Ilana's beef binge buster thread

(mole person) #122

Day 1: Very little weight loss but that isn’t surprising. I’m quite ill from the carb up and am having to drink a ton of water.

The thing that I find the most disappointing isn’t even that I went off plan a bit. It’s that I learned nothing because I ate so many different things that I have no way of knowing what might have been ok and what wasn’t.

Anyhow, I’m back on track now. But I still feel dreadful. Hopefully, I start to recover soon.

108.2 lbs.

Yesterday’s food eaten over two meals:

Yummy too. I’m an idiot. Lol.

(mole person) #123

Day 2: 107.4 lbs. Yay! The weight is coming off as usual on this protocol. I’m still as sick as a dog and my post carb binge hangover includes the usual migraine which can last for many days but at least I know I’m on track for it to end in about a week.

I had two solid meals yesterday of steak and beef fat. Utterly delicious. I can’t wait to eat today!

Yesterday’s food:

(mole person) #124

Day 3:. 106.6 lbs. It’s coming off really fast this time. I wonder if the cold is burning extra calories?

Anyhow, still really sick, but the migraine didn’t last so big “Yay!!!”.

As usual this protocol has killed my cravings really quickly. It’s possibly my favorite thing about it. Even better than the rapid weight loss.

Yesterday’s food:

(Susan) #125

Are you doing a meal tomorrow for Thanksgiving? =).

(mole person) #126

I have nothing special going on this Thanksgiving so I’ll be sticking to beef. It will be a prime rib roast however :stuck_out_tongue:.

(Susan) #127

Okay =). I just wondered if you were cooking a Turkey.

(mole person) #128

Day 4: 105.6 lbs.

Still losing ridiculously quickly. Still sick as hell. Must be increased metabolism due to healing because I’m eating completely normally and staying very hydrated.

Whatever, losing weight fast is a pleasing upside to a bad cold. :grin:

I’ve been a little bad though. I rationalized having cream in my coffee again. It started with a girl who remembered my old order just giving it to me when I hadn’t ordered it and me deciding that the universe must want me to have it because I’m sick and miserable. But of course today I ordered it myself. I’m starting to think that the only way to really give up cream is to give up coffee first.

Yesterday’s food:

(Susan) #129

That is great how you are always able to get back on track =).


I do stuff like this all the time. It seems to make sense in the moment …

(mole person) #131

Day 6: I dropped .2 lbs yesterday and .8 this morning leaving me at 104.6 lbs. I’m almost at my bottom weight, but I’m going to stick to this diet until I’m fully recovered and feeling right again since it keeps me at my best. I’ve wanted to see in the past where my weight would plateau on this protocol and this may be my chance. I’m still terribly ill so I imagine I’ll stay with the beef diet at least another week.

I’m actually very curious not only of what that plateau weight might be, but how my body will look and feel there. This eating strategy feels good, it seems likely it would result in a healthy body composition.

My food is pretty much the same. Yesterday I added some bone broth and bone marrow for added nutrition.

(Susan) #132

That is great, Ilana. My hope for you is that one day you can avoid this illness and just not do the binging when you are not home. I know it is hard; but I would be happy for you if you can get to that point one day =).

(mole person) #133

The illness this time is a straight up chest cold. The aunt I was staying with in Montreal was recovering from phnumonia. Thing is, it’s still my fault. I never catch anything, ever when I’m strict, and I get colds ridiculously often when I cheat.

Also, except going a bit too hard on nuts I didn’t binge. Just a taste here and there of cakes and two pieces of chocolate and a few vegetables.

But still, you’re absolutely right. I know that this is enough to hurt me and make me ill. And I too hope for a day when I stop doing it. Maybe this awful cold will be enough of a lesson to me.

(Susan) #134

Awww okay =). I just have seen how awful you feel afterwards is all, so I will be happy for you if you can one day overcome that and conquer it, not trying to sound judgemental or mean. I think that you are an awesome lady, and I really admire you =).

(Edith) #135

Just remember: you’ve come a long way from your Mars Bars binges.

(mole person) #136

Thank you, @VirginiaEdie. I forget this sometimes. I think I’ve had only one over this entire summer and fall period. :smiley:

(mole person) #137

So I haven’t posted in 4 days, and pretty much the only reason I ever fail to post is because I have begun to relax my diet and I’ve begun to gain weight as a result. I hate posting that I’ve done these things and I also hate the accountability of being required by my own posts to stop whatever cheating it is that I’m doing.

However I told @Momof5 in another thread that I would post about this, and I think it’s important to put it down in writing since it’s something that I have noticed now many times.

Dairy just messes up my progress. It allows me to consume calories when I’m not hungry and I tend to have an open appetite with it. I can eat a lot and it doesn’t fill me up.

The entirety of my cheating has been two cups of creamed coffee a day, nothing else. I’m still doing solid beef and salt and fat in every other respect.

Now look at my chart.

Today will be my last day. And I will continue to show my progress. I expected that I may gain weight for one more day.

Having dairy in my diet just changes where my set point is. And the more I have of it the higher that set point becomes. With just the creamy coffee my set point is in the 106 to 108 lb range. As soon as I take out that cream it drops to 104 lbs.

I have a suspicion that this is true for a lot of people. The question is only whether one is happy with the set point that dairy allows them to get to. If they are then there’s no reason to take it out, barring other health concerns.

(Susan) #138

Best wishes with it all going back to normal for you, Ilana Rose, and thank you again so much for helping me too =). I am going to eat my TMAD’s this week and begin the new plan on Sunday (just because I have done the 4 day fasting and I think waiting one week to begin might be a better plan). I appreciate your help, thank you!! and I wish you all the best for your Keto journey being back and balanced too =).

(mole person) #139

Thank you! The chart I posted above was messed up. I just fixed it in case you didn’t see it before.

(Susan) #140

Do you think it is all dairy that affects people? Or just the HWC? I had never ever used it until a few months ago, now I know I need to eliminate it for at least a month to see (as you so aptly suggested and I will do that with the new plan). I am wondering if I need to eliminate butter, cream cheese, and all cheese as well. I see some people say on the forum that it is only the HWC and that they have been okay using butter still, so I am not sure.

(mole person) #141

For me cheese is definitely a problem. I’m not sure about butter. I lean towards thinking it should be alright though since it has no proteins or carbs and is just a pure fat. When I’m not doing pure beef, salt and water and I loosen up to have a few other meats I sometimes cook with ghee which is basically butter and haven’t had issues with it.