Keto is Freedom

(Renee Slaughter) #1

Does anyone understand d seriously understand the freedom of standing in a grocery line and not desire or crave candy or chips? I can walk by the bakery isle and not want anything. Keto is freedom. Thank all the low carb community for helping me get free. Thanks@carl and @richard

(Richard Morris) #2

After curing my Diabetes, that is the second most powerful effect for me … that food has lost it’s power to compel my behaviour.

(Cristian Lopez) #3

gonna be honest I forgot what bread tastes like,It looks somewhat bland and boring like a card board sponge?

(Roy D) #4

May be one reason why the keto lifestyle has not been more widely “pushed” on the general population. If a company can’t use keto to market it’s product (candy, chips, break, carbs, …), then there is no reason to promote it.


(Renee Slaughter) #5

Keto is being commercialized. Was up late one night saw some commercial for a shake replacement meal called keto something. Guaranteed to help you lose weight by burning fat. The price for this miracle product was not shown.SMH

(Stan Brooks) #6

I am not quit there yet.

My mother made my kids a bunch cookies and frankly it’s hard not to have just one. So what am I doing?

I just went and fixed a ground beef patty, cooked in the fat from the bone broth I made over the weekend, and covered in butter and smoked gouda. If I am still hungry in a little bit I will grab some cheese.

I know that this is all in my head but I also know I am not at that point yet to just be able to ignore it. So maybe tonight I am going to over eat. But it’s going to be keto foods.
Tomorrow the kids are going to be able to pig out on cookies after school and before I get home from work.

(TJ Borden) #7

I have those days too, where I start to feel bad because I over ate, then I realize, I still kept it Keto and then in the back of my mind I hear @richard saying KCKO.

(Renee Slaughter) #8

Its a little easier for me cause I’m the cook and shopper in my house. My husband isn’t keto yet. Fingers crossed. So he still wants ice cream and such. I’m good. Wasn’t always. It gets better

(Renee Slaughter) #9

Its not in your head. Its possibly your genes or was your environment. But it mot your head. Fat to satiety

(Rob) #10

Nice for you but try being used to it (addicted?) for 3x longer than you’ve been alive… I still want bread and maybe always will but the science will (hopefully) always outweigh the emotion. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

:bread::croissant::baguette_bread::pretzel::pizza::hotdog::sandwich::taco::hamburger::cake::cookie::doughnut::pancakes: - so many grain-based emojis!!

(Renee Slaughter) #11

So many emojis. Gave me s chuckle


I’m grateful that my transition away from my fave artisanal rustic wheat bread and indian breads was relatively easy - hard for the first month only.

Ketosis has made my brainz so productive with mental work that I’d not even gotten round to experimenting with official bready keto things beyond basic almond meal/coconut flour griddle breads and some disappointingly flat-flavored cinnamon coffee cake around the holidays.

But yesterday I finally got around to making some cheesy/creamy bisquits and flatter ones that work for mini-burgers. And tonight it was so fun to use two to contain some leftover ground beef with mayo and cheddar and green chile sauce with a fried tomato on the side. So. Very. WONDERFUL.

Keto is Freedom. :heart_eyes:

(Sophie) #13

I walk past that giant cookie place at the mall and the smell is nauseating :nauseated_face:

(Rick) #14

I don’t go to malls much anymore - Cinnabon is EVIL.


I love the feeling that I have gained total control over what I choose to eat, total control over food – it is the complete opposite of most of my life, when food - or really conglomerates and advertisers - had total control over me.
When I smell some food that I used to like, I start breaking down it’s ingredients in my head, start thinking about its impact on my body.
Time and time again I end up thinking “wow that smell has changed” but really I’ve changed. Saying no to that smell is easier. It may have been something I needed then, but not any more.

(Richard Morris) #16

I sometimes wander down the valley of Carbs in the shop. Breads to the left of me, Cereals to the right … pointing at products and saying “Not food” … “Not food” … “and you’re not food either”.


I do the same thing… every time I walk into the market I remind myself that most of the stuff in there is not real food… sometimes I will make it a point to find something, take a picture of it and overlay the words… “Not Food” and will post it on social media, more as a reminder to myself…

(Joanna) #18

This sounds silly and small, but yesterday after work I went to the grocery store to get a few things for keto pad thai and I realized I no longer felt the need to go straight home after work and feed out of stress and perceived hunger. That was a freeing moment!

(Renee Slaughter) #19

Not silly or small. That was a freedom moment. Cheers!

(Ethan) #20

It’s really amazing. My office buys us all snacks–mostly crappy, carb snacks. They have no power over me now. I have zero desire to eat whole-grain cardboard with added sugar and flavor. What I did find amazing is how many of these snacks are now loaded with vitamins. It looks like they are trying to show how healthy they are as a kids snack by saying x% of vitamin whatever! Sickening. I’m fasting now and feeling great.