August 2018 IF / EF Chat ALL WELCOME


Thank you kindly, and interesting video. I was wondering if anything would boost the effects of the fast. Even though I really haven’t had any issues as of yet with any fasting, it is nice to know. … I may have to pick up some regular coffee to do some testing. :slight_smile:

I believe @Janie mention something about Keto-Coffee, I was actually wanting to look into as well. … Before going Keto, I actually drank coffee every day throughout the year. I would drink at least a half pot, to full pot, but when I started keto I simply stopped and went to nothing but water. But as I’ve mentioned, I’ve always drank decaf, so I didn’t drink it for any boost. (But would still like to do some experimenting) Thanks again.

Oh, and also almost 46 hrs. into this fast. But I’m not sure how long this one will go? Friday at the latest, but will see how things go. :slight_smile:

(Jane) #315

Yeah that Keto coffee is instant and has MCT oil and butter in it. It’s kinda pricy - $14 for a small bag but it says 15 servings so I guess not much more than kcups.

I only take it with me when I am traveling out of the country and no access to a fridge to keep HWC in.

(TJ Borden) #316

I’m with you. Weekends are the toughest for me for fasting.


Thanks, Jane. I just remember seeing you post about it, and believe it’s the only time I’ve seen it mentioned. :slight_smile:

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #318

22h feeling good besides of a slight headache. Allowed myself some bonebroth to see if it helps combat caffeine withdrawal.
Woke up at 5.10 (my alarm is set to 5.50) I knew it would make things worse if I stayed in bed. So I got up and doing productive stuff. :sweat_smile:


Ate after 48 hrs yesterday- it’s so weird, once I start eating again it’s like I can’t get enough, had to be very strict with myself! Back to fasting today for another 48hrs, then away for the weekend. At least I seem to be getting used to the slightly longer fasts, & stomach issues with refeeding don’t seem to be happening!

Open Ended Water Fast
(Hoby Bradfield) #320

Thanks Jules, that is sort of what I was thinking. I remember listens to The Dede’s podcast about fasting, and I think Carl did a couple of days feasting before a 3 day fast… around my house the weekend is a great time to feast, then do a 2 day fast…


This is me too. I get up at 5 am, but when fasting, it seems to get me up early too. Usually between 4:15 to 4:45 am, so I just get up and start moving around. I know getting back in bed would be futile. :slight_smile:

Nearly 62 hrs. in presently. Still not sure when I will be breaking? Feeling fine and since I’m taking off Thursday & Friday, I will have a nice long 5-day weekend to look forward to.

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #322

didn’t have that in a while though… but today I was woken by a nightmare actually :rofl:
not really the horrifying kind, more the embarrassing kind :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

But I really enjoy being productive so this was an amazing way to start the day. 30h feeling good, right now I feel like extending my 36h to 48 maybe…

coffee free so far, not falling asleep at my desk so that is awesome…

(Allie) #323

I normally get up at 5am but today woke at 430 so just got up too. That extra 30 mins was helpful. Also I made myself a decaf fatty coffee first thing but threw it away as I realised I didn’t actually want it…


Good to hear. If you’re feeling fine, rock on. :slight_smile:

@Shortstuff … Well, I haven’t even made a pot of coffee since starting Keto, and that’s from someone who drank coffee every day, year around. (I went through some coffee, but decaf) But as we discussed the other day, I do want to try some caffeinated coffee while fasting. I was actually planning to run out this morning once I get my folks out, and pick one up. Just hope it doesn’t cause any craziness, like heart palpitations, etc. :slight_smile:

(back and doublin' down) #325

That’s hard core! Thinking that if being keto meant giving up coffee, I wouldn’t have even gotten started!

Chiming in on the early rising thing. I’m a 5/530am person nowadays, ever since my move to Colorado. Maybe the time change? And fasting wakes me up even earlier. Love the productive time (sense of accomplishment to start the day) and the quiet. The moon’s been full/waxing now (waning?) and I tend to sleep less when it’s full.

Sticking with the IDM IF protocol for the week. Today is a 4 hour eating window, so taking a little something to eat for a late lunch and then a larger meal when I get home. Even though I most always IF 18:6, this change is making me think about food more. ugh. Yet, feeling great.

KCFO my thread friends! Have a great Hump Day!


Yeah, not drinking coffee wasn’t planned with the start of Keto for me, it just kind of happened? May have to do with me using both cream and sugar in my coffee, and wanting to cut them out. (Which was actually one equal packet and some powdered creamer) But oddly, I’ve never craved it? … Also 1 equal in Tea’s, so no sugar really.

So, I’m presently sitting back in my office with a 24 oz. Regular ‘caffeinated’ Coffee to see what effects it may have on my fasting? (Which I’m nearly at 63.5 hrs. in) … Not sure if some might consider this an n=1 or not, but if I start bouncing off the walls, or start seeing animations that remind me of the movie, ‘Pink Floyd’s the Wall’ I may not be back on line until someone happens to locate me trying to run the 40 miles back to my house! :smile:

Actually this will be a first for me in a few ways. 1 - The first caffeinated coffee I’ve had in 20 or maybe 30 years, since I’ve always drank decaf. 2 - it’s the first time I’ve drank anything on a fast, other than water.

(Ellen) #327

49hrs but thinking may need to break, hands & feet so cold have had to do a hot water bottle, not at all hungry though, will see how feel tomorrow.

(Ellen) #328

Did you cope with the caffeine high alright?


Yeah, it wasn’t too bad. :smile: I didn’t get jittery or have any heart palpitations or anything, but I did notice shortly later that I was definitely starting to bounce around some. Mostly tapping my feet, fingers, etc. So yeah, I was feeling it a bit. But to be honest, it’s why I never liked drinking caffeine in the first place, so not sure how often I will doing it? :slight_smile: … But just got home & interested in seeing what my readings might be? Currently over 72 hrs.

But that’s strange about your hands and feet. It’s still near 90° here still, so not cool at all. … But I haven’t heard of that one before, but if it’s not normal for you or if it’s bothering you, you may be right to break the fast. Could just be your body signaling you? Or give it some time and see if it changes.


Right now, I’m showing a Ketone level of 2.7, which I don’t think usually I see these levels unless I’m fasting. Not sure if others can get readings like this during regular eating, or if it’s mostly seen during fasting for most or all? I’m guessing some might indeed see these types of numbers if they’re a lot more active? But unfortunately, my job limits my activities, since I do more computer work these days.

Well, hope you do feel better, but again, if it starts to bother you even more get yourself something to eat. You can always go back to fasting. :slight_smile:


Ugh- just woke early dreaming about food! & I feel hungry & jittery… having my coffee & some salt, will see how it goes!
Well done to others going longer!

(I came for the weight loss and stayed for my sanity... ) #332

I broke my fast at 35h yesterday, I was sort of super hungry but then while cooking and tastetesting i was already quite satiated… i should know by now not to break my fast in the evening since it always upsets my gut for a few hours and I cannot get to sleep…

Also I woke at 2.20 this morning… nightmare again… i rolled around until 5 am but i feel quite fine… had a decent breakfast, trying to go for another 36 to 48h fast

My energy levels despite lack of sleep and also the headaches that are barely present suggest that i am over my heftiest caffein withdrawal bump, which feels great…

(Allie) #333

Claudia I’ve found that if I take a digestive enzyme when breaking a fast it really helps with digestive issues, especially in the evening. I just pinch one of the ones I buy for my dog.