November IF/EF chat, all welcome!

(Beth) #149

I’m at 43 hours and counting. What do you do for headaches when water and salt don’t work?

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #150

I’m just past 55 hours…and not hungry at all.

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #151

I don’t know what others do. But I take a nap.


Just laying down for a short bit cures my headaches, I’m getting them less and sleeping way better at night now. Fasting has been hard the last two weeks because avocados have been $ 0.77 a piece at my grocery store! I bought 2 dozen of them the first week, and a dozen this week. Fat is my new drug!! I’m making deviled eggs like I have the last 3 years. Maybe I’ll bring some bacon too!

(Doodler for @KetoKailey) #153

Beth, I’m same with @rustyk61 on the nap. Haven’t fasted that long though.

Will attempt a 24, with cold brew matcha!

Wishing my fast friends a wonderful week :smiley:!

UPDATE: I CAVED at 16 :grimacing:.

(KCKO, KCFO) #154

I take some potassium and magnesium along with the pink salt for sodium. If that fails as well, usually for me salt and water does it, I also try a short nap. If still in discomfort, I eat some fat few nuts or olives, maybe avocado if any is around, not much just a few small bits, and see how that goes. Sometimes your body just doesn’t want to fast, so if nothing else works, eat some more fats to break the fast, refeed yourself and get back to it when you are feeling better.

Fasting Buddy search?

i was going to do 36/12 this week but decided to just keep fasting. i’ll probably eat tomorrow though.
i’m feeling motivated to break through the next “decade” threshold and be closer to 40lbs down before i go to my parent’s house for a week. i’m not all that worried about gaining weight there as they have taken down some basics to have for me to eat in the house … and i have advised them to not worry when i don’t eat breakfast …or lunch lol. as always, it’s super fun to be able to just decide to fast on the fly. the only sadness is my vegetables died without fulfilling their density… sigh :smiley:


@Friday, sorry about your veg, that made me chuckle!
Ending day 3 of fast up until Thanksgiving (so 10 days Total)
All’s well and no bathroom issues since omitting my multivitamin this time around. Don’t remember who suggested that, but thanks!
Also tried matcha tea for the first time during this fast. Heard of it many times, but this thread inspired me to buy some. I wouldn’t say I love it, but nice to have an alternative to coffee when that’s pretty much all you are ingesting (water+electrolytes too of course). Happy fasting gang!

(Donna ) #157

Doing the Zorn Fast this month, started yesterday. I’m in the right mindset and really looking forward to it. Glad to be doing this before the stress of planning and cooking for Thanksgiving.

KCKO :smiley:

(Doodler for @KetoKailey) #158

NOTHING LIKE :coffee:coffee! It may be my true love, but :tea: matcha is what parents want you to end up with, :joy:!

I’m back with my true love today :laughing:.

Jeans are NOT ALL THE SAME. Wearing 27 skinny ankle today. Haven’t worn this since 11/16.


Ha! How do you prepare your matcha?

(Doodler for @KetoKailey) #160

@Jbird71 Cashew Milk or Coconut Milk + Butter + 1 tsp matcha powder.

(Becky) #161

Yay! Almost halfway through my first zornfast! 40 hours in! I’m going to try for 96, just because I have a function then. Having done the math, the 72 hour mark will be Friday at 7. Its been nice not dealing with food. Feeling good today. Reading the chat has reminded me that I may want to clean up on dairy, diet soda, and sweeteners.

(Mark Rhodes) #162

Just an update: 86 hrs into 120. Little lackluster today in the head. Salt, potassium and magnesium helped a little. I am awaiting the HGH peaking. Plan on leg day tonight, chest and shoulders tomorrow at 116 hrs. If I feel really good at 120 I’ll push up into the 130s. Just black coffee and water.

Question: Does anyone know a good cutoff point for low BG? I have dropped to 53mg/dl. I feel okay other than lackluster. Not really concerned but it is the first time in my 50s and wondering if a number in the 40s would be a reason to feed for health reasons. Blood pressure and pulse good and strong. No dizziness.

