Keto is Freedom


It is a super diverse group, and some of them just happen to be overly cautious. I’ve seen worse keto-nazi’s on reddit though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, I’m also insulin resistant and it a small sweet treat once a day isn’t doing anything bad to me. Same goes for my partner and a few of my friends that are doing the whole keto thing as well, pretty much anyone you talk to who’s experimented with what they can and can’t eat would tell you the same thing.


I take a couple squares of dark chocolate, top with a tbsp of almond butter and sprinkle with pink salt crystals. Savor it slowly and it’s better than any Reese’s I used to mindlessly eat.

(Consensus is Politics) #43

The reason I started Keto (for the second time, first time was just because I could, which lasted three months) was because I was Dx with T2D. The point at which I realized I could do Keto (I’m leaving out my exhaustive research to even see if it was safe for me now) it was horrible. I was in some serious withdrawal.

The more I looked into carbohydrates, the more I realized not only did I not need them, but that now they were actually killing me, literally. So I began to do a little Jedi mind trick on myself. I made it a point to think of anything carby as pure poison. It worked. Not a week later and I can’t look at cookies, candy, cakes, chips, French fries (my kryptonite) without knowing that those things were simply waiting to kill me if I ate them. It worked too well. I find it hard to make meals for the grand kids. They can handle the hamburger helper, pasta, canned soups, meat dishes with sides of rice and veggies. But I feel like I’m contributing to their early demise. But I consider it, I made it this far. When I was a kid there were times i’d pour myself a bowl of sugar for breakfast. Granted, I was 10 and didn’t know better, but that’s what 10 year olds do (as a kid, my reasoning was pretty straightforward, it’s in the kitchen, it tastes good, it can’t be bad for me. :roll_eyes:) yes, I could have used some guidance, that’s for sure!


Same here, gateway foods is what they are. Even something like the spread from in n out on an innocent protein style burger is gateway food for me. I’m starting to think that food should never be super tasty. But everyone has different tolerances and different addiction levels. Me … I gotta be careful cuz I have an addictive personality.

(Renee Slaughter) #45

Will do sounds delightful


All this talk about Reese’s made me want to try those sugar free ones. I stopped by the store and got a bag. I know I can only have like one piece a day… I just had a piece and they are damn good. Tastes just like the normal ones. Can’t wait to have another one tomorrow. :stuck_out_tongue:


These are amazing!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #48

This made me laugh out loud.
This is EXACTLY what I say! Ha!

(Rob) #49

The siren call of a full size Pecanbon with extra frosting has gotten me through a lot of plane delays at airports across the country.

Never again… but mmmmmmmm :stuck_out_tongue:

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #50


(Stan Brooks) #51

No in this case it was. Normally I don’t ever really like sweet stuff. Savory breads have always been my downfall.

That’s okay I think it’s important to recognize when you are a little weak at times. I considered it a small victory that the cookies were left on the counter and I ate too Keto friendly food.

(Candy Lind) #52

Good choice. :+1: :clap: I over-ate today and I didn’t have any cookies staring me down. I’ve just had a “hungry” couple of days.

(Richard Morris) #53

Some people are playing with tighter tolerances than others, hence an abundance of caution is rational.

(She had one feck to give and that feck is gone.) #54

What I love about Keto is that when I’m over it and I’m determined to cheat I can do it and stay Keto :astonished:. That’s when I bust out my baking skills and have a really fun day!

Tried many Keto “breads” though and bleh. There is one from KetoDietApp that I don’t mind as a fried egg base but…well…sigh…

(Chris McRoberts) #55

Nutella is my Achilles heel

(Vincent Hall) #56

This is a fair comment.

(Lauren) #57

I hope to one day be able to walk passed breads or sweets without them calling to every part of me. But it is not this day. The smells still make me drool. If it’s shark week, they can literally bring me to tears.

I am an addict. Some days I feel like a dry drunk, white-knucling my way through the grocery store. I’m starting to think I will never get to a point where I feel (carb) clean and sober. A point where I don’t feel deprived. A point where I’m not fighting myself every single time I’m near carbs.

Some are more strongly addicted than others. I can’t have “just a little this one time” and I can’t do most sweet-tasting things. Somedays it feels like too much.

(Candy Lind) #58

I feel your pain! Now, what can we do to help?

How long have you been on keto? Are you completely grain- and sugar-free? I was really surprised how quickly I got my cravings under control after I cut it all out. Have you checked you blood sugar after “legal” sweets to see if you have an insulin response to the sweetener?

If you are still having cravings and you’ve been keto for a while (at least a month or so), the best things you can do are to find and use a support network (Family? KETO friends? Here? ?) and, possibly, to get some counseling if it’s really difficult. Being able to whine and complain to a sympathetic ear when you don’t want to pass up that artisan bread can be very cathartic. And it makes the next time easier. How can we help you get a plan/strategies in place?

(Renee Slaughter) #59

Hi Lauren
There are other responses on this thread that are like yours. I read about their struggles and yours and empathise. How long have you been keto? Are there other ways keto set you free?

(Renee Slaughter) #60

You go girl. That’s right. How can we help?