(Kriti Anand) #41

Just started my 72 Hours fast for first time in my life. I have been trying since March 1st to start EF.

Thanks for this thread. Next three days are going to be a BIG CHALLENGE!!!

(Eliz~) #42

How’d it go for you? I’ve done 42 hour fasts several times, but prefer 36 hour fasts!

(Eliz~) #43

I’m working up to this! I’m as far as 42 hour fasts. Building up that Fasting muscle! :o)

(Andi loves space, bacon and fasting. ) #44

Hi! I drink a lot of water, probably between 1 and 1.5 gallons a day. I’m not sure why I drink so much. Should I be more mindful of how much water & green tea I consume during an EF?


I’ve always drank a lot of water myself, but I have cut this back some in recent months. The one thing they say is drinking too much water can wash out your electrolytes faster, so just make sure you are getting enough, especially sodium. But drinking more whilst fasting is not uncommon, no. I believe I do this as well. Maybe because I’m not eating foods? Possibly … Personally I only water fast when doing EF’s, but I will drink Tea and occasionally coffee with normal eating of IF’s though.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #46

Started my weekly EF this evening. Goal is 47 hours.

(KCKO, KCFO) #47

I’m doing a 44 hr. fast, so joining you on the fasting train.

I plan on doing a lot of follow up research on some topics I heard discussed at Low Carb Denver today. I streamed it so need to see if I can find more details, those presentations moved fast. But a lot of interesting stuff was discussed.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #48

Since my workbuddy is mad at me and doesn’t hang out with during breaksm I am having a hard time fasting and staying off emotional eating.
I just trew back 5 chocolates I am mad at myself because I know it doesn’t change and improve things.

Usually when I do that I tend to go have a fatty ZC meal before I try to go on another fast. (even when I am not hungry, only of fear that I might get hungry because of the candy)
Today I want to try and bite the bullet and just jump right in. No more “loopholes”
lets do 48h min. compleetly clean. no matter the weather or anything else. I can do this…

(Andi loves space, bacon and fasting. ) #49

I’m only 20 hours in but I feel like a million bucks this morning! I think I will break my fast record this week … :woman_cartwheeling:

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #50

5h post chocolate.
not having lunch was a good decision. the slump is not as bad as expected.
I am looking forward to zumba and pump class tonight. burn up all the glucose and glycogen…

(Aubrey Simmons) #51

I’m about 20 hrs in and I feel great I’m getting to know my body a little bit more I’ve ingested nothing today. Not even water I have some bone broth with clarified butter I’m going to add some salt to it. My tummy seems to like when I add salt. I do t even feel like I need to drink water right now. I’m going to drink some water when I hit the gym later. I’m going for my first extended fast longer than 1 day

(KCKO, KCFO) #52

My fast turned out to be just 24 hrs. tried several things to avoid eating but in the end just decided “I can always fast another day”. And had a lovely dinner with my husband.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #53

just hitting 24h, sipping on my black americano
slight hunger is showing and I forgot to replenish my salt supply in my desk drawer…

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #54

Broke my fast at 36.5 hrs. Was going for 48 but some social things came up and I don’t want to break a fast eating out.

Dawn affect still strong but improving. Fasting BG used to be 120 to 130 mg/dL.


Decided to start a Fast after last night’s dinner. So I’m just at 13 hrs. and not sure just yet for how long. Thought about doing it for the rest of the week, but we’ll see.

(Andi loves space, bacon and fasting. ) #56

I’m about 42 hours in and still feel like a million bucks. I had barely any hunger yesterday and I had black coffee, green tea, Brenda Zorn’s keto-aid, and water. It was sunny and warm for the first time in ages, so I went for a good walk with 2 laps up a monster set of stairs.

I did have trouble falling asleep due to excess adrenaline and thumping heart. Falling asleep on day 2 has been tricky for me before on an EF.

After decades of building up insulin resistance, I feel like I am doing a great thing for my body, letting all of my cells have a break from insulin so they can start to repair the damage.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #57

29h not very hungry but mood is meh… I am sort of clearheaded though and getting some thoughts into some creative writing…

My boss chose me and a few others last minute to go to a quarterly meeting.
I am not dressed for the occasion, I don’t want to join in the mixer after, and I don’t want to skip my gym class with my fav instructor for this… :weary::sob::sob:
sooo not my day…


54hrs into my first EWF. Been drinking lot of water with electrolytes. Not feeling hungry anymore, but felt exhausted this morning and showering to get out to work didn’t help at all. Stayed home covered in a blanket. Is this exhaustion normal around day 3?

(John) #59

I guess I am doing my once a month fast. I never plan these, they just seem to happen. About 40-ish hours so far, since dinner on Sunday. I’ll probably go until tonight, which will make 48 hrs. Then I’ll see if I want to keep going or eat something.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #60

I was really winded during my workout. I also got partially nauseated due to exhaustion.
The hunger is slight but it there. So I went to the store and got bacon (on sale:star_struck:) and avocado
I’ll call it quits at 35h not the 72h but I am happy still. I am stopping for physical reasons not emotional, this is the first for a while now