Dark "Rye" Microwave Muffin


Moist, nutty, grainy & subtly sweet with a flavor profile similar to the Americanized version of Pumpernickel. Optionally add caraway seeds if you like – I like them in it.

Yield: 2 slices (1 muffin)
Nutritional Information (per slice):
6.2g total carbs, 4.9g fiber, 1.3g net carbs, 6g protein, 13g fat, 146 calories
Loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids.

This recipe is an adaptation of AnnieP’s version of One Minute Muffin.
(Thank you Annie and original creator of the One Minute Muffin.)


1 tbsp butter, melted
1 egg
2 tbsp flax seed meal – I use freshly ground from spice grinder
1/2 tbsp coconut flour
salt to taste (a dash or two)
1⁄2 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp cocoa powder (e.g. Hershey’s)
1/4 tsp instant coffee crystals
5 drops of liquid stevia
caraway seeds to taste (optional)


  1. combine melted butter and egg in microwave safe ramekin
  2. mix in one ingredient at a time, scraping sides
  3. microwave for 1 minute (on high)
  4. remove the muffin from ramekin and let cool a bit on a rack
  5. slice in half along the horizontal
  6. let cool on rack for a minute or two

Enjoy! Let me know what you think! To me it tastes virtually identical to the dark colored, moist, nutty, grainy, lightly sweet bread. I also love the caraway seeds in it! It was so heavenly, with absolutely no hint of egg taste. This is my new favorite for now. (I didn’t toast mine.)

This was my first try at this, and I got lucky with the results. I might tweak this recipe here and there in the future – feel free to comment on how I could improve it further. If I later modify this recipe, I’ll post a reply to this thread with the changes.



Vintage Ladies Keto Klub
What did you Keto today?

That looks nice!


Thank you Wishbone. I promise you it tastes as good as it looks, unlike many other bread recipes I’ve tried.

If you like moist, nutty, grainy & subtly sweet bread with similar flavor profile to dark rye (without the rye), along with optional caraway seeds, while not tasting of egg/sulphur, then this ought to please your taste buds.


I used to really like flax, but now it makes me throw up. I don’t know why, but it really aggravates my stomach. I have oat fiber, but I don’t think that would work?


You could try it. I am not sure. I’ve never used oat fiber. Another alternative is freshly ground chia seeds (in spice grinder)


Just made the recipe in a square ramekin. Left out the coffee crystals as I don’t have any instant. Toasted, this is pretty darn close to the pumpernickel rye I loved as a kid. Enjoying the memories of eating sandwiches with my grandfather, always braunschweiger and mayo with fresh tomato slices. Thanks!


Cambium29, I am glad you liked it. :slight_smile: Can you share where you got the square ramekin? I want one!

Thanks for sharing those precious memories of your grandfather. Thinking about my dad now and the things we did together.

Thanks again.


Thrift store! It’s clear glass almost the perfect size and shape of a bread slice. Information on the bottom says “Glasslock”. I’m almost certain it was a storage container with a missing lid. I hope that helps.


This was fabulous!
I was so excited to eat it that I didn’t take time to pop it in toaster oven but I will try that tomorrow. I had all ingredients except caraway seeds which I love so will pick some up next grocery trip. I sliced, buttered and sprinkled sesame seeds on top. Delicious and filling! Next time I will toast, add Dijon and liverwurst. I’m sure that will be tomorrow! Thank you Jennifer!


Phoebe, happy you like it :). Dijon and liverwurst sounds yummy!

(Madge Boldt) #11

This is very good!!! Thank you for posting this recipe. I made it exactly as specified except I didn’t have caraway seeds. Will get some of those for next time. I used my “rye” muffin as a hamburger bun. Boy am I full now!

I’m about two months in on Keto. This will help me stay on track for sure. I tried cloud bread and don’t really care for it as bread, but it makes fabulous french toast!


Hamburger… that sounds delish! I am going to make a hamburger tomorrow with this recipe to try it out as well :slight_smile: Glad you like it! I’ve tried different egg based breads and they all tasted too eggy for me, but this one doesn’t at least. I adapted it from One Minute Muffin – thanks to the original creator of that :slight_smile:

(Madge Boldt) #13

I used to make that one-minute flax muffin during my low carb days. Always good. But your variation is wonderful.

Speaking of variations… was so happy with the rye result last night that my day meal today was gingerbread. You guessed it… another variation. Instead of cocoa and coffee, I added:
1/2 tsp cocoa
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger (I think needs more. Will try 1.5 tsp next time)
pinch clove
And because I wanted it sweet, I put in 1.5 tsp xylitol.
Serve with… butter! I ate that at 9am and was happy not to eat again until 6pm.

PS - my microwave still smells like cinnamon. Quite nice.


Madge_Boldt, oh nice… Imma gonna try that gingerbread muffin some day soon :). Maybe slice in half and toast and then eat for breakfast, buttered. Mmmm.

(Becky) #15

This bread looks wonderful! Has anyone tried grinding flax seed in the nutribullet? I wanna make this, now! Lol

(Jane Reed) #16

Becky, I’ve always ground my flax seed in a coffee grinder. Probably a magic bullet would work the same.

(John B) #17

Magic bullet does in fact work the same!

(Candy Lind) #18

I made this and used it for an open-face breakfast sandwich this morning. :+1:t2:

I’m definitely going to keep the “gingerbread” version in mind - hubby LOVES gingerbread. Now I just need to get him to use something low carb instead of the ice cold milk he used to drink with it. :grin:


Looks so great. Does anyone have a non-microwave version of this?

(Stan Brooks) #20

I need to try this.