August Fat Burnin'

(Sonia A.) #241

Hi everyone, I hope your fasting or feasting is going well.

I was going to begin a week-long fast today, but I changed my mind. I don’t feel like it’s a good idea right now. I think it’s better to listen to my body and it’s telling me “not now, later”.

For now, I’m still doing OMAD with good success. I lost 1.6 kg (3.5 lbs) the last week, so I’m happy :blush:. I think I’ll continue like that until I stall or until my body is ready for a longer fast.

How are you all doing ?


I am at roughly 42 or 43 hours of fasting. Decided I did not need to eat last night and just continued on. I am going to go forward today fasting with a plan to eat supper tonight. The fall semester is starting this week with meetings scheduled to get us in the proper mindset. I think I will go for a walk during lunch as I don’t want to be around that much carnage. Hope you all are having a great day!

(Sonia A.) #243

You’re so right about associated patterns. It’s really important to analyse our habits in order to break them.

For me too, diet sodas were my go-to when eating a heavy carb meal, like fast food. Now, I try to only have them if I’m craving something sweet and bubbly. But always alone, never with a meal. It was my way to break my habit.


Good morning, and thanks for the “Hurrah!” My FBG as of 0730 was 90, and I’m guessing it will rise some still by 8 or 9…darn dawn phenomenon. Otherwise, kept my carbs at less than 20, protein was about 72g total for the day and fat was…a lot 172g I think?
OK, gotta run, patients await the roving health care nurse. Dear Lord, how I hate giving them the advice regarding cardiac and diabetic “diets”…Ugh!!! I hope this changes sooner rather than later.


OMG…I got a wild hair to do measurements before leaving for work and I have lost 16 inches overall since the end of June, 8 of those in the last month. And I have had some lapses in keto. Happy keto and if dancing!

(Jeremy Storie) #246

I’m going to try for more than 72 hrs this time. Trying to stretch my fasting muscle :joy:

(Jim Russell) #247

Started a fast this morning. I don’t really have any time length in mind. Just going to go by how I feel.

(Sonia A.) #248

Congratulations @irishred, that’s awesome !


(Doug) #249

Started a fast last night as tomorrow it’s in to see the doctor for an A1C test, the first after he diagnosed me as Type 2 Diabetic in April. Fingers crossed.

Always have done this, fasted and been “good” as far as diet in the days leading up to a doctor’s appointment. Probably only ended up hurting myself as I’m thinking it prolonged the period where I was considered pre-diabetic.


Good luck! You should see a 3 month average in the A1C, that is what they say. I bet you will see good things.


I just got an email from Olive Garden, subject line: “Where have you been, Darcy?” I felt like replying and saying, “I’m fasting!” When not fasting, it is possible to eat keto at OG, but it’s just a big pasta and breadstick fest for the kids if we go, which isn’t good for them, so no, we have not been there in a while.

I really hope diet soda isn’t sabotaging me, but I just can’t seem to do this fasting stuff without at least a little. I don’t find it making me hungrier than the usual occasional hunger during fasting, and I am sticking to the Dr. Nally-approved sodas. It just helps me get over the psychological feeling of being deprived. This is the third day, always my hardest (a little hungry, a little bit light-headed now and then), and I have been dealing with thoughts of just quitting, but I want to get to 7 days this time. Today is Monday, and 7 days will be Friday afternoon, so I have a way to go yet. I have managed to avoid any bad headaches so far on this fast, so that’s a plus. Also, no major GI problems entering the fast, which I think shows my body is starting to get used to this. However, I did take some probiotics on eating days, maybe that helped too.

So far, I have lost 5 lbs since starting Friday (I had gained back 2 from the last fast while eating, so back down 5 pounds), and today I had a morning “fasting” glucose of 196… sounds bad but for me I had a hard time staying under 300 on eating days before this month of fasting more often. Fasting days I was usually in the low to mid 200s. But a morning number under 200 is great for me while fasting. Lowest bg on this fast so far was 166. I notice that there is a smaller range between highs and lows, which I think is a good sign. The Fitbit Aria scale says my body fat percentage is going up again (it had gone down a little bit during the eating days). Weird. I better be burning some fat.

I have been relishing how counter-cultural it is to just not eat. Yeah, love that.

(Doug) #252

Thanks, Darcy, I hope so. I used to joke that I was the “poster child” for adult-onset diabetes. It was funnier before Type 2 actually arrived. I shudder to think…

An HbA1c of 5.5% means that your blood glucose has averaged 110 mg/dl (or 6.1 mmol/l) for the past 3 months. A blood glucose of 110 mg/dl (6.1 mmol/l) is the point above which the pancreatic beta cells (that produce insulin) are dying off from glucose toxicity faster than the pancreas can create new beta cells by cell division [Source: β-Cell Deficit and Increased β-Cell Apoptosis in Humans With Type 2 Diabetes]. Stem cells don’t work in the pancreas. When beta cells are gone, you have to inject insulin every day to stay alive and you have become an insulin dependent diabetic.

– quoted from this post:

This really made me think - I am sure I had a lot of time above 110/6.1 for decades before I got to officially diabetic. Poor pancreas. I know we can’t change the past, but reading that powerful statement from the Dudes really “put the fear of God” into me, so to speak.

(Sonia A.) #253

You’re right. It’s sobering to think about all the damage we’ve done to our body. But we have to look at the brighter side. We woke up in time to do something about our condition and to reverse all the damages done. I hope to hear great news from you in the upcoming days. Keep us posted.


And yet we also know Type 2 is reversible, because people who have gastric bypass and many people who fast can get down to healthy A1C’s. I believe healing does happen, somehow. They used to tell me neuropathy is permanent, but my hands are almost back to normal and my feet seem to be improving with every fast. We are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”


Will be looking forward to hearing if you break through to a longer fast. I know they talk about the high on the other side, but 54-60 hours is as long as my body has been happy to go so far.


Congratulations, that is an amazing victory, and dancing is so fun!


Hope your fasting is smooth. Let us know how long you go for.


Indeed we are made just so! Wonderful to hear of your reversal with the neuropathic pain/numbness/tingling. This is just incredibly exciting!


We are good at trying to present our best face for the MD. the thing about HgA1c is that we really can’t fool the test. If you start being “good” in time for it you have 3 months of being good under your belt. Heck if you can be good that long you might as well keep it up because the darn MD is going to want your next bloodwork in 3 more months. Seems rather sneaky on their part. Hmmm, maybe I will just be good and skip the vampire draw… Good luck tomorrow!


That is very sobering indeed. I need to be reminded as often as possible just how serious this all is. The world of SAD eaters is ever present and the pressure to just “cave” can be hard to avoid.

Knowing that this is about our health and that we as individuals can choose to do what is right for ourselves is a powerful truth. And so too, to dispel the myths and ignore the taunts and following this WOE, we can be those who will lead the way for others to find better health and healing as well.

I am so very thankful that I have been shown the way to heal what was sure to be a diagnosis of T2DM