What did you Keto today? Part Deux!


That egg is so perfect

(Tamela Robinette) #4684

Sirloin with lobster tail and sauteed green beans with everything drenched in butter. Yum!


Nice. I actually thought it was a Steak. Nice color.

:+1: … Looks very tasty indeed. :slight_smile:

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #4686
  1. That pork looks delicious
  2. That white plate is gorgeous

(Jane) #4687

One of may favorite plates since I am also a beekeeper!

My husband is home while I am traveling on business and he’s being a good boy on keto while I am gone… at least what he is willing to admit :wink:

He’s fasting today for his weekly 36-hr fast so I guess I’ve finally converted him to the darkside. muah-ha

(Full Metal KETO AF) #4688

I finished the Chili Rellenos Poblano recipe. I hope some of you enjoy this. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #4689

How does that work for you, keto and honey? Do you still eat it? I have a keto friend who refuses to give up her 1/2 tsp of honey in coffee (yuck :woozy_face:) because she’s convinced it helps her pollen allergen intolerance. But I have read that mostly people are allergic to grass pollen and usually not the flowers the bees are feeding on. :face_with_monocle:

(Karen) #4690

Actually home for dinner tonight so I cooked some tuna, cabbage salad with sunflower seeds and bacon, and some roasted vegetables. A little over roasted. Still trying to get the smokiness out of house

(Jane) #4691

I didn’t harvest any this past summer - left it all for the bees. My husband still uses small amounts since he can tolerate over double the carbs I can get by with.

And if I ever have a large harvest I will make mead! Haven’t made any in years but still have all the equipment to ferment and bottle.


I love mead. I really love braggot. I had some at this microbrewery in Cynthiana, Kentucky before I started keto. It was so good.

(Karen) #4693

Peanut butter keto muffins for dessert

(Full Metal KETO AF) #4694

Lettuce Wrap Burger

Half pound organic grass fed beef with sharp aged Havarti cheese, Harissa Avocado Oil Mayo and dill pickles. Side of Bok Choy Paò Caí. Keeping it simple after yesterday! :cowboy_hat_face:

(Kitty Pooh Pooh ) #4695


(Brandy) #4696

Tonight’s dinner was damn good, if a little all over the geographic map. Korean sundubu with pork belly, sesame chicken thighs and garlic cabbage, both with a Chinese influence.


Steak, Cheese & Onion Salad with Sriracha #meh

(Steve) #4698

Fried Green Tomato… Wow, nice crust and tang from the tomato!

I dipped in egg white wash
Mix 50/50 Parmesan & crushed pork rinds
Garlic salt & pepper
Sprinkle or pat dry mixture on both sides of tomato
Fry in your favorite fat.

The meat on the left is turkey bacon fried in bacon grease and topped with 5 cheese Italian.
It’s a test for great pizza crust in the future, it holds up really well and is easy to bite through.


Ended up breaking my fast at 89 hrs. Was going to eat a couple pieces of Bacon, and then eat an hour later. But the wife had everything done when I got home from taking my son up to drop his vehicle off at the dealership. … Had Bacon, Sausage links, couple Knockwurst & Sauerkraut.


Dinner was nice…

Salad, then a Top Sirloin Sous Vide 4 hrs. with some Shrimp. (Only ate half the steak, saving the rest and half the Mushrooms for tomorrow.


Sausage Patty Personal Pizzas

You can read more about them here.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #4702

Red Letter Keto Day!

I started my 24 year old autistic son on a full keto diet yesterday. I have real hopes to improve his mental clarity and urge to pause for everything from moving to speaking.

Breakfast today was Blackened Salmon and Eggs scrambled with Mushrooms and Arugula with Parmesan Cheese.

I started an 8# batch of sauerkraut today flavored with fennel and coriander seeds, and black peppercorns.

After salting and ready to pack the crock.

I cooked the cabbage cores and outer leaves with butter, bacon and a little canned jalapeño tomato sauce I had left from the Chili Rellenos two days ago. And I made some Lamb Merguez Sausage Meatballs fried in olive oil.

That was the longest one hour shutdown in history! I almost went into withdrawal, I may be spending too much time here. It did turn out productive though :cowboy_hat_face: