Thought about going carnivore but

(Brent) #1

Hi everyone. Well i was thinking about going carnivore but after researching it for about a week I don’t know if i can quite commit to it. Here are the reasons why

  1. Don’t know if i can afford multiple grass fed steaks/ground beef a day to keep my calories at an acceptable level.

  2. I absolutely hate fish (ever since i was a kid). I know i know eat for your health and not for taste but it absolutely gives me the gag reflux.

  3. Like above the same is true for liver.

I just quit (1 week) on of the things i truly enjoy (diet code red mountain dew) which has been hard enough. I used to drink a 12 pack a day. Now i only drink plain water (no flavorings).

What i might do though is start to go more towards carnivore & see how it turns out. I know its not good but i eat to much processed meats like salami & other deli meat. I eat too many nuts (macadamia, almonds, & pistachios). I eat dark chocolate maybe once a week (85%). I will cut all that out.

I also will cut out most vegetables. I eat broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, onions, & asparagus frequently. I also love love my jalapeno poppers. I will cut most vegetables out. I will probably eat some mushrooms though.

I probably eat way to much cheese & heavy cream too. So i will try to reduce it greatly.

I’ve heard strict people say you shouldn’t use any seasonings except for salt. Heard even pepper can be bad for you so i’m not sure what i’m going to do at this point about that. I love hot & spicy food so :(.

What do you guys think?

(Carl Keller) #2

You don’t have to buy grass fed meats to be LCHF or carnivore. Do whatever your budget allows and take comfort that you are doing your best to eat right. Also, “grass fed” may not be as healthy as we are led to believe. A judge decided to throw out a class action suit that claimed that the plaintiffs were misled into buying Kerrygold products due to false and misleading advertising. It seems that Kerrygold cows are fed soy, corn and grains in addition to grass and that as long as that cow, at one time in it’s entire life, is fed grass, the claim that it is grass fed is perfectly legal… Certainly this type of deception could apply to meat packaged as grass fed.


Reads like your answers are in what you write.

You have noted a number of things to change and test to see how you feel.

Being curious and gaining knowledge about n=1 nutrition is very healthy.

(Elizabeth ) #4

Pork roasts and chicken can be found as little as a dollar a pound on sale.

(Kristen Ann) #5



I know right? I’m shocked too. I like Kerrygold, butI’m not overpaying for it anymore…

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #7

@ncage Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t do it perfectly. “Carnivore” is a term that describes how certain people have found it necessary to eat, for the sake of their health. You don’t have to eat the way they do, only the way that works best for you. You can benefit from their experience, and you put some good things to try in your post, but please don’t fall into the trap of not striving for better, just because you can’t be perfect.

It’s worth noting that my two favorite carnivores, Amber O’Hearn and Dr. Georgia Ede, have both stated that they aren’t eating carnivore by choice, but rather by necessity—their health requires it. So if your health allows a partial or modified or “lite” version of carnivore, then good for you. I would vote for defining “doing keto right” and “doing carnivore right” as being whatever way brings people optimal health—whatever that may be, for them.

Let us know how things go for you, okay?

(Khara) #8

When I read about the Kerrygold lawsuit some time ago, there was an explanation that depending on seasonal conditions (time of year), grass wasn’t always available and grains or other type of feed had to be supplemented. It sounds reasonable to me. It also does taste noticeably better to me compared to other brands that don’t advertise as grass fed. Because of this taste difference I surmise there is actually some benefit to the amount of grass the cows are consuming, even if it’s not 100% of their diet. The label does not say that they are fed 100% grass. It just says that they graze on grass. It’s important to see and hear what is said, not what I want to believe something says. Granted, Kerrygold could add more complete information to their label but I’d be surprised to learn of any animal food product at all that explained in detail every nuance that goes on in their farming practices.

A similar conversation can be had about eggs. Cage free, free range, pasture raised, organic, all natural, hormone free, farm fresh, brown, any others? They all sound good, but there’s a lot going on that us consumers aren’t privy to and what we, or most consumers, imagine those terms to mean, probably isn’t accurate. Some free range chickens never actually roam free. A person would need to research all of the terms advertised on the egg carton in order to get a maybe somewhat sort-of close idea of how the chickens live.

These companies are all competing with each other as well. So if two companies are raising grass fed cows in exactly the same manner to produce butter made from milk from grass fed cows and one company puts only ‘grass fed’ on their label while the other company puts ‘sometimes grass fed, sometimes grain fed’ on their label, guess whose likely to lose sales, even with the exact same product.

