on Amazon.



I think you’re right. :+1:

(Running from stupidity) #1581

Seriously people, this is a crazy good thing for $100. I save that much in a month or two with being able to buy cheaper cuts of meat.


Have e-mailed link to The Treasurer (I don’t do online ordering - it’s best for everyone that way :blush:)

(Running from stupidity) #1583

Amazon AU doesn’t sell it, but I got it off the Anova website for 40 percent off a week or so ago via their chat function, so about $20 less than they’re currently selling it for in this discount round.


The US site ships to Australia so it’s probably still a bargain :thinking:

(Running from stupidity) #1585

Work this out :slight_smile:


WTF? Amazon said they’d ship :face_with_raised_eyebrow: