
Getting close to wrapping up a not-really-planned 40 hours. I’ve been doing OMAD on Mondays and Fridays with a 40 hour on Wednesday into lunch Thursday. I’ve been intending to start expanding that to ADF. Yesterday, I wasn’t really hungry and I was going to have to eat dinner early since I had an evening activity. So I thought I’d just skip dinner and see how it went. If I was starving I could eat at the activity. In the end, other people were eating, but I wasn’t hugely tempted, so I kept going!

Then I was freaking wide-awake half the night. Is there any way to combat this fasting-induced insomnia? Now I’m groggy from having not gotten nearly enough sleep.

(Roxanne) #62

I’ve found that a very small amount of cannabis helps with fasting insomnia, although I realize it’s not legal everywhere.


No advice on the not being able to sleep issue. I get this at times too, but it’s also not just associated with Fasting, so I can get this anytime. I used to have it worse in my earlier years, but it still happens.


Hmmm. It is legal in my state–both medical and recreational. I haven’t smoked in decades, since all it ever did was make me sleepy. So, that might be a winner… But I don’t want to smoke it (I can’t stand the smell) and food is out, obviously. Maybe an oil of some kind that I could put in a cup of tea or something.


I believe there is what they call CBD? At least I think that’s what it’s called. … My wife and I were just discussing this with someone the other day, when someone was in their store asking about it. If CBD is correct, it might be worth looking into? It’s not supposed to get you high, but simply help with pain, etc.

(Brennan) #66

18 hours in, thinking I’ll go for 60 or so.
Nearly doubled my daily production at work today. Can’t wait till I actually get fasting brain!


(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #67

Darn, not here! Just saying.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #68

Might be a good idea on my extended fasts. on day 3 I allways get insomnia and very irritable on day 4 because of it.
And yeah, the smoaking is sort of okay if it’s only once a week or so but I am really just bad at rolling XD

(Roxanne) #69

I get you on not liking the smell of the smoke (or the potential carcinogenic effect) so when we do partake, it is usually via vaping. There are also tinctures available, but I can’t say I’ve tried any. And be careful, some strains are more stimulative than sedative…might be worth talking to your local shop and see what they recommend.

(Roxanne) #70

There is THC and CBD…personally I’ve only tried the THC route. I believe CBD products are less regulated in some areas, but not sure if they provide the same effect.


Yeah, a good shop is usually pretty knowledgable about the different aspects of the strains and offerings they have.

(Roxanne) #72

It’s still a brave new world of exploration here in Canada :wink:

(Herb Martin) #73

Hi, new here, just found you kind folks a couple of days ago.

Did a 12-day fast finishing March 1st. Came off 5 days and restarted on the 7th.
Today is my day 6.

No hero here, it’s easy for me and I’ll stop when it’s not working for me, though I am planning for 14-days this time, with an eye towards continuing longer.

My GKI reached 0.82 today, DrBozRatio 15, with Glucose at 72 & Ketones at 4.9 (my highest but I’ve only had that meter since Saturday.)

I’ve been carnivore only since July 7 so doing fasts is easy for me. Started this keto journey just before Thanksgiving 2017, lost weight then stalled and got frustrated spring of 2018 and ate badly until I started carnivore.

At this point I’ve lost 67 lbs with 17 of it in these fasts.

I’ve got about 40 lbs to reach goal weight though with this new found fasting regimen I might drive a bit deeper to allow room for rebound weight gain and bring fat percentage further down for a few months.


Yeah, I’ve never used it myself, nor even heard of it until just this passed weekend I believe? A guy was in a Vape shop near me and speaking with the owner about it. … So when we were speaking, he was explaining how it all really worked. I just remember him saying it didn’t give you a high, like if you were just smoking pot, but folks who have pain issues, etc. really like it, so they don’t have to take meds?

Guess it works though?

I didn’t know of either until just recent, but now that you mention it, I think he did mention THC as well? (sorry, I don’t know the difference or what it means) But thought he mentioned most preferred the CBD? But I could be wrong?

(KCKO, KCFO) #75

Look for CBD oil, no high just relaxes you. Or you can vape with THCA blends.


This sounds a lot like what the guy at the Vape shop was explaining too. And I believe the ‘customer’ to whom he was speaking with, was telling him about another shop selling some ‘Gummy Bears’? That’s what got our attention, because he said something like they were selling them for $10 for a bag of 6?

We joked and said hell, for that price, I would want the high to come along with it! :smile:

(Andi loves space, bacon and fasting. ) #77

Hi! Replying to you here and from the other thread. Yes, we did start at the same time. I felt good today, but definitely some periods of hunger. Also, my hands are cold.

If your exhaustion feels wrong, maybe you need to break your fast? Hunger is okay, but feeling sick isn’t. Hope your feeling better!

(Andi loves space, bacon and fasting. ) #78

I have used THC in vape or oil form for a good nights sleep. It really works. I’ve had to give it up though because it exacerbates my depression. (Note: I live in a state where it’s legal and easy to get)


Just over 37 hrs. and feeling fine. Not sure if I will be making this a short or longer yet?

(Andi loves space, bacon and fasting. ) #80

checking in this morning at 67 hours, just past my record for longest fast. Yesterday I did have some hunger that was more than normal, and some thoughts of food that I think were probably about the same as a non-fasting day. I just keep reminding myself of how much good this is doing:

  • increasing my insulin sensitivity and undoing decades of damage
  • I had a DXA scan a few weeks ago that estimated 4.1 lbs of visceral fat, so I like to think this fast is burning off some of that scary fat
  • stressing out any tumor cells that my be lurking about
  • autophaging some of that loose skin I now see around my belly

I haven’t experienced that mental clarity people talk about yet, hoping to experience some of that soon :brain:

I feel pretty good, we’ll see how long this lasts but as of right now I think I just might make it all the way to 7 days :heart_eyes_cat: