Anyone feel like fasting?


(Ellie Baum) #41

I’m with you! Been on my first fast this week. Monday lunchtime was the last meal I had. Hoping to make it to Thursday lunch.

Overall, I’m constantly surprised with how normal I feel. Although I’m a bit grumpy today. I’m hoping that will go away when I hit the two full days mark.

(What The Fast?!) #42

Great job!! I’m 37 hours in and feeling like eating but I don’t think it’s true hunger. Gonna stick it out!

(Siobhan) #43

Ive been trying to convince myself to do another 48 hour but cant be bothered. Decided to focus on increasing insulin sensitivity in cells for the time being instead, which Ill do by 24-36 hour fasts once or twice a week.
Started last night at 6 so Ill be at 24 hours once I get off of work

(What The Fast?!) #44

My stomach just growled SOO loudly! Haha!
I’m using Richard’s calculator to see if I need to supplement with fat at all and I thinkI might, but just a little. Has anyone used that and added fat to compensate?

(Ellie Baum) #45

Yeah, I’m not hungry per se, but man, does everyone else’s food looks soooo good.

(What The Fast?!) #46

My hands and feet are starting to get cold, just had some bone broth with salt (the broth I made is pretty fatty).

(eat more) #47

i have.
BPC all fasts i have done and a tablespoon of hwc in bone broth…first EF only

edit: all were under the calculator target

(What The Fast?!) #48

@Sheri_Knauer How long do you usually fast? Do you supplement any fat while fasting? I know you’re really lean. I’m starting to get a little nauseous but want to try and push through to 40 hours or so.

(Shelley) #49

Andrea. You inspired me the other day and I have now been fasting since Monday night - dinner was my last meal. I’m actually surprised at how I feel! It’s been pretty good. Although I had to leave the kitchen during dinner. My husband and daughter had a huge plate of pasta and my husband poured himself a nice glass of wine. The smell was too much!! I got through it though! I find I just have to keep busy!
Good luck to you. I feel like I’m in this with you.

(Sheri Knauer) #50

For my most recent fast, I was initially shooting for water only. All the others I have done I have had some coffee with a bit of HWC and MCT oil and maybe some bone broth if I felt I needed it. I did make it roughly 18 hours on water only before I felt I needed a little boost and had some coffee with 1 tbsp on MCT and a bit of HWC. That held me over for another 17 hours of water only until I felt I needed another boost of the same coffee to keep going longer. I did have an awesome workout on Tuesday after starting the fast after Sunday night dinner and only having the 2 cups of coffee. The only thing I did supplement with is salt. I keep a small container of salt and a small spoon in my car and put like 1/4 tsp directly on my tongue for a few minutes before washing it down with water. I do that throughout the day. Total fasting was 43 hours. I’m sure Ill get to the point I can do water only since I am on the leaner side (I have no idea what my body fat % is though). I believe you should do what you need to do to make it through longer fasts. When I do supplement,i try to keep the fat calories as low as possible and not include any protein.

(What The Fast?!) #51

Super helpful, thanks! I’m around 40 hours now, I had a small cup of bone broth a few hours ago when my hands and feet started getting cold. I’ve been drinking keto-aide as well so making sure to get salt, potassium, and magnesium.

The reason I’m fasting is partially for autophagy, but mainly because I haven’t lost weight and I’m thinking this might be necessary to bust through my body’s comfort level. I think I may start doing a 36 hour fast every week, but I was going to try to do a fast/feast cycle since @Carl had so much luck with it.

I’m just trying to find stuff that works for weight loss. :slight_smile:

(Sheri Knauer) #52

Im doing it for autophagy as well. This is my 3 week in a row doing a 36 hour (or a bit longer) fast. Sunday has been my feast day and then I start after Sunday night dinner. I wish there was a definitive way to know that you are getting the benefits of autophagy. I usually don’t lose weight when I fast. The only thing is my BG goes low and ketones high. If only my mitochondria could talk!

(What The Fast?!) #53

Same! My BG is in the 50’s and my ketones are around 2.0 (I usually hang around .08).
Maybe I won’t worry about trying to hit some arbitrary # of hours then - my main goal is fat loss, but I’m super competitive with myself and driven by the achievements of others!

(What The Fast?!) #54

Oh man! 41 hours in and I decided to make some coffee with MCT to keep me going…I think I drank it too fast because my stomach is doing gymnastics right now! Whoaaa! I drink MCT all the time without issue, cray cray!

(What The Fast?!) #55

Woo hoo!! 43 hours fasted and about to take a kettlebells class!! Who am I, @Brenda??? (I wish!) I’ll report back later, but feeling good! Took a salt pill 30 min ago.

(What The Fast?!) #56

Made it through my kettlebells class and feeling fantastic! Debating on eating dinner tonight or waiting til lunch tomorrow…hmmmmm… Decisions, decisions.

(Tom Seest) #57

Stopped at 70 hours. Felt mild vertigo while driving.


72 hours and going strong over here, my previous best was 92 hours. Let’s see if I can top it! For some reason day 3 is worse than day 2 this fast. Feeling lethargic and hungry tonight. It’s true what they say, every fast is different.

(What The Fast?!) #59

Good reason to stop!! I’m at 47 now. I’ve done two strength training/HIIT workouts and am so stoked. My longest fast before was 38 hours and I didn’t work out at all. It feels so cool to be able to work out fasted!! I’ve had some bone broth and a Tbsp of MCT but don’t feel guilty at all. I’m about to cook some bacon for my b/f’s dinner, so I may end up stopping at 48 instead of going til 60, but I’m pretty happy either way!

(What The Fast?!) #60

I say push it when you’re feeling good. :slight_smile: