Karim's Extended Fast Tracker - come along for the ride

(Windmill Tilter) #814

You’re entitled to feel that way obviously, but I don’t think you should be embarrassed, if anything you should proud as hell. I know I would be!

You’ve pulled off a pretty amazing weight loss, with almost no loose skin at the end, which is kind of miracle in and of itself. The statistical odds of someone going to from a BMI of 40 to a BMI in the low 20’s is 1 in 1290 or roughly 0.07%. It basically doesn’t happen in the real world. If you think I’m kidding, look at this study and the sample size (14,767!!!). Out of nearly 15,000 people, only 71 pulled it off.

(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #815

Wow, I just posted a thread because I was alarmed when my GKI dropped to 0.85 and 0.68. I was afraid that might be dangerous. 0.68 was more than 24 hours after I broke fast and I’d eaten a couple of substantial meals in the interim. Reading your posts makes me think it’s OK for it to drop so low.

(Karim Wassef) #816

My lowest now is closer to 0.25

Listen to your body though. Not hunger, but deep “weakness” is my cue

(57 yo female started keto Jul '19) #817

I had a feeling of hurting leg bones in my last fast. It was a deep pain; not like the kind of muscle pain I know. It stopped when I stopped the fast. How did it stop in your case? I tried to find it in this topic, but couldn’t (could not read all). I suspect it disappeared with time in your case, but I’d like to know. Maybe you changed the electrolytes or did something else.

(Karim Wassef) #818

I suspect it was just the effect of autophagy - losing old or weak cells that are rebuilt after the fast is over.

(57 yo female started keto Jul '19) #819

That is what I was thinking also. I think next time I will be less worried as I suspect I had the same kind of pain. And you obviously survived it …

Also I just found this. In my case it was also a bit like nerve pain:

(PJ) #820

Interesting. “Deep bone pain” in the legs is something I often had when young. My sisters, whom I did not grow up with, told me they did too. Since our mom died when we were kids (aged 9-16), we all independently worried we had some kind of bone cancer and were doomed. Got a laugh out of it later when we realized it was the same for all of us. I wonder if it could be a deficiency. I mean a healing effect in the nerve sounds reasonable too, but the other just as much so if not more.

(57 yo female started keto Jul '19) #821

Yes or some pain that comes with growing bones. If it was in your teens.

(PJ) #822

Teens through about age 30.

(Karim Wassef) #823

Ok. Starting a new extended fast tomorrow 2/24/20 (day 1). Not sure how long I can make it but I thought I’d share it here and see if I can beat last year’s record of 19 consecutive days.

I plan to take some photos, track weight, fat weight and non-fat weight as well as glucose and ketones.

I had a chicken thigh, some thin crust pizza and leg of lamb today… the pizza is a major aberration for me (and I have a headache already)…

I plan to only drink coffee, tea and water with salts, ACV and stevia + my usual vitamin and mineral supplements (zero calorie except for the fat soluble vitamins).

Wish me luck and help me break through my 19 day record :smiley:

(Karim Wassef) #824

and I’ll be focused on daily (as much as I can) UV (sun or bed)… vitamin D is a big deal to me

(mole person) #825

Ooh, good luck @Karim_Wassef! It’s nice to have you back with us. Let us know where you’re starting from!

(Karim Wassef) #826

Day 1 -

Pretty embarrassing but it’s been a long day and I didn’t get sun or lifting. I also see the direct effects of water retention driven by indulging in carbs yesterday…

To put it in context, I was 196 the day before so that’s 5lbs of weight gain in 24 hrs… clearly meaningless but interesting to note.

I think my lowest weight was 163 last year and I ended my 19 day fast last time at 167 losing 23lbs in the process.

m = muscle mass
o = other mass
f = fat mass
W = weight
G = Glucose
K = Ketones
GKI = G / K / 18

(mole person) #827

I’ve been getting amazing GKI’s completely unfasted on high fat carnivore. Yesterday it was 0.9 and today 1.1 just as examples. Today I’d eaten twice already and had two big cups of creamed coffee by the time I’d tested.

(Karim Wassef) #828

It depends on where you are in your endogenous vs. exogenous fat consumption. I’ve managed to fatten myself up (keto style = low oxidation) so I still have a way to go :smiley:

(Karim Wassef) #829

mostly water purging today and almost no movement on ketones. I think it’s interesting that after 48hrs (last food was Sunday 6pm) fasted, my ketones are still only at 0.3 but they were at 0.2 after pizza… :slight_smile:

I think there’s still fiber fermentation in progress (I had salted seaweed sheets) so there are still many sources of energy for days before my body resorts to its own stores.

It’s very adapted and efficient! That SOB! :wink:

(mole person) #830

Can you explain this? My fat consumption will be virtually entirely exogenous. I’m completely weight stable and at maintenance.

(Karim Wassef) #831

When I am eating high fat keto (<10g carb), I can have high ketones or low ketones…

It depends on whether the combination of protein and fat I’m consuming exceeds my energy and rebuilding needs. If they do, then my ketones stay depressed (0.2 - 0.4) and my GKI is high… and I can gain weight. Here the intake is enough to keep me out of effective ketosis and most of the energy from exogenous fat is stored.

It took me many months (actually almost a year) but I managed to go from 163 to 201 this way. This isn’t the same as weight gain due to carbs though, it’s not oxidating and doesn’t increase insulin significantly. It’s a slow crawl of fat building. My glucose stayed under 100 but my ketones rarely got over 0.5 while eating OMAD keto… but the portions mattered.

This isn’t keto for weight loss. It was keto for longevity. I knew I was gaining weight and it was intentional since I was also bulking and lifting.

If I lower my intake close to or below my energy needs, then my ketones start to rise and my GKI drops… this is where I’m using the exogenous fat directly for energy because it’s not in surplus.

If I continue to reduce it, then I start using endogenous fat… both yield higher ketones and lower GKI.

(Karim Wassef) #832

6 plates on each side = 540lbs. Much better than a few months ago.

(Mame) #833

please tell me more!

(and welcome back, i hope life and job and family are all going well)