English double cream

(Guardian of the bacon) #1

I found double cream imported from England. What do I do with it?


Same ways as you would use whipping cream or heavy cream , fat content is just higher - can be close to 50%. Deliciousness!

(AnnaLeeThal) #3

Spoon. Mouth.


I use it in place of whipped cream, or even replacement for sour cream.

(David) #5

Double cream (unstirred) in coffee is one of (my) life’s greatest pleasures.

Double cream on berries is another from my past life.

I can drink the stuff straight from the carton. :smile:

How much do they charge for it where you are. In the UK a pint of double cream is about US$1.80 equivalent.

(bulkbiker) #6

pot. mouth… cut out the middle man…

(Louise ) #7

I’m with @AnnaLeeMI - spooning with some vanilla is my guilty pleasure


Start the hunt for clotted cream. It will blow your Fricking (pun intended) mind!


I think @Barbara_Greenwood might agree:

  • Open carton
  • Tilt head slightly
  • Pour
  • Repeat
  • Enjoy


Seriously though, where did you find it? Since you’re in the US, others here might be able to request a local retailer to order it. I doubt a larger chain would do it, but we have some smaller specialty stores in the area and I could see them ordering some…


You people are killing me! I’m doing Dairy Free April!

@Jacquie, help! I’m feeling weak! :smiling_imp:


I can’t eat it either! Well I can, but I will not feel great. I miss cream but it has been fine. I only eat zero carb cheese now and have a surprisingly plentiful assortment to choose from so all good.

(Jacquie) #12

Don’t give in! Hey, aren’t you fasting? :wink:

(Guardian of the bacon) #13

Just at my local small town grocer. Was pricey at $3.99 for a 6oz jar. Devon is the brand name.

(bulkbiker) #14

Do you know who makes it? I have never heard that brand name here in the UK…

(Guardian of the bacon) #15


No need to hunt for clotted cream in the store. You can easily make it at home. And it will save you lots of money, too.

(bulkbiker) #17

Well their website doesn’t work…and their facebook page was last updated 2012.
Never seen it here but who knows…

(bren.mannin) #18

It’s amazing with eggs!

(Guardian of the bacon) #19

(Guardian of the bacon) #20

Maybe I got a knockoff product?