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #163

I’m so happy for you. You my friend are an inspiration.


For me, Excedrin Migraine (includes caffeine). And then sleep.

Hey @LizinLowell,@Helewisa, @collaroygal and everyone, you all have been very busy this November, awesome. I have been in the functional medicine world trying to detox and only recently got the thumbs up from my doctor to do fasting (one 36-hour per week plus IF of two meals on my eating days). I fasted Sunday night into Tuesday morning, and ever since then I’ve been getting blood glucose numbers into the 100s, which for me is amazing (I was stuck for the past couple of months in the mid to upper 200s). I am still increasing the dose of the Symlin I am trying (experiment to see if it will stop my liver from kicking out excessive glucose), and there are many supplements involved. I suspect it is some combination of all of this that is starting to make a difference. I have even lost a few pounds this week, after having gained several (not fasting for a while and being out of ketosis).

I also have started tracking my food and all kinds of notes and readings in Chronometer, which I really like. I want to see how my diet really looks when I write it down, and to try to bring it back into a keto range. Even with net carbs, I am up around 40 but my ketones right now are 0.9, so that’s not nothing!

I am starting my next fast this evening into Saturday morning. My lowest blood glucose this week was 150 (this afternoon) so I am hoping another 36-42 hour fast will knock things down another notch.

(KCKO, KCFO) #165

So happy for you. I know those high numbers had you upset. Congrats on the weight loss too.

Happy fasting.

(Liz ) #166

So glad you are finally getting the results you need! Appreciate the update. Keep us posted!

(Liz ) #167

Well my weight is creeping up and I haven’t done anything different! LOLOLOL I hate my scale LOLOLOL. Anyway,I assume it’s water weight and will work its way back out again as I KCKO. I’ve done a few 20:4s the past few days, today I’ll do like, an 18:6. Macros look fantastic. It’s still all a huge mystery to me.

I wish I was Zornfasting with everyone this month but I really have to coordinate my extended fasts in advance as I cook all the dinners for me and my husband and I really like to give him a heads up when I’m not going to be doing that so he can plan his own meals and I failed to do that this week.

I plan all our meals for the week on Sunday and if it’s stuff that will go bad if I don’t cook it and I can’t freeze it then I will eat on the regular schedule and forego fasting. I still only eat when hungry but don’t ever like to waste food from the fridge especially when I am so precise about how much we have and how many meals it covers. Virgo FTW :smile:

For Thanksgiving next week we’ll go to my SiL’s in Rhode Island. I’m going to try making an unsweetened pumpkin pie with an almond meal crust and unsweetened whipped cream. I’m likely the only one who will eat that but hey, I’d like to see if it’s my thing. I really don’t like artificial sweeteners and I’m curious how the pie will taste to me as nothing I eat is sweet anymore so regular things taste sweeter.

Other than that I expect to eat turkey and hopefully some green beans. That’s about it! I’ve been some form of low carb since 2003 so I don’t get tempted by the other sides and desserts anymore though I love the way they look on the table. Cheers to you all!


Darcy, this is great news for you! Funny, I was just thinking of you this morning as I washed my dishes and listened to the obesity code podcast #6 :slight_smile:

It sounds like you are on a good path of healing, weight loss, carbs at 40g and ketones at 09. Wow! I am so excited for you to find the answers to the puzzle of “you”!

I just started my fast last night (much later than originally planned). I really need to fast for my health just now as well as for my spirit. I have been feeling somewhat less anxious, although life is still of many uncertainties for my family with no fixed point to pin any hopes on either. Except, of course, my Savior, so, I need to keep things in perspective!

Note to self and any who may wonder: Weight loss will not happen whilst eating more fat than you require, just because it’s all you can eat and you want to fill your face with something due to your emotional turmoil while keeping it Keto! Therefore, I believe that there IS something to the CICO model and I am one of those who can overdo, even on Keto. Noted! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And so, a fast for body, mind, and spirit, a reset before the Thanksgiving holiday with the intent of not using this fast as an excuse and springboard for gorging.

Keep calm and Fast On Keto family! :smiley: