I <3 Mayo

(Laurel Harrington) #1

My quick, easy, go-to lunch has been canned chicken breast, hardboiled eggs, Dijon, mayo, salt/pepper etc… but the mayo is putting me over my goal for fat grams while leaving me under my protein goal. I’m trying to think of a good replacement/substitute for the mayo, or even other ideas for lunch that are as quick and easy. Any suggestions??


(Ron) #2

I would trade the chicken breast for canned tuna. Make your own mayo, it is easy and no carbs.

(Candy Lind) #3

I don’t get that - you’re eating two high-quality protein sources, one of which is very lean; you have plenty of protein there. Are you saying you have to use too much mayo to moisten the amount of protein you have? Maybe your protein macro is higher than you need it to be. Or your fat macro isn’t high enough. What are you working towards? What else are you eating in a day?

(Laurel Harrington) #4

I am brand new to keto so there’s a great chance I’ve got my macros wrong or something. I’ve been shooting for 60 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbs and 30 grams of fat. Is that correct for just getting started? I’m also using the Cronometer app.

I’m realizing I had some erroneous preconceptions about how much fat I can eat on the keto diet. I was just really surprised at the end of the day yesterday when I had met my fat goal but wasn’t even half way to my protein goal. I had 2 eggs and 4 bacon strips for breakfast so there was a lot of fat there but the mayo at lunch (2 Tblsp.) had 22.4 fat g., if I did all my math correctly. Math is my worst subject though :):grin:

I love the high protein combo of chicken and eggs and the mayo is just to make it an enjoyable combo. So I’m wondering if there is a better substitute that is lower in fat, or if I should find a new quick/easy lunch solution.


Your macros seem wrong. The fat is too low.

But sour cream might be an option for something that has a little less fat proportionally.

(Candy Lind) #6

Not even CLOSE to enough. 70% of your calories should come from fat daily.
Eat that chicken & egg covered with both mayo & melted cheese & you’ll be closer to the correct ratio. Better yet, lose the chicken & eat several pieces of bacon, a 2nd egg, and a side of mayo/mustard or full fat blue cheese dressing for dipping.

WRONG DIRECTION. Your fat macro should be around 100 g to have the correct ratio. Your chicken should be doing the backstroke in butter or wallowing like a pig in the mayonnaise. Get my drift? :wink:

How do you start your day? When you’re not yet used to eating a lot of fat, bullet-proof coffee may be a good addition - or tea, both are delicious.

(Ron) #7

Your macros are wrong. Go into account settings on your Cronometer account and set the weight goal setting to “maintain weight”, then go to the Macronutrient Targets and set it to “Hi fat/Ketogenic” setting and on the “Rigorous” level. This should get you to the right macro settings.

(Candy Lind) #8

@MoonBootz, a friend & I discovered that the Cronometer phone app will not save custom macros, so I wouldn’t trust it. Use the macro calculator HERE if you must, but you don’t need to when just starting out. Keep it simple. Under 20 grams carb, moderate protein (a nice serving per meal like a palm-size piece of chicken), fat until you are full. Add fat to the protein. Think of salads & green leafy’s as “fat carriers - put on extra dressing, a rich sauce or lots of butter. Eat some cheese on the side if you’re still hungry. If you count carbs & protein, you can ignore the rest for now.

(Ron) #9

Being unfamiliar with the phone app but on my PC the macro settings do save custom levels, although I don’t understand the need for custom as the Ketogenic Setting that I listed above meet the goals.
Please explain this (maybe something I should know :flushed:)

(Candy Lind) #10

I just have far more access to my phone than my computer, so I decided to not worry about the recorded macros and just make sure the little “wheel thingy” (:rofl:) is close to 70/25/5 at the end of the day. Yes, I could get on the computer & fix it, but I’m doing fine without it. So I don’t bother! It’s one of the few things I’m NOT obsessive about. :joy:

(Ron) #11

Understand :+1: Just freaked me out that I was directing others to something that was totally confusing them??? Good to know that it’s ok.:disappointed_relieved:

(Laurel Harrington) #12

Blockquote Your chicken should be doing the backstroke in butter or wallowing like a pig in the mayonnaise. :joy::rofl::joy:

My tummy doesn’t tolerate coffee or a lot of caffeine so I mostly drink decaffeinated black tea with Stevia. I was experimenting with drinking heavy whipping cream with Stevia ( SO FREAKING GOOD :yum:) but after yesterday I thought that wouldn’t work because of the fat content. YAY!!!

(Laurel Harrington) #13

I need to lose weight though, maybe this is where my confusion is? Like, what my intake grams should be for losing weight vs. maintaining? Idk.

(Alec) #14

This may sound weird, but I think you should be aiming for 130g fat, not 30g. Certainly closer to 130 than 30. Keto rule: if in doubt, eat more fat.

It is the reverse of what we’ve been taught, and therefore feels wrong. But it is right, and it works. Try it and see how you go.

(Alec) #15

I love this… permission to plagiarise? :joy::joy:


This!! I’ve always gone crazy trying to figure out how much meat/protein. Thank you!

(Ron) #17

Yes it is confusing in the beginning.
Until you are fat adapted your body is using glucose to function and when you restrict calories you are telling it to slow down your metabolism in an effort to conserve the glucose you have in your system, including what is being stored in your fat store. The body thinks you are starving and doing what it can to save you.
When you become fat adapted then the body doesn’t care anymore about glucose as it is using ketones as fuel. The glucose will decrease and what is being stored in storage will get burned away as well. This is when your body starts burning the fat away.
This thread might help-
Losing weight on a deficit/surplus?

(Diane) #18

When you’re starting out eating ketogenically, you’re forcing your body to switch from burning carbs to burning fat. It takes some time to get there. In the meantime, you need to provide the fat until your body becomes efficient at producing and then utilizing ketones from your own body fat. This happens over time until you become fat adapted.

If you’ve been a serial dieter (as many of us here have been) using the CICO model (calories in calories out, or eat less move more), you may have lowered your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Eating more fat will help you raise your basal metabolism and give your body the nutrients and energy it needs to heal any metabolic damage you might have that led to your weight gain in the first place.

@J_A-M gives great advice for beginners. See this link:

Here’s another link with useful information regarding ketosis and fat adaption:

Hope this helps! Good luck on your journey!

(Candy Lind) #19

Soitenly! LOL My steak was doing the backstroke in Kerrygold this evening. :smiling_imp:

(Candy Lind) #20

Add some high-quality cocoa powder to it and you’ve practically got a chocolate shake. And hot chocolate in winter! :slightly_smiling_face: