Flavored Sparkling Waters

(Jeff S) #41

We have a SodaStream to make fizzy water at home. I add a little lemon juice to it. It gives me the mouth feel of pop, has plenty of flavor and has zero carbs and zero chemicals. I highly recommend it.

(Joey) #42

Each Walmart might differ a bit - our closest one is more of a supermarket, where things like this are found in the Rx health/beauty area. Remember that the purpose for which this concentrate magnesium citrate is sold is as a laxative. A whole bottle would be taken before a colonoscopy, to give you an idea :wink: Again, just a 1/2 tablespoon in 24 oz (i.e., 1 tablespoon daily mixed into all your hydration) as opposed to the whole bottle.

If you’re already taking some supplements like magnesium and potassium yet still have the cramps, just be sure it’s not from perhaps some new workout routine. My (limited) understanding is that many folks have deficiencies in these electrolytes and that restricted carb eating really exacerbates such deficiencies - especially as we lose water weight, the body jettisons such elements to maintain salinity in the blood serum… so replacing the fluid AND replacing the electrolytes becomes increasingly important in tandem.

Anyone with greater depth of understanding about these dynamics, please chime in!

(Lisa) #43

Hi, Rob. In hindsight, I doubt the artificial sweeteners really were ever benign for me. I love the taste of them, and I just didn’t want to think they might be part of my problem. I don’t think they’re the whole problem; I react to lots of different foods and food additives, but eliminating them certainly has made a noticeable improvement.

(Lisa) #44

Joey, thank you for your thoughts! I totally agree with you. They’re not necessary, and while they may be benign for some people, they certainly aren’t helpful. I will readily admit that I’ve had a form of addiction to these for many years. I had tried to stop a few times in the past and given up after a day or two. I’ve pleasantly surprised myself this time that I’ve been able to do it, but it’s a daily conscious effort to avoid them. My husband drinks Coke Zero like water, so they’re always around me, unfortunately.

(Wendy) #45

Ok I’m here now. Thanks

(Wendy) #46

Thanks for your suggestions. I have take. This for past procedures. And am familiar with the results. But I will try it as a daily supplement. Certainly cant hurt. Thanks agian!!

(Susan) #47

This is @Brenda’s home made KetoAide Recipe:

(Troy) #48

Another option here, if not Mentioned

(Joey) #49

I’m quoting myself (above) which is bad form. I should have tagged the post with a “Don’t Quote Me On This” warning, but too late for that…

Well, it turns out, when I returned to Walmart recently I discovered that they are restocking their dwindling supply of “Cherry” Equate that comes in a glass bottle with one that comes in a plastic bottle (same size). But the Cherry flavored plastic bottle NO LONGER has potassium bicarbonate listed as an ingredient. Change in formula.

This prompted me to reached way back and buy up any remaining glass bottles of the cherry flavor I could find before the new stock was the only one available. Most folks who buy this are prepping for a colonscopy, so any such difference would go right through them :wink:

Anyhow, there were just a few left at that point. Will soon be out of luck when it comes to getting potassium with your magnesium through any flavor Equate currently being sold at Walmart. Too bad.

(Susan) #50

Where did you find this in Walmart, please?? I looked and asked, and the people that work at our Walmart never seem to know about any of the stock… (which is VERY annoying). Whenever I ask for any assistance they look at me like I am asking them very very difficult questions and look so bewildered…

(Joey) #51

@Momof5 Since the product (taken as a whole bottle) is for relieving constipation (and colonoscopy prep) they keep it in the Rx area - specifically “laxatives.” At our Walmart it’s on the very bottom shelf, where a shopper’s eyeballs rarely wander.

(Susan) #52

Okay! Thank you very much, Joey. I will look for it in that section on Friday night when I do my weekly grocery shopping. Thanks =).

(Wendy) #53

All fails ask the pharmacist where the colonoscopy prep is? It’s cheap .98 comes in a small clear bottle. I’ve used it for colonoscopy prep. In the past.

(Susan) #54

Okay, thank you Wendy =).

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #55

Joey, every thing your saying “sounds good”… and it probably makes you “feel better, psychologically speaking”. But I’ve never cared about “how things seem, or how they feel”. I’m a “bottom line” kind of guy. And for me, the bottom line is, by keeping my carbs around 20’ish a day, and not worrying much about anything else, I’ve lost all the weight I wanted to, and feel great :slight_smile: Bam. Easy Peasy. I think a lot of people just worry waaay too much about things that, in reality, make little to no difference.

(Joey) #56

@FishChris If what you’re doing is working well for you and stands the test of time (i.e., it’s still working well for you down the road), then I’m totally with you … Bottom line = quality of life.
