7 day fast with daily numerical posts & 1 week post fast update



Intro: I have been lurking for a bit here (thank you everyone on the board, I have learned a lot!) and am now posting for the first time to start an extended fast (with some fat for coffee most likely) and hope to get some input and encouragement. Since I started keto in mid March of 2017, I have completed a good number of intermittent fasting days, some 24 hour, 48 hour and one 4 day fasting period. Over these past 16 weeks I have lost a bit over 25 lbs and would like to keep going.

Stats: F, early 50’s, 5’8’’, start 241 lbs Mid March 2017, current 214 lbs, goal 180 lbs (and then reevaluate).

Goals: I have no diagnosis but was feeling increasingly uncomfortable and weight was/is a limiting factor is doing many parts of life. Weight has been a struggle since puberty. I had done low-carb about 15 years ago and this worked before abandoning it and ballooning back up where I stayed fairly steady for the next decade and a bit. I like to become more mobile and active and not limiting myself in doing basic things or feeling more comfortable in daily life. Also, thinking about the future I want to prevent diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

Fasting goal: I am planning on doing 18 days for the simple reason that I have a social engagement away from home soon after. Also my partner is travelling away from home most of that time and I find fasting in the same home while someone is eating difficult. So break fast on July 14th. I am doing this with the idea of experimentation and not about white knuckling it - if I don’t feel good etc I will have no problem breaking the fast. I went to see my physician twice in the past two months and she is entirely supportive of this. She said she wishes her diabetic patients would eat the way I do and thinks that the food pyramid is probably screwy!

Besides this entire board I was quite inspired by @ron-coleman during his long fast, keeping track of data and thoughts.

Weight over time: I have kept a book with some weight numbers over time and I graphed it out. Quite interesting to get this birds eye view on things. At 175 lbs as a teen and young adult I was considered very large (and a lot of pressure to change) but by today’s standards I would be fine! During the time of my last 2 undergrad years I ballooned and the real struggle started.

During the past 16 weeks I have been working on staying in ketosis. Had some meals away, some travel away. The charts based on the past 16 weeks show a clear trend line down but it is also slowing down. It also impresses on me that I just have to keto on and not obsess about the numbers. There are definite swings ups and down and I am trying to think about this for the long run.

Here is a chart I kept with some more details. I purchased a new scale with more doodats:

Tools: heavy cream, coffee, water, fizzy waters, supplements (salt/sodium, magnesium, potassium, apple cider vinegar), glucometer, gluco and keto test strips, psychology! Sticking with supplements will be a challenge. I am curious to see how my body reacts, the psychology of it, and how much weight I can actually shed. During the 4 day fast I actually added weight but I’m sure there were other variables going on (period etc).

This morning I had my “last meal”, eggs, bacon, strawberries and smoked salmon and coffee with cream.

My goal is to write here daily with updates and any meandering thoughts. There will be challenges of all types!

If anyone has any input or questions, I welcome them!

Fat Fasting
First extended fast- hella confused
2018 Lenten Fasting

Hi Avocadosrule -
Sounds like you’ve done your hw :+1:
Looking forward to following your progress!

(Diane) #3

I look forward to reading about your experience


I am so inspired by what you are doing! I look forward to sharing in your process. My longest fast is 4.5 days but if there is ever a time when it would help to have someone fast with you say so and I will join in fast and spirit:)

(Doug) #5

Very nice, AR - it will be great to read of your progress. :slight_smile:

(John Somsky aka KetoGrinder) #6

Nice job. I love the charts.


Day 0 & 1

Thanks everyone for the kind and supportive comments!

I took my glucose/ketones about 6 pm last night to get a baseline. I have the freestyle precision neo.
Glucose: 3.5
Ketones: 1.3
This morning upon waking:
Glucose: 4.6
Ketones: 1.8
I am not sure whether the timing matters but, unless there are strong opinions out there, I’ll probably keep doing it early in the morning. So now we have 2 data points! :slight_smile:

Well, here is a perfect example of how the scale is and can only be one data point in thinking about weight loss. According to the scale, between yesterday morning, eating an extensive breakfast of eggs, bacon, salmon, coffee and cream and berries, then fasting for the rest of the day, and sleeping (and fasting), I lost 2.2 lbs. If only I could keep this up! Ha!

Again, I’m looking at weight loss not in terms of counting days but weeks and months. I am not saying this is easy but it is a super helpful and realistic way of thinking about it. During my weekly weigh ins, 8 days ago, I weighed 212.4, then a week later (yesterday) my weight went up 1.6 lbs to 214. I can try and explain these fluctuations, however, I am trying to keep my eyes on the price and look at the greater trend line. The trend line over time is down. I can say that the last time I have seen a 211 lb number on the scale would’ve been about 15 years ago. See charts on my first post.

It’s the start of the day, and have only had some water and fizzy water so far. Coffee with cream coming up, then starting the day. Feeling slightly hungry but nothing I haven’t felt during IF. Fed my dog her breakfast (tripe) along with some pork belly that I did not consume before commencing the fast. Lucky girl!

Last night I found myself looking at some recipes! Hmmm I usually only look at recipes if I need to cook. So my mind is wandering a bit towards food. During my 4 day fast in April I broke the fast on day 4 due to excessive meanderings about food! So let’s see how this goes. I have plenty of work to keep me busy but the mind is powerful… and tricky!


This thread is very interesting, and I love your analytic take on your journey.
Regarding the food-thoughts… I’m now at the 72 hour mark in a fast (feel great) and wondering if I should just keep going as long as I feel good. However, this is the first fast I have been very hungry and really missed food. The hunger vanished after 48-50 hours though and I am curious to what degree hunger and food obsession is just psychological. Like you said, the mind is powerful and tricky… Hang in there as long as you are feeling good. Know that we’re cheering you on :clap:


Thanks Siddy - and nice to meet you!

My take on fasting is that as long as you have (most) of the conditions of success then your chances of going on or completing a fast (whatever number you set) are greater. I do think for some people the hunger is too much, the food thoughts are too much, and I am thinking of this as actively developing the fasting muscle over time. This will not be a linear journey! Baby steps. I am trying to look at it with a bit of playfulness, at least right now I can. Time will tell. You are a success already!


Nice to meet you too :slight_smile:
I think playfulness is always a good approach in life (maybe except when dealing with goverment), and makes everything easier.
We are in similar places on our journeys and I think it’s incredibly brave of you to attempt 18 days. I think it’s bad ass enough to be doing keto and a bit of EF’ing. Thank you for your compliment.

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #11

@avocadosrule: A great start and some real good data, looking forward to watching your progress.

It took me a few days, 4 or 5, for my glucose to fall below my ketones so that is one of the first big markers you can watch for!

I think the one thing I experienced the most were the mental games of not being hungry but thinking “Oh, I can have that!” You may want to avoid browsing the recipes for a few days to help avoid the greatest temptations!


Day 2

Overall, today was good fasting wise. I felt some hunger pangs, but was able to ignore them easily, went about my day, work, and jumped into the cold Atlantic Ocean for the first time this year. It is cold! I was invited for dinner and had to decline. I miss the basics around eating food (anticipation mostly) and had to remind myself after noticing the hunger pangs that, no I was not going to go home and eat. It just seems like a reflex.

At about 3 I started to get a pounding headache, came home and realized I had not had my late morning or early afternoon coffee. So I had my coffee a bit later and also decided to take an extra strength Advil. By the time I got into the ocean my headache was gone.

The ketones are going in the right direction and my weight loss seems high and will not last. I had considered not weighing myself at all during the fast nor posting daily results because the scale can negatively influence the course of this fast. Psychology is important. I am really trying to look at trend and not worry about ups and down and twists and turns. However, it’s still interesting to look at it.

