Sept. 2018 IF / EF Chat ALL WELCOME


(Jane) #96

My default goal in my Vora app is 72 hours but taking the new employee to lunch tomorrow so will break it at 65 hours.

And probably no dinner unless the weather strands me at the airport - otherwise, no time. And I don’t CARE!!! :smiley:

(Jane) #97

62 hours in and feeling so much better on my 3rd day that it’s a shame to break my fast…

But my obligations at work dictate it so it is what it is. I can’t bend my social and business life around fasting - there is plenty of time to fast when I can work it in naturally.

(Jane) #98

Made it 67 hours this time. No issues refeeding Feel good this morning :smiley:

(Running from stupidity) #99

Made it to 24 hours, as planned.

(Central Florida Bob ) #100

Can anyone comment on using a PSMF in place of alternate day fasts?

I’m in my 12th week of ADFs and weight loss has slowed to virtually zero. I don’t think I’m gaining, but I think seeing one particularly low reading a couple of weeks ago was just a random anomaly.

If you’re doing PSMF, what does that look like to you? What do you eat in the course of a day?

If I should start another thread, let me know. I’m reading what to do for a PSMF and it looks pretty easy, but I get conflicting information.

I’m basically trying to figure if I should switch from ADFs to something else. But I don’t know what that something would be.

(KCKO, KCFO) #101

Here is a good discussion from someone’s experiement with it. I just do normal fasting so no persona experience with it. Just sounds too much like cico type eating for me personally. YMMV.


:woozy_face: I just need to fast!!! … So after not feeling too well couple weeks ago, and then trying to get my stomach back to feeling somewhat normal again, the one thing I’ve missed the most is simply fasting! Though I did OMAD most days in the past weeks, but still just want to put some empty days back on the plate (No Pun intended) Started today at 2:00pm, and want to make sure its like it usually is for me, with no hunger or desires, with all the meals that I have eaten in the past couple weeks.

Been watching all those above and glad to hear that everything’s been going good!

(Central Florida Bob ) #103

Thanks, @collaroygal.

I did a couple of web searches off the names in there: Lyle McDonald with and without PSMF. Watched a video with Maria Emmerich (whom I’ve heard talk so many times I trust her) and she says it’s reasonable to have 1 g/kg of lean body mass. I’m like “OK, that’s a pretty common recommendation”.

Then I hear 1g protein per pound of “desired body weight”. With my numbers, that’s close 3x the amount of protein. Then she says 600-800 calories/day, and no way I’m getting that much protein in 600 calories!

I’m getting confused because some people seem to talk about PSMF as a one-time, short term diet, NOT to be adopted for long times like keto, others don’t, while others seem to talk about it as a fasting strategy.

The easy thing is to keep doing what I’ve been doing. I’m doing that as I research.

(Hoby Bradfield) #104

Have been feasting since Friday night, in preparation for my first 3 day fast… next full meal will be Wednesday evening…


This month’s ZornFast for me needs to start on Sept 20. (Long story)

I’m hoping to do this one at 48 hours of Actual Water Only Fasting, but that is much harder than it used to be. I have less fat stores now at 175 pounds than I used to carry all around at over 330.

(back and doublin' down) #106

Me too! Just completed a 24 hr fast and gave serious consideration to going until tomorrow because I was on the verge of that really empty feeling. Ate well, so maybe I can go til Tuesday.


I also want to make sure I’m feeling back to normal again too, after being under the weather a bit just over a week ago. I figure fasting would/could/may probably show this too, (I’m guessing here) but since I’ve never had any issues while fasting, if anything was still going on, I’m guessing this might show change this time? But again, just a guess. But mainly because I have missed fasting time. :slight_smile:

(KetoQ) #108

Finished yesterday at 66 hours for a 60 hour fast.

Broke the fast with two meals on Sat totalling 1963 calories.
Today hit just over 3000 calories. Appetite came roaring back.

(Todd Gamel) #109

Today Sunday at 1400, Istarted my usual 48 - 62 hour fast. I started fasting each week for 48 to 60 hours about two months ago. If I feel good I go until Wednesday morning at 0400 when I get back up for work (62 hours). If I need to I will break the fast on Tuesday at 1400 (48 hours). Each week is a little different. I have a few cups of coffee with heavy cream to get my gut going again and then feast about an hour or so later.

What’s some of your favorite foods to break your fast? Some times I use nuts, but i like the coffee with heavy cream, although bone broth works well.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #110

Reaching 19h. Aiming for 48 again. if I should get to 90 something again, I would not complain though :joy:

(back and doublin' down) #111

Good steady plan! I usually break fast in the evening, so haven’t considered coffee. Nuts work well for me, and I use bone broth in longer fasts to keep going.

(Jeff Davis) #112

Started late last night (Sunday), plan to go until Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. Water, salt, and black coffee.

(KetoQ) #113

Given that generally I end my fasts with Saturday breakfast, I prefer to break it with a bulletproof coffee. Sometimes, that will help me extend it until dinner if I am feeling a bit ambitious. I know the BPC technically breaks a fast, but I do it solely for weight loss.

But after the BPC, I like cottage cheese. Sometimes it can keep me satiated for several hours.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #114

Tonight I played soccer for the first time in my life. It was fun! And my nose score a goal. Or, really, my friend scored an own goal off my face. But I’m counting it! And I was 46-48 hours fasted for the evening. I had a lot of energy and felt like I was better able to figure out what was going on than I would have preketo. Home now relaxing with a soda water and happy to KCFO. I’m aiming for 72-96 hours.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #115
  1. Just finished zumba classes. Feeling good.