This particular lawsuit just didn’t hold much ground with me. The feed requirements sounded reasonable. I like the taste of the product. And the judge dismissed it as well. It does present a good example though of my own responsibility as a consumer to be informed if I’m going to place importance on something like ‘grass fed’.

(Karim Wassef) #9

Just go “mostly carnivore”… it’s still better

I drink coffee, ACV, Stevia… and add EVOO, mayo and pepper to my carnivore eating… all are plants or plant based

I eat 70% ground beef, bacon and eggs … good enough…

(Robert C) #10

Per @CarlKeller

True grass fed and grass finished beef is one quality point but, it might not be the most important.

There’s a $20 grass fed grass finished steak on the shelf and similar sized $4 and $7 steaks on the shelf - which do you pick? If you are totally price sensitive, the choice is obvious (and that is all of the thought some people put into this decision).

The question is, what are you getting to move from $4 to $7? If the $7 steak is from a reputable company and claims to be antibiotic and growth hormone free - it might be worth the upgrade if you suspect the $4 steak might have those along for the ride.

But, if money is an issue - the ride up from $7 to $20 might be too long of a trip. The two main points there are supporting the idustrial creation of meat and a different fat profile (some say that difference is small but, of course, even small differences done daily might have larger than expected effects).

So, if going Carnivore, you might do a little research about what you can get in your area at different price levels. Even if you stick just with Keto - your time won’t be wasted because you’ll probably have a little more cash to spread around on the better meats.

(Brent) #11

Ya its just a lot of the pundits were pushing grass feed beef and little to no chicken/pork.

(Brent) #12

Thanks Carl. Not be so dogmatic in my view. I will be closer to carnivor (& get less carbs in the end i’m sure). Some of these people i was researching were so hard core they were actually eating raw liver :face_vomiting:

(Brent) #13

Ya definitely. I will definitely eat some grass feed beef but i can’t spend $50 a day :slight_smile:

(hottie turned hag) #14

@ncage Oh there are SO MANY ways to do this (be carnivore) though some shall get in a snit about terminology. I ignore that faction.

I went carnivore-ish recently to break a stall; dropped all cheese and veg. IT WORKED! :grinning:

I am a tightwad and not about to buy “grass fed” or coddled in cotton wool or whatev, beef. Hecknaw.
I buy meat on sale only; sirloin, ribeye, whatever is on sale. I eat sausage, pepperoni, salami, salmon, tuna (you hate fish though), BACON (I feel so basic saying that), eggs, pork roast, ground beef… in large quantities. I am (last weigh in, weeks ago) 116lb headed to 110. Not weighing again til month’s end but have visible changes so I am losing.

I heavily season! Yes there are purists and I get that mentality as I am a purist in some areas for sure. I get it. But I promise you, if you do a “looser” version you shall benefit. I have no doubt.

Here’s some random cute and meat :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :bacon::cut_of_meat::poultry_leg: to encourage you!

(Carl Keller) #15

I don’t get caught up in the labeling. I am an omnivore with a preference for meat. All my cravings begin and end with meat but I also enjoy vegetables from time to time. I suggest you do whatever makes you feel best.

It’s not as abnormal as you would think. Eating raw meat and organs is a part of some people’s culture. These inuit kids look just as pleased as any kid in our culture might look when eating a pepperoni pizza… and are probably much healthier.


*Images from @atomicspacebunny’s post:

(Elizabeth ) #16

I prefer beef, I eat what’s on sale and what I can afford

(hottie turned hag) #17

@Elizedge Pithy and perfect :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

(mole person) #18

I think @amber pointed out that this is not a picture of Inuit kids but of some Northern European population, I can’t remember the name of the people though.

It makes sense, the hair color is completely wrong for Inuit.

(Robert C) #19

Again, don’t let price be the single determinant. Results in the multi-month to year timeframe may be nice but think about exactly what is going in on the decade timeframe.

Plenty of people will say drop to lowest price but, a little research will show lots of preservatives in some processed meats and antibiotics/hormones in the cheapest “fresh” meats on the shelves.

Going just a step above those two is probably a 90% win (with the last grass fed grass finished bit not worth the huge final price jump for most).

(Carl Keller) #20

I thought that too but with no corner of the earth without outside genes influencing the culture, I overlooked it. And I believed these kids were Inuit due to several with their asian eyes and oval faces. However, european does sound plausible if it’s eastern europe.