Episode #61 - Metabolic Rate

(carl) #1

Richard Morris @richard and Carl Franklin @carl discuss the theory of CICO (Calories In vs. Calories Out), a very popular theory about how to lose weight: If you simply create a caloric deficit by expending more calories via exercise than you eat you will lose weight. Does it work? If not, why? Does your body utilize every calorie that you eat? Are all calories burned at the same rate all the time? Does exercise increase or decrease your metabolic rate (calories out)? These are the questions that the dudes tackle on this very technical and even more amazing episode.

3 months in and lost no weight...Help!
In ketosis, low calories as well but stuck
Fat loss on CICO?
When to exercise on extended fasts? BCAA?
"Normal blood sugars" vs "Normal A1c"
(Cathy Schroder) #2

Another FABULOUS effort. Monday is by far my most favourite day of the week. And this week is the best of all as we are getting another podcast in a couple of days!

Thanks for all the work that you do putting these together.@carl and @richard - I always learn a lot and really enjoy doing it!

(eat more) #3

i broke the podcast! :scream_cat:
i was listening and at around 29m it just stopped…downloading didn’t help…thought it was my somewhat ancient laptop…tried on ipad…no go…i feel so incomplete lol

edit: i unbroke it…prob my “lovely” (aka super crappy att) internet service


Great show. Can’t wait for the book.

(carl) #5

This is a revelation for me.

(Kathy ) #6

This show was great. I intend to try out the extra calories on a feast day and see what happens - lchf only food

(eat more) #7

pre keto i was really interested in “reverse dieting” but also really scared of it…especially since IIFYM wasn’t successful for me.
during keto i’ve wondered and googled if anyone had done or if there was such a thing as keto reverse dieting and BOOM! here we are :blush:

different methods with the same goal…higher BMR and more food.

yay! more food :joy:

(Alex Dipego) #8

It was my favorite discovery. Reverse dieting on keto was life changing

(Sascha Heid) #9

I never had a problem eating a ton of food after a fast, so i guess i am a natural :smile:


I really really love that term…“reverse dieting”! :thumbsup:

(poohter) #11

I just signed up to say… The analogy of Sisyphus pushing up the fasting rock on his weight loss journey, and having the ketogenic diet as a backstopper is simply brilliant. Having that way to visualize it really makes everything click for me. It makes me feel like there is an understanding of how manipulating weight with a slow metabolism works, when the outside world is devouring creme brulee and wondering what our problem is. It’s really the truth that we can’t go back to the old ways of eating without our weight going back up. But if we persevere with fasting, we can feast ketogenically with no problem. At least, that’s how my body works.


Great episode, what is the salt, cayenne pepper and water ratio? When I travel I struggle to get my salt intake, so purchased these ingredients this morning. A bit nervous about making the brew.


Great episode!! Diggin’ the Keto Fest backing track, BTW! :+1:

(carl) #14

I just do it to taste. Maybe 1/2 tsp salt, and just a dash of cayenne, in a mugful.


Yeah…exactly! That’s like kicking the keto wedge out from underneath the big rock, having it roll back and run me over!

(Barbara Greenwood) #16

I’m just listening to this now, and Richard has just explained about beta cells being damaged/destroyed whenever BG ius above 6mmol, and regenerating when BG is below 6mmol.

Does this mean that, even after longstanding T2, if you manage to keep BG below 6.0 the majority of the time, that your beta cell mass can recover and increase?

(Cathy) #17

Thank you so much for this very informative podcast. It happens to be very timely for me. I listened to the podcast in which Megan R. talked about mixing things up. I tend to stick to one thing and this has not worked well for me. Looking forward to really mixing things up and getting some good results!

I also appreciated the study sited. The science needs to make at least ‘some’ sense and that provided it for me.


Great episode. So cool to hear about the fasting and feeding regimen! FYI, I think fanclub.2ketodudes.com was mentioned as the URL to go to to join, but that doesn’t work for me. Maybe I was doing something wrong. I do see the link from the main 2ketodudes.com page. :slight_smile:

(Carl Franklin) #19

Hey Theresa, it’s http://fanclub.2keto.com


(Kel Ta) #20

I think this is the missing link and explains my questions about BMR over on the CICO discussion! Although weight loss isn’t my goal I have been trying to explain to myself why on days where I will not eat as much I will wake up super lean the following day. I am VLC and often ZC to manage a gut dysbiosis. But I am concerned about my BMR and wanted to make sure that my periodic reduction in calories wasn’t dropping my BMR!

But I am hoping @richard and @carl will make a clear outline how to cycle through the feast and fast method to keep building the BMR. Is there a specific science to this? on days of feasting are you still doing a 18:6 or 16:8 eating window? Can someone explain the details?! Thank you!