February Zorn Fast 2018

(Candice) #263

Starting my fast again. Made it to 24 hours yesterday and then cut off part of my thumb with a mandolin slicer while making the kids dinner and subsequently broke my fast. Oh well, no big deal - I still got in 24 hours. I am at 16 hours now and plan to fast as long as I can (hopefully through the Monday holiday). I would like to also say - You are all awesome! Way to go on fasting!


I also lose water weight during EFs of just a few days even though I am mindful to increase salt intake. And of course drinking my 32 oz. of chilled water adds weight. (There is a saying in canning ‘a pint is a pound, the world around’ so my quarts of water which I might drink several of during a day are two pounds each.
My point in all this is that with EFs you know you are losing some weight, but perhaps during and directly after the fast is not a valid time to measure actual weight lost as opposed to water intake/output.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #265

Awwwe! I hope you are ok!

(Candice) #266

Thanks @Brenda! I think it’s going to take a while to heal. My thumb is no longer symmetrical! :joy:

(Candy Lind) #267

OWWW! I have stopped using mine for this reason - I’m such a klutz! Hope you don’t have lasting issues (I have a tiny numb spot on my thumb from a “guacamole incident” Superbowl Sunday of ‘17).

(Candy Lind) #268

40 hours in now! I’m exhilarated that I’m doing well so far. Thanks @Brenda for the potassium OD warning. I knew it could be an issue so I’m careful. I also mis-spoke when talking about the Lite Salt under my tongue. I used Himalayan salt.

EDIT: Potassium issue - I resurrected an old thread and added some info I looked up, and asked the question “how much is too much?” In hopes more clarification would be offered, in case anyone else is interested:

I have to go shopping, so fingers crossed the hunger pangs stay away a while longer.

(Missy) #269

Alright seasoned fasters, it’s been 38 hours into my first ever EF and I am down 4lbs from last night. How much of this shit is gonna come back after I break the fast? :laughing::thinking:

(Candice) #270

@CandyLindTX I changed my pic to hazard symbol before this incident b/c I am generally a bit hazardous. I don’t know why I thought I would be able to use a mandolin without injury! Took off the top edge and part of the nail w/nail bed. A good chunk.

(Mike Glasbrener) #271

38hrs in. Spin this morning was more challenging. I may skip fasted ride for fasted spin tomorrow. I don’t want to “crash” away from home… I’ll get through today w/o excitement.

(Lonnie Hedley) #272

Lbs? Possibly all of it. Fat? Probably none.


MissyMe, congratulations on your first EF. There is some water weight loss with fasts. I believe I heard a very general estimate (everyone is different) that women need 2000cal/day to maintain. You have fasted almost 1.5 days so you are 3000 cal. down. It is sometimes estimated that a pound is 3500 calories, to it may be that in another 4-5 hours of fasting you will have lost a pound of fat. Of course as I said there are tons of variables, and it is hard to know during a fast a valid loss estimate.
But what is important is the you are committed enough to have stayed on your fast, and when it is all done some fat will be gone!

(KCKO, KCFO) #274

At least it resulted in some newer posters learning how to blur. It’s all good.



41.5 hours now… feeling fine but getting a bit hungry now.


Checking in at 40 hours. Feeling good! I haven’t been fasting recently so I wasn’t sure how this would go but I’m basically not noticing it at all except for a few (very few) hunger pangs.

I have had BPC so it’s not a water fast, and I’ve used little mint breath capsules so I don’t damage any work relationships!

(Trish) #277

Symmetry is overrated anyway. :wink:

(Lonnie Hedley) #278

Just under 43 hours. Knock on wood, but seems easier than the January Zornfast which was my first EF in years. I had hunger signals yesterday around my typical lunch and dinner times. So far nothing today. Weekends are fairly easy because I can find stuff at home to occupy my time instead of constantly thinking about food.

(KCKO, KCFO) #279

I’m humming right along. Salt and water and one cup of coffee w/hwc so far, started Wed night.

I was checking on the new Obesity Code podcast and as I like to follow along if a transcript is included this stopped me, I was laughing so hard.

from to Quito LLC it’s the obesity code
and then this;
the obesity code podcast is brought to
you by - Kido LLC who strives to support


(She had one feck to give and that feck is gone.) #280

Been there :persevere:. Sliced off the tip of my middle finger in the food processor neglecting to use the plunger :roll_eyes: a couple of years back. You will recover!!!

(She had one feck to give and that feck is gone.) #281

To Quito taquito is next podcast recipe :joy:

(Jackson ) #282

24 hrs of fasting will continue till 72 hrs just water and coffee decaf !