Flavored Sparkling Waters

(Wendy) #21

Sorry hadn’t seen this yet.

(Susan) #22

The thing is in December when he had his last surgery I was in this waiting room from 8am until 4pm in the afternoon; so the only options were going to the cafeteria. I had a refillable water bottle with me from home, but the only place I could find to fill it was in the bathroom.

When my daughter had my grand daughter and we were in the hospital for 4 days I was able to go to a special room and fill it there, which was nice.


Hint is yummy. Lemon, Pineapple, Blackberry or watermelon. Not fizzy. Just found it at Walgreen’s.
Perrier has fizzies with orange, lemon, strawberry or lime essence.
San Pelligrino has a black-cherry/pomegranite I want to try.
La Croix - damn near any flavor you can think of.
Canada dry has a few flavors, too.
None are sweetened. They work nicely as the water portion of Dr. Berry’s Keto-Ade.

Most of the sweetened ones I’ve seen have aspartame. Not my favorite ingredient, so I tend to avoid those.

(Tammy) #24

Walmart online has the 12 assorted pack for $10.??, free deliver after $35. Great deal. I have a local store with lots of flavors for $10.50

(Tammy) #25

Even the carbonated beverages like Bubbly and LaCroix just say natural flavoring.

(Joey) #26

@quiltergirl Fair enough. But it’s worth noting that fructose and table sugar are “natural” too … as are many other things you wouldn’t want to drink. And amounts below certain thresholds don’t need to be reported on labels. So who cares about trace amounts of stuff?

As a PhD food chemist friend once told me, it’s certainly no secret to their beverage competitors as to what a major manufacturer puts inside its products. So if it were something they wanted consumers to focus on, they’d have no reason not to blare it from the rooftops in their marketing efforts.

But they’re not. Which offers me zero comfort as to what’s included (beyond pricey water).

(Troy) #27

They were on sale last week as well at Walgreens …$.99 each :slightly_smiling_face:
Here in SoCal

Stater Bros, about a month ago, had them for $.99

Otherwise, around $1.49-$1.99

brand pun :rofl:

Pour in to ice cube trays and add to water or another hint flavor
Mix n match

(Jennibc) #28

That’s expensive for us Americans too!

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #29

Heck yea’, they are okay, and they are 100% keto :slightly_smiling_face:

Don’t sweat a little bit of aspartame. I’ve drank enough of those things to fill a couple of Olympic swimming pools.
I used to buy New York Seltzer waters at Walmart… 1 liter bottles for .50 cents ! And the best part was, they were sweetened with Splenda, which is the best tasting sweetener.

Hard to find anything anymore sweetened with Splenda :frowning:
Has to be because so many folks (the majority) seemed to be brainwashed about Splenda :frowning:

(Robert C) #30

Not sure how you all are getting these waters but, one thing you might consider is whether you get it in glass or plastic bottles.

Plastic bottles are convenient but leaving them in a hot car or stored in a warm garage near chemicals and - well, let’s just say you ingest a little more than you paid for. It seems the industry wants them treated as a food and kept in a cool pantry.

If you google “plastic bottles leaching into water” you find there is definitely some controversy. The longer the time in the bottle and the worse the conditions, the more you get in you.

Also, some of the above deals sound great but, the other thing you might do is calculate a years worth of its usage - which would depend on your rate of usage. Is it just $50 or $100 or is it really much more (similar to multiple daily $3 to $5 Starbucks runs - each doesn’t seem like much but the year can end up at $2,000 - even more for a couple).

(Steve) #31

For those in Canada, there’s the President’s Choice flavoured sparkling water (1l) that uses Stevia as a sweetener (so, no Aspartame). I’ve noticed the “Our Compliments” water does use Aspartame.

The Black Cherry and Peach flavours are awesome!!! :slight_smile:


Also a fan of buying the PC soda with lime and adding a squeeze of no-name lime juice to it to enhance the flavour. (also goes quite well with gin) :smiley:

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #32

Oh geez, not the plastic bottle thing again ! Rob, its like I always try to tell my GF (because shes the one who worries about everything under the sun) You can spend your whole life worrying about every different carcinogen… Then get run over by a bus ! Life is just risky. Life is uncertain. In my 55 years, I have not seen any evidence whatsoever, of a person being able to prevent cancer because of what they ate… although I’m feeling like cutting out all the unnecessary carbs (Keto) is probably as good, or maybe better than anything else, “IF” preventing cancer is even possible.

I used to have a boss who ate like a health food freak… wheat grass and blueberries every day. Exercised all the time too. Was a Jujitsu instructor and Black Belt. When anybody we knew got cancer, or some other hideous disease, he would act like it was their own fault for not taking care of themselves. Then, he ended up getting prostrate cancer. A couple years later, his father, in very good shape, and also ate very healthy, died of pancreatic cancer. My bosses attitude about cancer really changed after that.

