Fat Fasting

(Stickin' with mammoth) #6

I’ve had this recently, too. Weird and annoying.

(Lee Jones) #7

It sure is Bacon, I’ve lost fat from every other area of my body in abundant amounts but the belly area is still problematic for me.

I would t mind but many of the LCHF articles I’ve read suggest that belly fat is first to go.
Yeah righttttttt :persevere:

(Brian) #8

My typical day is about 12 to 14 hours pure fast (except diet sodas) then 16 oz coffee with about 3 Tbs MCT oil and 3TBS Kerry Gold unsalted butter spread over several hours then back to fasting so total fast/fat fast about 18 to 23 hours per day. seems to work ok for me. was doing about double the fat during the fat fast but believe that kind of messed up my metabolism so recently backed down to the 3 TBS of each Kerry Gold and MCT and upped my evening protein portion from a few oz to about 16+ oz (rib eye with added butter) and seem to be doing better and loosing weight again. am I truly Keto, not sure, seems to be doing better than my very high fat intermittent fasting and low protein. Was the intermitant fasting and high fat with low protein messing up my metabolism?

(Stickin' with mammoth) #9

Tell me about it. Grrrrr.

Although…I just put on my gardening-in-the-mud jacket and I was swimming in it despite my belly still looking like I’m smuggling throw pillows out of a Kmart. Maybe everything is reducing equally and maintaining an unfortunate body-to-belly ratio.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #10

UPDATE: Body didn’t want fat fasting, just a lot less food overall. The fat fast turned out to be a quick way to empty my stomach and level the playing field. Eating tiny portions now, body very happy.

Body is Zod. Zod has spoken.


My boobs are the first to go

(Stickin' with mammoth) #12

Holy crap, no lie! I’ve become quite skilled at folding deflated mammaries into old bra cups.

(De Anna) #13

I’ve done 4 3-day fat fasts. I really like Dana Carpenders Fat Fasting cook book. The recipes are quick and easy, and I’ve lost a couple of pounds each time, but I agree that water fasting is actually easier. I really appreciate completely removing the focus on food from my day. Fat fasting is good (1000 Cal per day, 90% of those Cal from fat) but I found myself constantly thinking about my next meal. For me, it’s better to just focus on water and salt.

Also, as recommended by Jason Fung, I like to do 3 days of high fat meals before an extended water fast. It’s not exactly fat fasting because I don’t count calories, but it is high fat. He recommends avocados, bacon, and olives to satiety. I call it “Fatting before Fasting”. Incredibly I find it easy and really helps push into fat adaption before jumping into a water fast.

(Dean) #14

So have you been improving on the panic stuff? I have dont two 46hr fasts in the last 2 months and both times i had to quit because i got to panicky.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #15

No, “panic button” was a metaphor. I don’t experience actual panic. A lifetime of trauma caused CPTSD which caused adrenal fatigue which led to cortisol overload which exacerbated metabolic syndrome. Fasting stresses my body and makes it all worse, so I don’t.



(Bacon, Not Stirred) #17

Don’t mind my cackling in the corner. I’ve lost from my hips, my boobs, my butt, my legs, my arms, face and neck… Of the weight that I’ve lost, the least amount of inches has come from my stomach - where I need the most loss.


(Bacon, Not Stirred) #18

I. Just. Died.

That was amazing.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #19

Not in front of a mirror and a panel of fluorescent lights, it ain’t. (shudder)

(Rosi ) #20

I really want to be able to fast, but I am not sure I want to give up my coffee with HWC every morning. It makes me feel warm and happy inside. So do you think a fast that included this coffee with HWC would be okay for a few days? I know that this isn’t a zero calorie fast because of the HWC, but I wonder if it would be effective in triggering some weight loss and autophagy?


A lot of people here do fat fasting, myself included! Sometimes I have black coffee but much of the time during the fast I will include HWC. There are discussions about what it does to autophagy and insulin spiking but I would say, go for it! Some fasting is better than no fasting. If you want to be pure, starting off with HWC and weaning yourself off over time, may get you there. I am not the purist type so I make do!

I did a 7 day fat fast last year. You can read it here: 7 day fast with daily numerical posts & 1 week post fast update

Also you can join us here as we will be using a variety of fasting techniques over the next few months:

(Rosi ) #22

Thank you so much for all this info! I will check out both threads. I have been keto since August of 2016 and have lost 30 pounds but I have been stuck lately and not been able to make progress and I know that is my fault. I have been weak and tasting things that are not keto here and there and knocking myself out of ketosis and feeling like overall crap. I want to get back on track but my mind has not been set on it and I want to be strong. I have just realized after a recent fall off the wagon that I am terribly intolerant of wheat. I had been off of wheat for quite a while and tried to eat pizza on a school trip and I was sick to my stomach for 24 hours with bloating and gas pains. Anyway, I came here again after a long time of not reading posts just looking for ideas and support. Thank you again for the links and I will keep reading and keep ketoing on!

(Arlene) #23

Rosi, I imagine many of us can relate to your struggles. With me, it took years of worsening and worsening symptoms to finally give up my favorite foods. It finally boiled down to not being worth it to eat the stupid food that tasted so good. I felt cheated at first, and for quite some time. I still tell people that if there were no negative consequences I would live on junk food. The reality is that the negative consequences are so negative, even life threatening. I have the privilege to choose foods that support my health or destroy it.
Please don’t give up. Don’t ever give up!

(Rosi ) #24

Thank you so much for your response! It does make me feel better to know that others have gone through the same thing at one time or another. I did get to fast today. I fasted for a little over 20 hours. My goal was 24 hours but I cooked twice today for my family and the second time I just couldn’t wait to eat, so I went ahead and had supper four hours before my scheduled breaking of the fast. I am going to keep trying. 20 hours is totally doable. I want to see how far I can go within reason, of course. I am done eating now and plan to fast again until lunch time tomorrow, which will be about 18 hours. I teach Algebra at my local high school. If I can push through lunch, I may wait til 6pm to eat which will be another 24 hours.

I so appreciate all the words of wisdom and advice and genuine empathy! It means so much to me! Blessings!


In order for a diet/WOE to be sustainable for me, it must be flexible. It can’t be so restrictive that I become “that” person. Furthermore, I don’t want to spend a lot time thinking about food or planning/making meals. Lastly, I want to be in a state of ketosis 100% of the time. I use fasting as a tool to achieve all of these objectives. If I feel like having a loaded baked potato, I do so. If I have a celebration at the Cheesecake Factory, there’s no gnashing of teeth afterwards. Tailgate party, no problem. Fasting quickly gets me back on track.

I find it easier to eat nothing sometimes than the “right” things all the time.