About the Zero Carb / Carnivore category

(L. Amber O'Hearn) #43

You definitely should eat more fat than protein (by calorie)! Don’t get me wrong. But in all the long term ZC folks I know, this just falls out naturally. When I have measured I’m always at 65-85% fat by calorie. 65% is low by keto standards, but I think that’s fine.

Carnivore/Zero Carb January 2017!
(nadine1073) #44

I prefer cohaugs than oysters… I live in Atlantic Canada. My Dad was a fisherman at times in his life… so seafood is my prefered protein :slight_smile:

(Kelly LeBlanc) #45

I read about The Bear on Zero Carb Zen. Great read. Linking here. Hopefully that is ok.

(Kelly LeBlanc) #46

It’s nice to see your face, Daisy! Your dog is beautiful and so are you!

(Kelly LeBlanc) #47

Me too, Nadine. I am from Nova Scotia and my dad was a fisherman. It’s hard to eat seafood when you move away. Living in Texas now and it’s just not as good.

(Genevieve Biggs) #48

The Bear is so great! I’ve been reading through his 137 page archive. Mind opening stuff!!


Thank you. What a lovely thing to say. She is one of 4! The others are big old lurchers and a deerhound.

(Steve Stephenson) #50

The Bear” reports he got his knowledge from Vilhjalmur Stefansson.

Here’s Vilhjalmur Stefansson’s own published report.

At the end of the article is a link to the Bellevue Hospital Experiment report whose last conclusion is, “In these trained subjects, the clinical observations and laboratory studies gave no evidence that any ill effects had occurred from the prolonged use of the exclusive meat diet.”

Interesting Stefansson quotes:

“These months on fish were the beginning of several years during which I lived on an exclusive meat diet. For I count in fish when I speak of living on meat, using “meat” and “meat diet” more as a professor of anthropology than as the editor of a housekeeping magazine. The term in this article and in like scientific discussions refers to a diet from which all things of the vegetable kingdom are absent.”

“We divided up the caribou Eskimo style, so the dogs got organs and entrails, hams, shoulders, and tenderloin, while the invalids, and we hunters got heads, briskets, ribs, pelvis and the marrow from the bones.”

“The danger is that you may reason from this good health to a great longevity. But meat eaters do not appear to live long. So far as we can tell, the Eskimos, before the white men upset their physiological as well as their economic balance, lived on the average at least ten years less than we.”

“It may be that meat as a speeder-up of metabolism explains in part both that Eskimo women are sometimes grandmothers before the age of twenty-three, and that they usually seem as old at sixty as our women do at eighty.”

Today we often argue about quality versus quantity of life, especially in end-of-life contexts.

Perhaps the lack of salt in the diet could have impacted their longevity as a new study suggests and as reported by Dr Phinney at the Feb 2015 Cape Town LCHF Convention:

Here’s a youtube video of Dr Phinney talking about the new salt findings.

Vilhjalmur Stefansson's video interview
(nadine1073) #51

Hi Kelly! Sucks that you’re so far away :slightly_frowning_face: but you get to buy Kerrygold butter at least. None here. Are you from Cape Breton Bye?

(Kelly LeBlanc) #52

Yes, Nadine. From Cheticamp. How about yourself?

(nadine1073) #53

Nice! Moncton, NB. My ex was from North Sydney. Love the Cabot Trail :slight_smile:

(Kelly LeBlanc) #54

I have spent many many days in Moncton. Very nice place.

(Leslie Andersen ) #55

I read that article too! What an interesting man!

(Genevieve Biggs) #56

For those concerned about micronutrients:

(Lauren Malhoit) #57

Has anyone gone zero carb, for at least a month or longer) then gone back to keto or even a higher carb diet? Curious what happens then. Are you less insulin resistant so better off… Or do you gain a lot of weight (both water and fat) because you’re eating carbs again? I’m sure it all depends, any science in this?

(Alex Dipego) #58

Tried a chocolate that’s keto friendly and felt urges. I had to throw the bar away to stop myself from mindlessly eating it.

I think their is a reasonable balance that can be found, just need to test how things affect you. Honestly not planning on veggies anytime soon but have thrown back some cheese stuffed roma tomatoes. Like 2.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #59

Please do!

(Steve Stephenson) #60


there is a comment by esmeelafleur on January 17, 2016 at 3:51 PM that said:

When beef is raised on grains (high in omega 6), very little of it gets transferred into the fatty tissue of the animal.

Does that mean market meat is just as good as Grass Fed and Finished beef, but with a huge cost advantage?

(Genevieve Biggs) #61

In short, yes. The opinion of those eating ZC for several years is that they prefer grain fed to grass fed, which implies for those which have restored intuitive eating, that it is better for the body’s needs.

(Steve Stephenson) #62

Hard to believe grain fed beef is nutritionally better than grass fed and finished beef. Are there reputable studies?