Their is pretty strong evidence that worry (stress) plays a big part in our health as well. So since I worry very little, I do have that in my favor :wink:

(Lisa) #33

I’ve spent nearly my whole life using artificial sweeteners, and I ADORE them. As a young kid, my mom drank Diet Shasta (because Diet Coke didn’t exist yet), and so I drank it, too. Instead of water! For the past approx 10 years I’ve had some weird health issues. Won’t bore you with the details, but the past five years they got really bad, and I’ve seen a dozen or so doctors and am finally moving toward a diagnosis. I’m already diagnosed with Raynaud’s and likely will be diagnosed with lupus, possibly Sjogren’s…symptoms are consistent with those, or possibly mixed connective tissue disease.

About two months ago, I stopped all my diet soda cold turkey, along with stopping the liquid Splenda I’ve used in my coffee for years… saw immediate, SIGNIFICANT improvement. Like no question whatsoever that eliminating the sweeteners caused the improvement. The past two weeks I’ve been testing sweeteners individually — sucralose, aspartame, xylitol, erythritol — they all cause an alarming reaction in me. Yesterday I tested erythritol in my coffee, so had quite a bit, and my husband thought he was going to have to take me to the hospital. So, these may be benign for some people — and I thought they were benign for me for MANY years in spite of health problems — but they clearly are not ok for me. Even if I could determine (which I cannot) that they are possibly or probably OK for me, with my health issues, why would I take the risk? I got used to being without the sodas shockingly (to me) quickly, and I’m fine with coffee with just heavy cream and no sweeteners. I have a Sodastream machine that I use to make plain seltzer water, and I love it.

ETA: Anything with ANY additives, including so-called “natural flavors,” flare up my issues, so the flavored seltzers are out for me. I’m generally ok with coconut stuff so thought maybe the coconut-flavored would be ok. Nope!

(Robert C) #34

Hi @AbsintheFairy - thanks for adding to the discussion!

So, you were fine initially - prior to the last 10 years artificial sweeteners were (I assume) “benign” for you.
Now, you have diseases - some of which I have never even heard of. I am glad you found that stopping helped.

@FishChris - no initial problems (as with you) but significant follow-on problems (but, of course, an n=1). Bias buster or still somehow dismissible?

(Wendy) #35

On the Hint… my sister was telling me about this product. But day after she drank it. She had a massive headache that kept her home from work. So… I dont think I will try it. She is now avoiding it also. I have found that I am sucrose intolerant. And get migraines from other imitation sweeteners, and natural flavors. “MSG” And they raise my bp. So if you can avoid them I would. Yes water gets tiresome. But, if you can tolerate them without any issues, go for it.

(Joey) #36

@FishChris I’m not eager to agree that artificial sweeteners are “100% keto” … anything that triggers your brain to release insulin is not 100% ketogenic, and there seems to be enough evidence building that sweet tastes will prompt your brain to do so. Can you (n=1) tolerate it? If yes, that’s convenient … but some people cannot. Meanwhile, please consider that you are tolerating something that comes from a factory. Food for thought.

@AbsintheFairy FWIW, this runs in my family too, although it’s largely a condition that plagues women (e.g., my mother suffered significantly from it and my daughter has early signs of it now in her 30s). It sounds like you have identified certain unnatural ingredients that tend to exacerbate it, so you can avoid these products, which is a big plus!

Thank you for sharing this. Many people can tolerate these - which is why the manufacturers can get away with selling them. But who wants to be reliant on eating something that is manufactured? I mean, seriously, are artificial sweeteners really necessary?

Wouldn’t it be more healthful to avoid artificially manufactured compounds that require a chemistry set to produce? Many folks on keto have discovered - much to our own surprise - that cravings change significantly after one is adapted for a while. And not craving sweetness seems like a much better place to be than trying to figure out how to trick your taste buds to perceive sweetness through an industrial product.

My $0.02: Give you body a chance to properly adapt and then more fully enjoy the profound benefits of no longer craving the thing you’re trying to avoid (i.e., the “taste” of sugar).

(Joey) #37

FWIW, at least for some of us, plain water is a lot more satisfying with salt … if you haven’t given it a try, perhaps see if some level of electrolytes in your water gives it a desirable taste. I was surprised how much I enjoy it - which suggests my body must need the salt/magnesium/potassium at some level.

(Wendy) #38

Thanks I will try that! I live in Arizona and it’s hot here so probably wouldnt hurt!!

(Joey) #39

@Wendysue1960 Search on this forum for “KetoAide” and you will find some great info plus a starter recipe that works well for many.

FYI, I’ve found that Walmart’s “Equate” brand of magnesium citrate in the CHERRY flavor has potassium bicarbonate (which neither the lemon nor grape flavors have). So if you’re going that route - using only 1/2 tbls or so of the magnesium citrate along with 1/4 to 1/2 teasp of sea salt in 24 oz of water - you get sodium, chloride, magnesium and potassium in each swig :wink:

Prior to keto, the idea of drinking 48oz (2 x 24oz) loads of salty water daily would have been disgusting. Yuck.

But now that my electrolye and hydration needs have totally changed due to removing carbs from the plate, it actually tastes great. I sip on it all day long and it’s really satisfying. And the fact that it is so satisfying still surprises me.


(Wendy) #40

I will ck out the Equate brand at Walmart. Where is it located? In the vitamin section? Or??
I have had some calf, lower leg cramping lately. So figure something I need to address. I do take Calcium Magnesium zinc supplements, and potassium.