August Fat Burnin'

(Sonia A.) #221

It’s always the cookies for me too :unamused:. Stay strong !

I’m still doing OMAD and it’s so easy. I’m considering fasting for a week beginning on Monday. I’ll see.

I hope you all have a great weekend fasting or feasting.


You are making me laugh this morning. Don’t let the contents of your refrigerator whisper … “Don’t fast, eat leftovers instead”. There will always be food that “needs” to be eaten. The priority should always be YOU. You are more valuable each and every day.

I too struggle with giving up diet coke entirely. I have cut myself back to using it as a treat a couple of times per week, but it has to be at a restaurant (none in the house). Funny thing is I find myself not even drinking the whole glass. But by giving myself permission to have it if I want it the devil in my shoulder generally isn’t whispering poor, poor pitiful me.


Hope your weekend is wonderful also. I so appreciate the encouragement you share with everyone and your great ideas for attacking each day


LOL. I have to resign myself to throwing away avocados that probably won’t make it to next week.

(Sonia A.) #225

You can freeze your avocados. See this article :


Great idea! I often am in the quandary of wanting to eat half an avocado with no one to eat the other half. So I can just freeze it!

(Doug) #227

:smile: Irishred, that is so right on - same here: if I buy it and have it in the house, I’ll just drink it all. On satisfying the craving or that lil’ debbil on the shoulder, I hear you there too - sometimes it doesn’t take all that much; no need to drink every drop or lick the plate clean. Quite a foreign concept to me, but one that bears investigating.

As I figured out that sugar really was not good for me, I started drinking diet pop, lots of Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper. I really thought that the taste of Diet Dr. Pepper was extremely hard/impossible to distinguish from regular Dr. Pepper. My wife hates all artificially-sweetened things, and swore she could always detect it. I figured I’d test it out…

I got some regular Dr. Pepper as well as the diet version. Dumped out the contents of the ‘regular’ bottle and slowly refilled it with Diet Dr. Pepper (so as not to lose too much carbonation). Later that day, I asked my wife if she wanted some Dr. Pepper, and she said yeah. I poured her a glass, over ice, and… Pfft - she knew right away. :neutral_face: :grin:


Thank you for that encouragement! It means so much.


The Vit D and B12 are experimental. When I get my blood done next month the doc may decide to inject me if the pills haven’t worked!


You should know by this stage in your life women have amazing gifts of knowing. Identifying fake Dr Pepper would be a cinch. It is like how we know what are kids are up to. We have eyes in the back of our head. My son was always looking through my hair trying to find the all seeing eye. You just can’t fool us!

My husband had to wean himself off regular soda and it was a struggle. He loved Dr. Pepper and Coke. He was never truly happy until he discovered Dr Pepper 10 which he claimed came really close to the real thing. And then of course the quit carrying it locally. He even went to the distributor for awhile to get it. He just won’ t drink the Diet Dr. Pepper.


The last two days I have done omad. I am sitting on the fence for what I want to do today. I am thinking of doing a fast until tomorrow and restarting my 3 day a week pattern. But if I decide I really want/need to eat I will do just omad again. I am fixating on bacon, bacon, bacon. Did I say BACON.


I am 40 hours into this fast. Water, salt, Berocca, very limited diet soda (so far none but probably will later this morning).

My husband and I watched a couple documentaries last night. One was Facing the Fat, where a guy (smart)water fasted for 55 days. He did a juice fast going in and at the end. I wonder if the fructose derailed him. He gained his weight back twice over, and said fasting crashed his metabolism. I have to catch up on his fb page to see if anything changed in his latest 100+ pound weight loss.

The other documentary was about an comedian who did scientific tests and decided to lose weight. He went low fat. Lost weight, but when we looked up his story, it turned out he had passed away.

Sobering. But I think we are on the right track.

(Jeremy Storie) #233

I’m going to eat a big juicy ribeye this evening and start another fast when I’m done :grin:


Broke my (111 hr fast) this morning w/ 2 eggs scramble, 3 slices bacon and 3 pats of butter. It was lovely.
Checked the 2 hr postprandial BG =83, and blood ketones 3.9. During my fast I had BG readings as low as 57, but never more than 70s. Funny how just that 20 g? of protein can bring your (My) BG up into the 80s, and I yearn for the day when we can check insulin levels at home. I;m so curious about the overall physiological response my body is having at these times.
Sticking with < 20g carbs for sure and will see how the next few days of keto work out. I really think that these longer fasts, and a continued practice of such, is really key to gaining the edge on the evil insulin monster. Of course, that’s what Dr Fung’s work with fasting has shown to be the case already so…I’ll keep at it.
2.5 hours since my break fast and still no stomach “issues”, hooray!

(Doug) #235

Agreed. What was I thinking? :blush:

I still don’t know what to think about diet pop. Do artificial sweeteners provoke an insulin response or not? Some studies say yes, some say no, and not all sweeteners are the same. Compared to a can of what is truly “sugar water,” I can’t help but think the diet versions are better for me. Really have cut them almost to zero, anyway.

(Sonia A.) #236

Dr Adam Nally said multiple times on Keto Talk that aspartame is one of the few artificial sweeteners that doesn’t raise insulin and that ace-k is the worst. Ace-k is in almost every diet soda in the world. In France, it’s in every one. So I limit my intake to one can once in a while and never while fasting.

You can test yourself and see if artificial sweeteners are affecting you. Do a glucose curve like @richard advises.

My biggest problem with artificial sweeteners is the cravings they’re creating for me. And while fasting, they sometimes make me hungry. It’s a sure way to break my fast early.

(Doug) #237

Sonia, good point there. When fasting, it’s only water or else with black coffee or tea for me - never even thought of diet pop. Yet I can see how it would make one hungry…


Hope that ribeye was absolutely devine. How long are you fasting for?


Excellent fasting! The 2 hour post meal glucose of 83 is actually fabulous results. You are doing great. How are you doing today with keto? Is your bg staying down?


I checked the ingredients for diet coke and it does contain aspartame but no Ace-k. It would be fun to do the testing. Maybe on a weekend when I am home long enough to play with it. I error on the caution side mostly because I associate drinking it with eating carby foods. In breaking and forming new habits you need to be aware of associated patterns. Like if you are trying to quit smoking and you always have a cigarette while drinking a beer. You might have to alter your drinking pattern to avoid the trigger. Or in my case avoid McDonald’s. Diet coke and sausage and egg biscuits just go soooo well together.