Anyone feel like fasting?


(What The Fast?!) #1

I’m headed back home to Michigan for a wedding this weekend and wanted to get in a quick fast before I go. I had fathead pizza tonight, some Enlightened ice cream (if you haven’t tried it - it’s like Halo Top), and just made a faux hot cocoa with heavy cream. I’d call that a mini-feast, so I figure it’s a good time for a fast! I made bone broth last night for the first time too - so I have that in the fridge if I need it.

So…anyone up for a 36-48 hour fast? My longest so far was 38 hours, I want to shoot for 48-60 this time and it seems a lot easier when you know someone else is doing it with you!

(Jeff Logullo) #2

Bad timing for me… hope you get someone to join you, and hope I can participate in the next one :smiley:

(Tom Seest) #3

I started fasting 35 hours ago…

(Jessika Nilsson) #4

I started fasting approx 45 hours ago, and I’m planning to end it tonight with a nice dinner at about 51 hours :slight_smile: So I guess we’re just kind of out of sync for this one :sweat:

(What The Fast?!) #5

How long are you going?

(Tom Seest) #6

Sometime within the next hour or Saturday afternoon, or possibly next Tuesday night.

I’m fasting to make my heal my heart, so I can’t really give a good, definitive answer. I’m looking for Autophagy, etc.

(Shelley) #7

I’m new to fasting and was wondering, are you fasting with no food for that long? Or are you doing the intermittent fasting - which is something I’m trying to do right now. I started Sunday night and didn’t eat till 2 and then had another meal at 7. Really trying to gauge how my body felt. I wasn’t really hungry this morning - but isn’t it funny when you restrict yourself from something you become obsessed when you can eat again and plan your day around it! Anyway. I have been having a few headaches and from what I have read, it seems normal, but I will increase mag, pot and salt. Anyway, I would love to know the difference if there is one.
Oh and I was planning on doing IF during the week, and normal eating on the weekend for a couple of weeks. Has anyone done that?
Sorry - I truly feel like a fish out of water and I am so grateful to this group because it really does make you feel alone trying to navigate this lifestyle. I greatly appreciate all of your help.

(MakinBacon) #8

I just came off the Zorn fast, so I’m feasting right now. But I’m thinking about doing a quick 36-48 fast sometime this week. I just love the way it makes me feel. :sunglasses:

(What The Fast?!) #9

Hi Snooks, I think most people here do Intermittent Fasting daily. For me, I generally do 16:8 on a daily basis, but if I wake up hungry, I’ll eat breakfast and skip lunch instead. I’m just trying to listen to body.

I started a fast last night and plan to break it Wednesday or Thursday. If I go til Wednesday at lunch time, it will be 40 hours-ish. If I go til Thursday, it will be 60ish hours. I’ve only done one EF so far - for 38 hours. Everyone says that the 2nd day is easier, so I want to try for a full two days!

How long have you been keto? No need to rush into fasting.

(paul ) #10

40 hours in. 48 longest shooting for 72

(What The Fast?!) #11

WOO HOO!! You can do it!

(Crystal ) #12

I’m planning on starting after dinner tomorrow!
So I’ll KINDA be with you? :slight_smile:
I’ll probably do 45-50hrs (breaking fast Friday night)
Or may go to Saturday lunch if I feel good!
Last fast I was HUNGRY - thank God for butter and broth!! :v:

(Shelley) #13

BThanks for your response. See. That’s how green I am. I didn’t know that people did IF long term. I have been doing Keto since January. I went all in. I actually started using a Pruvit product that my friend had told me about because I was having brain fog and I have bad arthritis in my knees. I was pretty much low carb but thought I would give the product a chance to see how it how it would help. I was amazed at how I felt and thought I should just go all in. I still use the product periodically as it’s great for travel or you know those holiday times where the goodies may get the better of you.
Anyway it’s been a pretty great journey. My inflammation in my knees have gone down tremendously and the fog has lifted. I do have more energy and I just feel better overall. I didn’t get into it for weight loss - more therapeutic. But then I started to get bloated. That became a concern. I have added drinking apple cider vinegar with most meals and things seem to be shifting. And then I saw how cut everyone was getting and thought - why isn’t that happening to me? - not that I really need to lose a lot of weight, but around the tummy would be nice. So then I heard about IF and so I’m now trying that out to see what happens.
Probably more info than you need but I love hearing all the stories and I love knowing people are willing to share their journey.

(What The Fast?!) #14

No worries! Are you keeping a food log? You should be able to narrow down what’s making you bloat. For me, I can’t eat a lot of vegetables without getting super bloated.

(James storie) #15

I am planning to start a fast sometime today, if I don’t eat any more today I guess I’ve already started!

(What The Fast?!) #16


(What The Fast?!) #17

I’m going to a TRX (strength training + HIIT) class this evening, fasted. Fingers crossed! @Brenda stories of fasted lifting give me hope!

(eat more) #18

be prepared to possibly annoy yourself with massive energy/euphoria :joy:

(What The Fast?!) #19

You think???

(Sheri Knauer) #20

I just ended a 43 hour fast. The first day is really hard for me. I was going to end it this morning but had some coffee and ended up feeling really good after that. In fact, I had a really good session at the gym today after 26 hours fasting then had scads of energy for many hours after. I probably could have kept going but decided to break it because I had a feeling if I extended it, I would start not feeling well and wanted to break it while I was still feeling awesome. Strange way of thinking but I am still building up my fasting muscles. Slow and steady…