32 day ZC Variable Protein Test


Correct, no supplements or medications. The idea is to see if I get a reaction to any protein…looking for any sensitivities.


Day 10 - Fish

Again still feeling very good and energetic.

Daily Stats:

  1. How does gut feel? Great! No discomfort.
  2. Hunger level? I felt a tad bit hungry in the afternoon before dinner, again. After dinner, I was no longer hungry.
  3. Mood? Awesome
  4. Energy level? Pretty good!
  5. Sleep? Good deep sleep.
  6. Delta weight since start = +2.2 lbs

Today I had fresh BC snapper fish filet with tonnato sauce, link to recipe here.

(Genevieve Biggs) #24

All of your pictures are food porn!!



Haha …not my intention. I try to give pointers on how to cook, doneness of proteins, and other details, because words are just not enough to explain.


Day 11 - Fish

Again still feeling very good and energetic. Very even energy all day.

Daily Stats:

  1. How does gut feel? Great! No discomfort.
  2. Hunger level? Not hungry really. Ate because I had to for this test.
  3. Mood? Awesome
  4. Energy level? Pretty good!
  5. Sleep? Good deep sleep.
  6. Delta weight since start = +2.4 lbs

Today I had smoked salmon timbale (filled with pate made of snapper and tuna).


Day 12 - Fish

Again still feeling very good and energetic. Very even energy all day.

Daily Stats:

  1. How does gut feel? Great! No discomfort.
  2. Hunger level? Not hungry really. But, I am getting cravings to eat a treat of some sort…like a piece of +90% chocolate, or a couple of nuts. Even some crispy fresh vegetables would be a treat. I’m feeling a bit protein’ed out.
  3. Mood? Awesome
  4. Energy level? Pretty good!
  5. Sleep? Good deep sleep.
  6. Delta weight since start = +4.6 lbs

Today, I ate Cod wrapped in cured pork fat

(Joan Hulvey) #28

I really appreciate all of the details. Why do you think you are gaining weight on this plan? Curious.


I started this ZC test right after a 7-day fast, where all I had was water, coffee and tea (and nothing else). I suspect that had a lot to do with it. When fasting, your body goes through autophagy. Then I suspect some rebuilding happens after refeeding. Just a guess.


Oh, by the way…I should also mention, that prior to this ZC test, I lost 12.8 lbs in the 7-day fast. So, regaining a few pounds upon refeed seems reasonable.


Day 13 - Seafood

Again still feeling very good and energetic. Very even energy all day long.

Daily Stats:

  1. How does gut feel? Great! No discomfort.
  2. Hunger level? Not hungry, but feeling like I’m in “food jail”…stuck eating what my test plan allows me to eat with no wiggle room sigh
  3. Mood? Awesome
  4. Energy level? Pretty good!
  5. Sleep? Good deep sleep.
  6. Delta weight since start = +3.4 lbs

Today I ate an italian seafood medley called “Fritto Misto”

(Jacquie) #32

Interesting comment re ‘food jail’. I get it. Considering your knowledge, experience and love of cooking, you’ve created some wonderful zc meals. I’m rooting for you! :smile:

(Joan Hulvey) #33

Got it. So your body is probably primed to gain easily. You are having one meal a day, right? How much protein would you say – are you calculating or are you going strictly by satiety?


I’m targeting 1 gram protein per kg lean body mass. I don’t go over that. Fat to satiety. One meal a day…dinner.


Day 14 - Seafood

Continue to feel very good and energetic. Very even energy all day long.

Daily Stats:

  1. How does gut feel? Great! No discomfort.
  2. Hunger level? Still feeling like I’m in “food jail”. I’m a bit pissed off at myself for putting me through this. I opened the fridge and looked at my cheese in tears…sniff. But, I’m not hungry…just not liking the no freedom to choose.
  3. Mood? Awesome…except for being pissed off with the food testing situation
  4. Energy level? Pretty good!
  5. Sleep? Good deep sleep.
  6. Delta weight since start = +1.6 lbs

I came to the realization that maybe this is what our ancestors lived through. They didn’t have grocery stores lined with everything you could possibly want. Me going through the proteins, and sticking to the test rules, is like being stuck with what nature gives you. Following the seasons, or being content with whatever fish or animal you happen to trap that day. You need to be clever about food preparation, because with whatever little you happen to get your hands on, you need to make the most of it and make it taste good. If you can’t do that…tough! Eat it anyway! Stop complaining!..uhhggggg…it still doesn’t make me stop from dreaming of chocolate…damn I miss chocolate…sigh and cheese…I miss that, too.

Today, I tried to cheer myself up and blended some bacon with my seafood. I also noticed that I ate too little food last night, accidentally. I only had about 150 calories. Seafood is quite high in protein, low in calories/fat, and I find it quite filling. So, I can accidentally under eat. I don’t want to under eat and drive my metabolism crazy. So, I figured pairing shrimp with bacon would be a good idea, getting lots of fat to drive satiety.

For dinner I had shrimp and bacon medley

(Mediterranean Magic! Show me yer...) #36

Given that huge pile of seafood last night, and the tallow, 150 calories is surprising…


I only ate a portion of the seafood because it filled me up. If I go by the nutritional info on the package, it was only 80 calories worth of seafood, and mostly all protein, hardly any fat in it. And I scooped it out of the tallow with a slotted spoon, while it was hot. This is why I made the shrimp with bacon the following night…eating the bacon forces me to ingest pieces of fat, and not just a thin oily coating.

(Mediterranean Magic! Show me yer...) #38

I thought you ate the whole bag lol


Nope…I’ve been meaning to…but, only ate to satiety.

So, I’ve got leftover seafood and shrimp (with bacon) in the fridge now. Me thinks I will be combining with baconnaise to make cold seafood salad, either today or tomorrow.

I have a hankering for scallops, so thinking of doing scallops tonight, and then perhaps the seafood salad tomorrow…we shall see how the rest of my day goes…


Day 15 - Seafood

Ok another day of feeling very good and energetic with even energy all day long.

Daily Stats:

  1. How does gut feel? Great! No discomfort.
  2. Hunger level? Still feeling like I’m in “food jail”. I’m a bit concerned about tomorrow night. Will go out with friends to a karaoke bar…time to party…how will I survive with this test…yikes!
  3. Mood? Awesome…except for being pissed off with the food jail situation
  4. Energy level? Pretty good!
  5. Sleep? Good deep sleep.
  6. Delta weight since start = +1.0 lbs

Today I had seared scallops on a bed of crispy bacon.


Day 16 - Seafood

Again feeling very good and energetic with even energy all day long.

Daily Stats:

  1. How does gut feel? Great! No discomfort.
  2. Hunger level? Not hungry at all…but, tonight I went to a karaoke bar with friends and had a glass of wine :stuck_out_tongue: I know it’s a no no…but, I’ve been in food jail for a while so I’m not feeling too guilty about it.
  3. Mood? Awesome
  4. Energy level? Pretty good!
  5. Sleep? Good deep sleep.
  6. Delta weight since start = +2.4 lbs

Today I didn’t prepare any food…I had plenty of seafood leftovers in the fridge