As to my coffee, in the non-fasted state I normally have 3 TBSP of heavy cream. I am trying to cut that down a bit and so had 2 TBSP twice today for total of 4 TBSP today. Yesterday 5. I have always put sugar in my coffee. Several weeks into ketones, I really started to hate the stevia in my coffee and so I tried it without and it stuck. This was a major psychological and physiological turn. I am slowly trying to see whether I can like black coffee. Doesn’t seem possible but neither did drinking coffee without sugar!


I’ve had a similar experience. My taste buds have decided that what I used to think was normal is really waaay too sweet. First I switched to Stevia, then just HWC alone tasted sweet to me. Now I can use unsweetened almond milk.

Interesting thing I found out (via Gabor) is that the sensors on you tongue that detect sweetness are the same as the sweet sensors in your stomach, and are involved in insulin-leptin stimulation. So, logically, it’s possible that a change in the tongue perception of ‘sweet’ reflects a change in your body’s insulin and leptin responses. http://ajpendo.physiology.org/content/301/2/E317.long


Day 3

I slept very well again last night. I feel good. Have taken some salt this morning. Water. And coffee with some cream. Slight chill but it’s not warm here - mid teens currently @ 9 am. Here are the stats:

About the Glucometer

I was very reluctant to get one. I knew it would give me data of interest but I also did not want to cross that threshold of getting a device that turns regular people into patients. My view is that there is too much medicine, too much medicalization of the everyday. Even medicine is increasingly recognizing that there is too much medicine:

BMJ Too Much Medicine
Resources on deprescribing
Choosing Wisely Canada

Anyways, I am digressing! The reason I did finally jump behind the idea of getting the glucometer and strips is that I could really get behind the science of both keto and fasting. It makes sense on many levels. The works of various authors impressed upon me that there are some significant issues around the calorie-in-calorie-out hypothesis for many people. Also, I don’t think that it is a coincidence that there seems to be a strong connection between the rise of cheap carbohydrates etc and the spectacular rise in diabetes. So a glucometer it was. I obtained it about 2 months ago.

How is it going/how am I using it? I don’t like pricking myself. I could not pull the trigger initially. My friend did it. After that it was OK, and I am getting better at it. Like anything else new, it’s a learning process. During the past few months, I checked my levels usually after a meal to see what happened to my levels. The lowest ketone levels were 0.3 and highest 2.1. It helped me reduce some of the uncertainty as to whether I was in the ketosis ballpark and this helped with the staying power. This will be an opportunity to see what ketones/glucose levels look like over time during a fast. Just another data point!


Thanks Carol for that - the amazing thing about keto is that it really has changed my taste buds. Genuinely. I am so shocked (and those around me) that I am looking forward to a salad or green beans or asparagus (always loved my protein before). With CICO it is and always will be a fight against cravings, the white-knuckling and the temptations of the everyday. I was in an airport last week and felt a bit dehydrated. I quickly picked up a fizzy water and opened it and went ‘yuck’ - it has aspartame in it. Strange and unexpected experience. But it all fits!


Yes, I tried some HaloTop ice cream while on vacation and it was so sickly-sweet. Yuk! I’m taking it as a sign of healing. :slight_smile:


How perfect! I hope I have the same experience with a tablespoon of my fav ice cream. For now, that is in the far future!

(Trish Luza) #18

Fun to read your posts.
Thank you for posting. Am in hour 215 of a 14 day fast.

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #19

I found that I was chilled for most of my fast and taking salt all day long really helped. I normally went for 2 to 2.5 teaspoons per day (about 4-4.5 g sodium). I would put about 1/4 teaspoon of a good salt in a 16 oz (500 ml) cup of water and it did not taste salty or upset my stomach at all. I even added some to my coffee as well just to get up to the 4500 mg target.

I know that @carl has mentioned advice from Megan Ramos to put a quarter teaspoon of salt on your tongue and let it dissolve before washing it down with water. This also helps with hunger pangs!


Thanks Ron. I do have problems with supplements - I really don’t like the act of taking it. I do take salt throughout the day. I think I have to start keeping track of it, even marginally. Will think about this. And I think it does help somewhat with the chills. More later! Thanks so much for checking in.