Keto is Freedom


I still want sugar/carb filled snacks when I see them but I know they’re not good for me, so I don’t buy/eat them. There are a few things that I see now and snub my nose to them, but I’d love some Pringles or a Reese’s peanut butter cup… I don’t think I’ll ever think those aren’t delicious. :stuck_out_tongue: I won’t eat them though.

(Renee Slaughter) #22

I’m understanding now that not everyone feel this and carb cravings are still a real thing. The struggle is still very real. Still aren’t we better off with keto? Haven’t we won our own hard fought battles? And are no longer slaves to the addiction, regardless of where we are in our fight? And I still love Recess cup too. Looking for a low carb version. Maybe a chocolate peanut butter fat bomb


Well there are these:

(Ethan) #24

NEGATIVE! They use 20g of maltitol!


Yeah, that means you can have like one piece a day :stuck_out_tongue:

(Ethan) #26

It’s still 4g per piece. No thanks!


That’s an extremely minimal amount, which will have no effect on you.

(Ethan) #28

its equivalent to 4g of carbs to me. I don’t want to waste 4g on that

(Renee Slaughter) #29

Like I said the struggle is real


I want a ham sandwich stuffed with Doritos. Yeah, I still have cravings. I’m also fasting right now and feeling great, but a ham sandwich sure would be nice- temporarily. Until I felt bloated and turned into a carb eating machine, I think I’ll stick with keto.

(Mary) #31

“here I am - stuck in keto with you…”

(Jeanne Wagner) #32

Gotta be careful with the alternative sweeteners. They can trigger an insulin response which is worse than just the 4 carbs they are… not worth it to me.

(Chris W) #33

I commonly stand in the potato chip aisle at the grocery store… searching for the pork rinds that they seem to hide so well amongst the chips. Chips have no effect on me. I do have fond memories of many of the foods I choose not to eat, but they have no power over me. It’s been long enough that I’m pretty sure the real thing could never live up to my memory :smiley:

(Mary) #34

This!!! I’ve been back on the wagon for several weeks but why can I never remember this when I start to wobble? And it’s so true.

@cwstnsko - I may have to send you a note when I need a reminder :grin:

(mich) #35

Yes, I will always secretly pine for a sourdough baguette - granted, I want to cover it with brie and liver pate, but I want the baguette!


Too many overly cautious people around here. I could say over and over again that a tiny amount of anything isn’t going to derail you, but it seems like it’s falling on deaf ears. Some people say that the keto diet is too restrictive, but I say it’s all in how you approach it. How restrictive it may be is entirely up to you. I know my approach isn’t wrong because I’ve been losing weight steadily and my ketone / blood glucose numbers are always in the optimal range.

(Jeanne Wagner) #37

And that works for you so it’s perfect. I only said be careful because some of us are so insulin resistant (waves hand wildly around) that we might not want to take chances. Personally for me, I don’t feel restricted because of that, I feel comfort in knowing that I have control for the first time in my life.

KCKO :grin:

(Mary) #38

n=1. I’m sure this is true for you, Nebulous, but it certainly isn’t for everyone (me included). Just the thought of something sweet can have me face first into a tub of Hagan Daz in no time flat.


Lol, touché. :smiley:


Yes @Nebulous Keto is not one-size-fits-all. People without deranged metabolisms, after the induction period to fat-adaptation, can easily take on carbs up to 50g net or more a day. I know someone who maintains well on 100g a day.

For me being midlife, I have to make an effort to keep at 50g or less net per day generally unless post intense resistance weight training. And, with OMAD (one meal a day) on my IF days - it’s super easy to enjoy a feast meal plus dessert and red wine and stay within that parameter, which I’m very grateful to be able to do.

For those with a longer metabolic healing journey centered on a prolonged induction period of 20 net carbs a day and who aren’t doing much IF or OMAD - I imagine it’s very challenging to keep to that without having a significantly disciplined protocol.

Rather than saying “too many overly cautious people around here” I think of it as “this is a super-diverse group with folks ranging in weight from 110-550, some in great health and some quite sickly, ranging in age from 20 something to 70something.”