Dairy Free April

(Jacquie) #41

BTW, don’t miss dairy. :slight_smile:


Worst problem so far was a dream last night where I was ordering a salad with blue cheese dressing and remembered that roughly 50% of most recipes includes sour cream and I woke up feeling bad remembering that it is “Dairy Free April”. :laughing:


I had an unexpected trip to Olive Garden where I normally get an order of Alfredo sauce to go with the sausage and parmesean-crusted zucchini, but instead I just got the sausage, so still no dairy. :smile:

Even though there’s plenty of allergens in the air, I’m doing well without the dairy and have fewer headaches and little to no sinus congestion despite being allergic to many of the outdoor plants here in Florida, USA.

I’m allergic to every grass they tested, as well as many common weeds, and palm trees! Fortunately not oak trees and that’s what we have on our property. I didn’t have an “allergic” response to dairy, eggs, cats, dogs, dust, etc., but an allergy isn’t the same thing as an “intolerance”, so I still think I have issues with most dairy.

(Kathy L) #44

Hi all! I started the month thinking I’d try dairy free thinking I may be sensitive to it, but ultimately decided to wait for testing results. What I discovered was that I was NOT sensitive to dairy - but WAS highly sensitive to eggs & almonds (and sugar cane, among some others)!! Blow me away! Eggs & almonds were not even on my radar and will change the way I eat. I’ve got a lot of readjusting to do - as eggs & almonds were very frequent foods in my life! :frowning: I’ve started another topic under food about immunological reactions to food allergens, and could use some suggestions on important things like fathead pizza! :wink:
Here’s the link if you want to see the “rest” of what I’m sensitive to, if you’d like to take a gander.

I was SO sure that I wasn’t sensitive to anything!


Just teasing you buddy…


No worries! :wink:

…I did say that some hard cheese would be allowed in my Dairy Free April, so…

I think the Kerrygold Reserve Cheddar in my refrigerator learned to talk, and after “listening” to it call me for the last couple of days, I added an ounce to my eggs this morning!

I’m not missing the HWC or the straight sour cream, but I really miss my keto blue cheese dressing.

I also made the Pork Rind Waffles, but I did substitute coconut/almond creamer for the HWC and they came out just great without it.

(Jacquie) #47

Kathy, I think you mentioned in your other thread that the testing was done by blood. If so and it was an IgG test, it’s controversial. I thought you might want to read the science regarding it. Here’s a link. It’s interesting.

(Jacquie) #48

Been dairy free almost half the month and things are going well. Gave up AS’s over a month ago and that went well, too. My n=1 tells me, for now, that I feel better (no bloat, sluggish feeling) without dairy and AS. One symptom I had that is gone is a bit of a low blood sugar feeling usually after a mid-day meal. This meal is zero to under 5 carbs. It seemed to occur if I used AS with the previous night’s meal. I know it sounds odd but whatever caused it…it’s now gone. Because I had such a strong sugar habit in the past I wonder whether that reaction to sugar carried over to AS’s and my body was reacting the same way as I did have that symptom when I was consuming sugar. IDK. :slight_smile:

(Kathy L) #49

Oh thank you -it IS interesting. I can say, though, that no vitamin supplements were recommended. It was recommended that I avoid these foods for a month & see how I feel - & go from there.


I just had the most delicious lunch with some vegan friends. They went way out of their way to make a low carb vegan protein salad with avo, kale, tempeh and pumpkin and chia seeds etc. I easily got my 30g of protein and a delicious variety of nutrients…

Of course I bombed the whole thing with an olive oil bottle I had in my bag. :grin:


You know you’re a Dairy Free April ketoer when…


(Jacquie) #52

Dairy free April is going well. I’ve also been AS free, too, for the last few months and will stay free of both indefinitely. Feeling great without either. :slight_smile:

For old times sake, I made one of my favourite recipes yesterday, Broiled Prawns with Garlic Butter served with baby greens and herbs. The recipe is from the Time-Life Foods of the World series. The series consists of a spiral bound cookbook plus a lovely coffee table book about each individual country. I’ve kept the books as there are some great recipes and memories. I started to collect them as an older teen in university.

Also, stocked up on some dulse. I thinks folks either love dulse or hate it and I love it.:slight_smile: I live in a major dulse producing area, Atlantic Canada. For folks that might be interested in some information about dulse, this is the kind I buy.


My Dairy Free April is improving. I’ve had a few lapses with cheeses. Bought some Gouda and had a fathead pizza. Oops. In my defense, they were both insanely delicious. However, I have eaten tonnes less cheese than I usually might and I feel great for it.

I’ve needed a replacement so thank heavens for Shredded Coconut and Almond Butter. Sometimes I just need a lot more fat very very quickly. I’ve also started dumping MCT oil in my morning tea but to be honest it kind of wrecks it.

How’s everyone else getting on?


I’ve had a few ounces of hard cheeses here and there, but my I’ve managed to avoid my obvious triggers - HWC and sour cream, but I am beginning to miss my home made blue cheese dressing.

(Jacquie) #55

I continue to eat butter and some freshly grated Parmesan of salads with no problem. Finding what works for each of us is the challenge and once you find it, it could change and often does. :slight_smile: I don’t use coconut products that often - the organic refined oil (no coconut flavour) to fry pork belly, perhaps some coconut milk in a curry, that’s about it. My favourite go to fat is butter but I’ve gotten some beef tallow (thanks @fiorella :slight_smile: ) from a local butcher/farm and that’s been excellent, too.

(Jacquie) #56

Dairy free April is going well. Have also stayed AS free, too. :slight_smile:

Just got back from attending Farm and Rural Women’s Day, a yearly gathering of about 120 women from the surrounding area. It was originally called Farm Women’s Day as the purpose was to bring together wives of farmers who didn’t get to see each other very often except at community dinners but since lots of folks who aren’t farmers have moved into the area, they’ve added the word ‘rural’. The networking was excellent. My favourite speakers were the farmers - this year one farmer (family farm) spoke about growing all kinds of organic greens in greenhouses and a local innovative women spoke about turning flax into linen. She also organizes a popular local CSA. She’s high energy and very creative. My least favourite speakers were those from non-profits (who mainly exist because of provincial government handouts) and government (luckily not too many) who use language that makes you roll your eyes. :wink:

Lunch was locally raised pork which was excellent. I had the pork, some real butter and some pecans I brought, jic (just in case). Skipped the potato, gravy, peas, carrots, carrot cake and ice cream. We sat 8 at a table and the women across from me was an obese T2 diabetic, who is on a ton of insulin and ate everything. Both her parents were diabetics and her dad lost his legs to the disease. I know what keto could do for this woman but the vibes and timing just weren’t right. :frowning:


Great job @Jacquie, you’ve been an inspiration to me!

With the exception of missing the sour cream in my homemade blue cheese dressing, I’m getting along well without the dairy and I’m having far fewer allergy issues and less inflammation than typical for this time of year, so I think I’m motivated to find alternatives to sour cream for the dressing. :slight_smile:

I wish I could be AS free, so maybe I’ll try “Sweetener Free May”… :wink:

(Jacquie) #58

The Chart House blue cheese dressing was one of my favourites but I do feel better without it as it was hard for me to stop with a small amount.[quote=“BillJay, post:57, topic:9789”]
so maybe I’ll try “Sweetener Free May”… :wink:

If you do, I’ll join you! :smile: I find it much easier to try different challenges on the forum when we have support from each other.

(Michele Wilson) #59

I’ve been working on staying dairy free for the last 3 weeks. After a few relapses I finally settled into a routine.

First of all I didn’t realize how much dairy I actually ate!

Second of all, I was happy to learn that in most cases butter and cream can be replaced by coconut milk (the real kind - from the can) or coconut oil or a combo of the two. Brenda’s pork rind pancakes work wonderfully with coconut milk (I even fry them in coconut oil!). Also my bulletproof coffee now consists of coconut milk and coconut oil… and it’s just as good (maybe even better!).

Thirdly, I have to stop snacking on nuts! My appetite has increased, I assume it’s because my calories are way down from lack of cheese. I’ve managed to quell my hunger with nuts, but it’s adding more carbs than I want. Currently I’m trying stocking up on beef jerky and boiled eggs; hopefully this will work. Any advice from former cheese-addicts is welcome :smile:


Can be tough on digestion too.